
Civil war photo index


100th New York Infantry 100th New York Infantry (Company C) 104th Pennsylvania Infantry 106th Pennsylvania Infantry 107th US Colored Infantry 107th US Colored Infantry (Band) 107th US Colored Infantry headquarters (Fort Corcoran VA) 10th Corps 10th Corps (2nd Division) 10th Corps headquarters (Hatcher's Farm VA) 10th Maine Infantry 10th Massachusetts Infantry 10th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 10th Massachusetts Infantry (Company F) 10th Massachusetts Light Artillery 10th New Hampshire Infantry 10th Ohio Cavalry 10th Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry 10th US Colored Infantry 10th US Veteran Reserve 10th US Veteran Reserve (Band) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company A) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company B) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company C) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company H) 110th Pennsylvania Infantry 110th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company C) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company F) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company G) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 119th Pennsylvania Infantry 11th Alabama Infantry 11th Corps 11th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 11th Corps (1st Division) 11th Massachusetts Infantry 11th Mississippi Infantry 11th Missouri Infantry 11th New York Infantry 11th Rhode Island Infantry 11th Rhode Island Infantry (Company F) 12-pounder Dahlgren rifle gun 12-pounder Napoleon gun 12-pounder Whitworth Rifle gun 124th Illinois Infantry 124th Illinois Infantry barracks (Vicksburg MS) 125th Ohio Infantry 125th Ohio Infantry (Band) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company B) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company C) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company H) 128th Ohio Infantry 128th Ohio Infantry (Company A) 128th Ohio Infantry (Company C) 12th Maine Infantry 12th Massachusetts Infantry 12th New Hampshire Infantry 12th New Hampshire Infantry headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) 12th New York Infantry 12th New York Infantry (Company B) 12th New York Infantry (Company E) 12th New York State Militia 12th New York State Militia (Company A) 12th New York State Militia (Company I) 134th Illinois Infantry 139th Pennsylvania Infantry 13th Maine Infantry 13th Massachusetts Infantry 13th Massachusetts Infantry (Company C) 13th Massachusetts Infantry library (Williamsport MD) 13th New York Cavalry 13th New York Heavy Artillery 14-wheel Railroad gun 141st New York Infantry 141st New York Infantry (Company F) 149th Pennsylvania Infantry 149th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company D) 14th Corps 14th Corps (1st Division) 14th Indiana Infantry 14th Massachusetts Infantry 14th New York Heavy Artillery 14th US Infantry 150th Pennsylvania Infantry 150th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 150th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 153rd New York Infantry 153rd New York Infantry (Company C) 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry 15th Arkansas Artillery 15th Arkansas Artillery (Bainbridge’s Battery) 15th Arkansas Artillery (Duryea’s Battery) 15th Corps 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 15th New Jersey Infantry 15th New York Engineers 15th New York Heavy Artillery 15th New York Heavy Artillery (3rd Battery) 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company F) 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company G) 15th US Infantry 15th Vermont Infantry 15th Vermont Infantry (Company C) 164th New York Infantry 165th New York Infantry 16th Corps 16th Corps (1st Division) 16th Corps (3rd Division) 16th Maine Infantry 16th Massachusetts Infantry 16th New York Cavalry 16th New York Infantry 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry 16th US Colored Infantry 16th US Infantry 170th New York Infantry 