An Encyclopedic Catalog Of Civil War Photographs, Their Creators, And Their Contents. Purchase And Download Images Starting At 99¢.
An Encyclopedic Catalog Of Civil War Photographs, Their Creators, And Their Contents. Purchase And Download Images Starting At 99¢.
Welcome to our site and enjoy browsing our large collection of high quality, thoughtfully curated and digitized Civil War Photographs!
This site features a large selection of fine quality, carefully restored U.S. Civil War photographs ready for purchase and immediate download. When you click on any of our photographs, you will be able to learn about the content and context surrounding it, including: the name of the photographer, the date it was taken, the location, the person or persons seen in the photo, as well as transports, structures, equipment, military units, sources of documentation and more.
The website now includes every field photo that I have found at the National Archives, the Library of Congress, the US Army’s Massachusetts-MOLLUS volumes, and various smaller collections – currently about 8,000 images in all.
With the bulk of the field photos now listed, I’ll next be tackling the studio portraits. My database that the website is based on currently contains about 5,000 studio photos, with at least that many more acquired but not yet processed, and probably another 5,000 or say waiting for me to download, so, as this is a one-man operation, I’m currently estimating it will take me five years or so to get them all listed. I add new images to the site on a weekly basis, so it’s worth checking back regularly.
For every image, any person, place or thing shown that I can put a name to is listed in the Index, which currently contains over 6,000 entries. WordPress does not have a very robust search function, so the Index is the best way into the site, if you’re not into just randomly browsing.
In cataloging the contents of the photos, I’ve had to become passingly familiar with a variety of subjects like 1860s artillery pieces, or tents, or locomotives. However, I’m not an expert on any of those subjects, I have no doubt made many errors and omissions, and I welcome any constructive feedback from the actual experts.
Sepia tone photos have been converted to black-and-white, and all images have had their brightness and contrast corrected. In many cases, the left and right halves of stereo images found in separate collections have been married to create stereo images unavailable elsewhere. For a lot of the images, various stains, scratches, foxing, negative cracks, etc. have been digitally cleaned up, but I haven’t added anything not in the original images.
The downloadable images are priced from 99¢ to $9.99, based on the size of the file. For many photos, I am offering more than one version for download. If I have the original negative, it is always offered. If I also have an original print that has aged better or is of a higher resolution than the negative, it will also be offered.
Thank you for visiting the website, and I hope you find it enjoyable and informative.
Miles Hai,
What makes this site unique is that once you’ve selected your photos and completed the purchase transaction, you can download and begin using your photos right away!
There are a number of ways to browse our site. If you have a particular topic, location, battlefield, or individual in mind, then we suggest that you click on our “index” page. It is organized alphabetically, so it is easy to find the subject you are looking for. Once you click on a particular item, you will see a gallery of related photographs and can then browse them at your leisure.