170th New York Infantry (Band) 170th New York Infantry (Company B) 179th New York Infantry 17th Corps 17th Corps (1st Division) 17th Corps (3rd Division) 17th Independent Battery New York Light Artillery 17th Maine Infantry 17th Maine Infantry (Band) 17th New York Infantry 17th New York Infantry (Band) 18th Corps 18th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 18th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) headquarters - New Bern NC 18th Corps (1st Division) 18th Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) 18th Corps (2nd Division) 18th Corps Hospital (Pitkin Station VA) 18th Independent Battery New York Light Artillery 18th Massachusetts Infantry 18th Missouri Infantry 18th New Hampshire Infantry 18th New Hampshire Infantry (Company E) 18th Ohio Infantry 18th Ohio Infantry headquarters (Chattanooga TN) 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry 18th US Infantry 19th Corps 19th Iowa Infantry 19th Massachusetts Infantry 1st Alabama Infantry 1st Boston Light Artillery 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery (Band) 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery (Company C) 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery Adjutants quarters (Fort Darling VA) 1st Corps 1st Corps (1st Division) 1st Illinois Light Artillery 1st Illinois Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery 1st Maine Light Artillery 1st Massachusetts Cavalry 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company C) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company D) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company G) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company L) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry headquarters (Edisto Island SC) 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company B) 1st Massachusetts Infantry 1st Massachusetts Light Artillery 1st New Jersey Brigade 1st New Jersey Cavalry 1st New Jersey Infantry 1st New York Cavalry 1st New York Cavalry (Company B) 1st New York Engineers 1st New York Engineers (Company E) 1st New York Light Artillery 1st New York Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st New York Light Artillery (Cowan's Battery) 1st Ohio Infantry 1st Ohio Light Artillery 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Battery C) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Keystone Battery - center section) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Keystone Battery) 1st Rhode Island Cavalry 1st Rhode Island Cavalry (Band) 1st Rhode Island Infantry 1st Rhode Island Infantry (Company D) 1st Rhode Island Infantry (Company E) 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery (Battery C) 1st South Carolina Infantry (US Colored Troops) 1st US Artillery 1st US Artillery (Battery A) 1st US Artillery (Battery B) 1st US Artillery (Battery D) 1st US Cavalry 1st US Cavalry (Company K) 1st US Colored Infantry 1st US Dragoons 1st US Veteran Reserve 1st West Virginia Light Artillery (Battery C)


20th Battery Indiana Light Artillery 20th Corps 20th Corps (1st Division 2nd Brigade) 20th Corps (1st Division) 20th Massachusetts Infantry 20th Massachusetts Infantry headquarters (Camp Benton MD) 20th New York Infantry 20th New York State Militia 21st Illinois Infantry 21st Indiana Infantry 21st Massachusetts Infantry 21st Michigan Infantry 21st Michigan Infantry (Company B) 21st Michigan Infantry (Company E) 21st Michigan Infantry camp (Chattanooga TN) 21st Michigan Infantry Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) 22nd Massachusetts Infantry 22nd New York State Militia 22nd New York State Militia (Band) 22nd New York State Militia (Company A) 22nd New York State Militia (Company B) 22nd New York State Militia (Company C) 22nd New York State Militia (Company D) 22nd New York State Militia (Company E) 22nd New York State Militia (Company F) 22nd New York State Militia (Company G) 22nd New York State Militia (Company H) 22nd New York State Militia (Company I) 22nd Pennsylvania Infantry 23rd Corps 23rd Massachusetts Infantry 23rd New York Infantry 23rd New York Infantry (Company A) 23rd New York Infantry (Company C) 23rd New York Infantry (Company D) 23rd New York Infantry (Company E) 23rd New York Infantry (Company F) 23rd New York Infantry (Company K) 23rd Ohio Infantry 23rd Ohio Infantry (Company I) 23rd Pennsylvania Infantry 23rd US Colored Infantry 24th Corps 24th Corps (3rd Division 24th Corps (3rd Division, 1st Brigade) 24th Massachusetts Infantry 25th Massachusetts Infantry 26th New York Infantry 26th New York Infantry (Colored) 26th US Colored Infantry 27th US Colored Infantry 28th Massachusetts Infantry 28th Wisconsin Infantry 29th New York Infantry 29th US Colored Infantry 2nd Connecticut Infantry 2nd Corps 2nd Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 2nd Corps (1st Division 2nd Brigade) 2nd Corps (1st Division) 2nd Corps (1st Division) hospital (Brandy Station VA) 2nd Corps (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) 2nd Corps (2nd Division) 2nd Corps (2nd Division) ambulance wagon 16 2nd Corps (3rd Division) 2nd Corps Hospital (Brandy Station VA) 2nd Corps Hospital (City Point VA) 2nd Corps mail wagon 2nd Light Artillery US Colored Troops 2nd Maine Infantry 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Band) 2nd Massachusetts Infantry 2nd Michigan Cavalry 2nd New York Cavalry 2nd New York Heavy Artillery 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company F) 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company K) 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company L) 2nd Ohio Cavalry 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery 2nd Rhode Island Infantry 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Band) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company C) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company D) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company F) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company G) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company I) 2nd US Artillery 2nd US Artillery (Battery A) 2nd US Artillery (Battery B) 2nd US Artillery (Battery D) 2nd US Artillery (Battery F) 2nd US Artillery (Battery M) 2nd US Cavalry 2nd US Dragoons 2nd US Infantry 2nd US Sharpshooters 2nd Wisconsin Infantry


3-Inch Ordnance Rifle 30th Pennsylvania Infantry 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company B) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company K) 31st Maine Infantry 31st Maine Infantry (Company D) 31st Pennsylvania Infantry 33rd Massachusetts Infantry 33rd New York Infantry 33rd New York Infantry (Band) 33rd New York Infantry (Company A) 33rd New York Infantry (Company H) 34th Massachusetts Infantry 35th Massachusetts Infantry 35th New York Infantry 36th Illinois Infantry 36th Massachusetts Infantry 36th Pennsylvania Infantry 36th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 37th Massachusetts Infantry 37th Pennsylvania Infantry 37th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company I) 38th Massachusetts Infantry 39th Illinois Infantry 39th New York Infantry 39th Pennsylvania Infantry 39th US Colored Infantry 3rd Alabama Infantry 3rd Brigade Artillery Reserve headquarters freight wagon 3rd Connecticut Infantry 3rd Corps 3rd Corps (1st Division) 3rd Corps (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) 3rd Corps (2nd Division) 3rd Corps Chief Quartermaster's quarters (Brandy Station VA) 3rd Illinois Cavalry 3rd Indiana Cavalry 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company A) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company B) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company F) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company H) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company K) 3rd Massachusetts Rifle Battalion 3rd New Hampshire Infantry 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Band) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company A) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company E) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company F) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company H) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company I) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company K) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry cemetery (Hilton Head SC) 3rd New Jersey Infantry 3rd New York Artillery headquarters (New Bern NC) 3rd New York Cavalry 3rd New York Infantry 3rd New York Light Artillery 3rd New York Light Artillery (Battery B) 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company C) 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (Band) 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Company G) 3rd US Artillery 3rd US Artillery (Battery C) 3rd US Artillery (Battery G) 3rd US Cavalry 3rd US Infantry 3rd Wisconsin Infantry


4-wheel sling cart 4.5-inch Siege Rifle gun 40th Massachusetts Infantry 41st New York Infantry 41st New York Infantry (Company C) 43rd Massachusetts Infantry 44th Indiana Infantry 44th Indiana Infantry (Company A) 44th Indiana Infantry (Company H) 44th Massachusetts Infantry 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company F) 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company I) 44th New York Infantry 44th New York Infantry (Band) 45th Illinois Infantry 45th Indiana Infantry 45th Massachusetts Infantry 45th Massachusetts Infantry (Company A) 45th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 45th Massachusetts Infantry headquarters (New Bern NC) 48th New York Infantry 48th New York Infantry (Band) 48th New York Infantry (Company A) 48th New York Infantry (Company B) 48th New York Infantry (Company C) 48th New York Infantry (Company D) 48th New York Infantry (Company H) 48th New York Infantry (Company I) 48th New York Infantry (Company K) 49th Pennsylvania Infantry 4th Corps 4th Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) 4th Corps (2nd Division) 4th Georgia Infantry 4th Georgia Infantry (Company K) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company I) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company I) stable (Varina VA) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company M) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry chapel (Varina VA) 4th Massachusetts Militia 4th Michigan Infantry 4th Michigan Infantry (Band) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company D) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company F) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company M) 4th New Jersey Infantry 4th New York Cavalry 4th New York Cavalry headquarters wagon 4th New York Heavy Artillery 4th New York Heavy Artillery headquarters (Fort Corcoran VA) 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry 4th US Artillery 4th US Artillery (Battery H) 4th US Colored Infantry 4th US Colored Infantry (Company E) 4th US Infantry 4th US Infantry (Band)


50th New York Engineers 50th New York Engineers (Company H) 50th New York Engineers headquarters (Poplar Grove VA) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company C) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company F) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 51st New York Infantry 54th Massachusetts Infantry 55th New York Infantry 56th Massachusetts Infantry 56th Massachusetts Infantry (Band) 56th Massachusetts Infantry (Company B) 56th New York Infantry 56th New York Infantry hospital (Beaufort SC) 57th Massachusetts Infantry 57th Massachusetts Infantry (Company I) 57th New York Infantry 58th Ohio Infantry 5th Connecticut Infantry 5th Corps 5th Corps (1st Division 3rd Brigade) 5th Corps (1st Division) 5th Corps (3rd Division) 5th Corps (3rd Division) headquarters (Bristoe Station VA) 5th Corps (Artillery Brigade) 5th Corps (Artillery Brigade) headquarters (Culpeper VA) 5th Corps (Cavalry Division) 5th Corps Headquarters (Brandy Station VA) 5th Corps Headquarters Baggage wagon 1 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 18 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 22 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 6 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 7 5th Maine Battery 5th Massachusetts Cavalry (Colored) 5th Massachusetts Light Artillery 5th New Hampshire Infantry 5th New York Infantry 5th New York Infantry (Company E) 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry 5th US Artillery 5th US Artillery (Battery D) 5th US Artillery (Battery D) headquarters (Brandy Station VA) 5th US Cavalry 5th US Infantry


A. B. Hussey & Co. (Jacksonville FL) A. C. Wyly & Co. (Atlanta GA) A. Foulke - Sutler (Brandy Station VA) A.M. Aiken House (Varina VA) A&NC conductors car 1 A&NC Trestle (Little River NC) A&NC Water Tank (Little River NC) A&W Long Bridge Water Tank (Potomac River) A&WP locomotive E. L. Ellsworth A&WP locomotive E. Y. Hill A&WP locomotive O. A. Bull A&WP locomotive P. Stovall A&WP locomotive Telegraph A&WP roundhouse (Atlanta GA) A&WP turntable (Atlanta GA) Abbot (Henry L.) Abbot (Samuel J.) Abbott (A. T.) Abbott (Fletcher M.) Abercrombie (John J.) Aberle (Jacob) Abert (William S.) Abraham Lincoln’s home (Springfield IL) AC&F Bridge (a) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Bridge (b) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Bridge (c) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Burnside Wharf (Potomac River) Accabee plantation (Charleston SC) accordion Adams (army scout) Adams (Axel S.) Adams (Benjamin F.) Adams (Capt.) Adams (Charles F.) Adams (Elisha) Adams (Franklin C.) Adams (George W.) Adams (Joshua W.) Adams (L. P.) Adams (Zabdiel B.) Adams County PA Adams Express Company (Beaufort SC) Adams Express Company (Chattanooga TN) Adams Express Company (Fort Monroe VA) Adams Express Company (Varina VA) Adams Express Company boxcar 65 Adams Express Company boxcar 77 Adjutant General’s office (Chattanooga TN) Adjutant’s Office (New Bern NC) Admiral Foote’s house (New Haven CT) Adsit (John W.) Agar gun Agricultural College (Bladensburg MD) Aiken (William) Aiken House (Petersburg battlefield VA) Aiken’s farm (Aiken’s Landing VA) Aiken’s Landing VA Akron OH AL&H station (Vienna VA) AL&H Station and Office (Alexandria VA) Alabama Albert (Louis P.) Alden (John T.) Alexander (Andrew J.) Alexander (Thomas) Alexander Gardner’s Gallery (Washington DC) Alexandria & Washington Railroad (A&W) Alexandria and Leesburg Turnpike Alexandria Canal Alexandria LA Alexandria Loudon & Hampshire Railroad (AL&H) Alexandria VA Alfred James Hardware and Cutlery (Petersburg VA) Algeciras (Spain) Allatoona Pass GA Allen (Aaron C.) Allen (Charles F.) Allen (David L.) Allen (Edward J.) Allen (Eugene A.) Allen (George Q.) Allen (H. D.) Allen (John A. P.) Allen (Levi) Allen (Mrs.) Allen (Richard H.) Allen (Samuel J.) Allen (William) Allen’s farm (Yorktown VA) Alley (John H.) Allman (Lewis J.) Almshouse (Richmond VA) Alvord (Corydon A.) Alvord (Sylvester D.) ambulance cart ambulance wagon American Telegraph Office (Washington DC) Amerman (William P.) Ames (Adelbert C.) Ames (William) Amory (Thomas J. C.) anchor Anderson (Leonard B.) Anderson (Robert) Anderson (T.) Anderson (William A.) Andersonville GA Andersonville National Cemetery (Andersonville GA) Andersonville Prison (Andersonville GA) Andrew J. Russell’s photographic wagon Andrew Johnson’s Tailor Shop (Greeneville TN) Andrews (George L.) Andrews (J. W.) Andrews (Joseph) Annable (Charles A.) Annan (Frank) Annapolis MD Anthony (George T.) Antietam battlefield Antietam Creek MD Antietam MD anvil Appleton (Nathan) Appomattox Canal aqueduct (Old Town Creek VA) Appomattox Canal VA Appomattox Court House VA Appomattox Manor (City Point VA) Appomattox River Appomattox Station VA Aqueduct Bridge (Alexandria Canal) Aquia Creek & Fredericksburg Railroad (AC&F) Aquia Creek Landing VA Arc En Ciel Arch Street Bridge (Richmond VA) Archer (Samuel) Archibald McLeish’s Vulcan Iron Works (Charleston SC) ark Arkansas Arlington House (Arlington VA) Arlington Mill (Arlington Mills VA) Arlington Mills VA Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington VA) Arlington National Cemetery Corral (Arlington VA) Arlington VA Armitage (Thomas R.) armored gun car Armory Square Hospital (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Central Office (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Chapel (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Ward B (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Ward K (Washington DC) Arms (Capt.) Arms (Pvt.) Armstead (George) Armstead & White Photograph Gallery (Corinth MS) Armstrong Armstrong (Hallock) Armstrong (John A.) Armstrong (Thomas) Armstrong rifle gun Armstrong shell army forge Army Hospital (City Point VA) Army Hospital Chapel (City Point VA) Army of Georgia Army of Northeastern Virginia Army of Northern Virginia Army of the Cumberland Army of the Cumberland Chief of Artillery headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Army of the Cumberland headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Army of the Cumberland Judge Advocate’s office (Chattanooga TN) Army of the James Army of the Mississippi Army of the Mississippi (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) Army of the Mississippi (2nd Division) Army of the Ohio Army of the Potomac Army of the Potomac Commissary Department (Brandy Station VA) Army of the Potomac General Post Office (Brandy Station VA) Army of the Potomac Headquarters Post Office (Falmouth VA) Army of the Shenandoah (USA) Army of the Tennessee Army Wharf (Hilton Head SC) Army Wharf (St. Augustine FL) Arnold (DeWitt C.) Arnold (Elisha) Arnold (Mr.) Arnold (Samuel B.) Arnold (William A.) arrow Arsenal (Beaufort SC) artillery car Artillery Reserve Aspinwall (Lloyd) Assistant Adjutant General’s office (Chattanooga TN) Assistant Quartermaster’s Office (a) (Washington DC) Assistant Quartermaster’s Office (b) (Washington DC) Astor (John J.) Atchinson (Charles B.) Atkins (Samuel) Atkinson (Christopher) Atlanta & West Point Railroad (A&WP) Atlanta Bank (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Cigar Manufactory (Atlanta GA) Atlanta GA Atlanta Hotel (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Insurance & Banking Company (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Lard Oil Factory (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Medical College (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Rolling Mill (Atlanta GA) Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad (A&NC) Atlantic Ocean Atwood & Co. Store (Hilton Head SC) Atzerodt (George A.) Auburn (Culpeper VA) Auburn NY Auburn VA Auction & Negro Sales (Atlanta GA) auger Augur (Christopher C.) Augusta GA Austin (Albert S.) Austin (George F.) Austin (John F.) Averell (William W.) Avery (Edward T.) Avery (Irving M.) axe Ayer (Henry C.) Ayers (Charles L.)


B. F. Smith & Son photographic studio (Portland ME) B. Westermann & Co. Books (New York NY) B&O Bridge (a) (Harpers Ferry WV) B&O Bridge (b) (Harpers Ferry WV) B&O Railroad Depot (Washington DC) B&O Relay House (Relay House MD) B&O Thomas Viaduct (Patapsco River MD) Babcock (Charles B.) Babcock (Grace) Babcock (Herman P.) Babcock (John C.) Babcock (Lucien F.) Babcock (Orville E.) Babcock (William J.) Bache (Francis M.) Bache (Robert) Badeau (Adam) Badlam (William H.) Bailey (Francis S.) Bailey's Crossroads VA Bailey’s Dam (Red River LA) Bain (Peter C.) Baker (1st Lt.) Baker (Henry) Baker (J. M.) Baker (James A.) Balch (Joseph P.) Baldwin (Joseph T.) Ball (Joseph H.) Ball (William) Ballard’s Hotel (Richmond VA) Balloch (George W.) balloon Constitution balloon Intrepid Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) Baltimore Harbor Baltimore MD Baltimore Turnpike Baltimore Wharf (Fort Monroe VA) Band quarters (Governor’s Island NY) Bangs (George H.) banjo Bank of Chambersburg (Chambersburg PA) Bank of North Carolina (New Bern NC) Bank of the Old Dominion (Alexandria VA) Bank of the Republic (New York City NY) Bankhead (Henry C.) Banks (Nathaniel P.) Baptist Church - Colored (Alexandria VA) Baptist Church (Chambersburg PA) Barber (David R.) Barber (Edwin J.) Barbette carriage (center pintle-iron) Barbette carriage (center pintle-wood) Barbette carriage (front pintle-iron) Barbette carriage (front pintle-wood) Barbour (Joseph H.) barge barge Albert Vanslyke barge Alice Louisa barge C. A. Dornfeld barge Corn Exchange barge Ellen Gunson barge Genesee barge H. Coalman barge Jimmy Stepton barge John L. Ristine barge Julia Ann Covell barge Lewis Boyer barge Locust Mountain barge Messenger barge Missouri barge Palmyra Express barge Peter Lindecukle barge S. F. Ladd barge Sunshine barge W. R. Platt barge Winder Hospital Supply Boat Barker (George) Barker (Thomas E.) Barker (W. W.) Barlow (Francis C.) Barlow (J. W.) Barnard (George N.) Barnard (Jeremiah) Barnard (John G.) Barnard album collection Barnes (Dennis E.) Barnes (F. R.) Barnes (Henry R.) Barnes (Lorenzo D.) Barnett barque barquentine Barracks (Sandy Hook NY) Barracks Hospital (Fort at Willets Point NY) barrel barrel anchor barrel chair barrel tap Barrett (Edward) Barrett (James O.) Barrett (W. F.) Barrett (William) Barry (William F.) Barstow (Simon F.) Bart (Charles) Bartels (Henry L.) Bartine (David H.) Bartlett (Albert W.) Bartlett (Edwin B.) Bartlett (Ezra) Bartlett (Joseph J.) Bartlett (Walter O.) Bartlett (William F.) Barton (Fredrick) Barton (Mrs.) Barton (William B.) basket bass guitar Bassett (Edward) Bassett’s house (Murfreesboro TN) Batchelder (George A.) Batchelder (Mayhew C.) Batchelder (Richard N.) Bates (Benjamin F.) Bates (Caleb) Bates (Edward P.) Bates (John C.) Bates (Joshua G.) Bates (Newton L.) Baton Rouge Arsenal and Ordnance Depot (Baton Rouge LA) Baton Rouge LA Battery Abbot VA Battery Bee (Sullivan’s Island SC) Battery Brooke VA Battery Brown (Morris Island SC) Battery Buchanan (Fort Fisher NC) Battery Cheves (James Island SC) Battery Dantzler VA Battery Hays (Morris Island SC) Battery Jeff Davis (Yorktown VA) Battery Kirby (Morris Island SC) Battery Lamb (Fort Fisher NC) Battery Magruder (Yorktown VA) Battery Martin Scott DC Battery Meade (Morris Island SC Battery No. 1 (Yorktown VA) Battery No. 11 - The Citadel (Port Hudson LA) Battery No. 4 (Yorktown VA) Battery Reno (Morris Island SC Battery Reynolds (Morris Island SC) Battery Robinette (Corinth MS) Battery Rodgers (Alexandria VA) Battery Rosecrans (Morris Island SC Battery Semmes VA Battery Sherman MS Battery Stevens (Morris Island SC) Battery Strong (Morris Island SC) battery wagon Battery Weed (Morris Island SC) Battery Williams (Corinth MS) Battery Wood VA Bauer (George) Bay Point Island SC Baylor (Thomas G.) bayonet bayonet scabbard Beacon House (Morris Island SC) Beal (Jessie F.) Bealeton VA Beall (P. Edward) Bean (Capt.) Beardslee (T. E.) Beardstown IL Beattie (David J.) Beattie (George W.) Beaufort Hotel (Beaufort SC) Beaufort SC Beaumont (Col.) Beaumont (Eugene B.) Beaumont (Myron H.) Beauregard (Pierre G. T.) Beauvoir (Biloxi MS) Beckwith (Amos) Beckwith (William W.) bed Bedloes Island NY bedroll Beecher (Henry W.) beef Beidelman (William) Belcher (Allen F.) Belger (Edward A.) bell Bell (Jacob L.) Bell (John) Belle Isle prison camp (Richmond VA) Belle Isle VA Belle Plain VA bellows Bellows (Alonzo J.) Bellows (George H.) bench Benham (Henry W.) Benham’s Pontoon Bridge (Potomac River) Bennett (Edward) Bennett (James G.) Benson (Frederick S.) Benson (Henry) Benton & Brother Storage Bergen (Cornelius P.) Bergstresser’s Photographic Studio Berlin (C. L.) Berlin bridge (Potomac River) Berlin MD Berlin pontoon bridge (Potomac River) Bermuda Bermuda Hundred VA Bernard's house (Fredericksburg VA) Bernhardt (Jacob) Bernheisal (Samuel) Berry (Robert) Berry (Woodbury) Best (William M.) Bethel Church (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Bethesda MD Beverly Ford VA Beverly house (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Biddle (James C.) Big Black River MS Big Black River Station MS Bigelow (George W.) Bill Billings (John S.) Biloxi MS Bingham (Lucian W.) Binghamton NY Binney (Horace B.) Binning (John) binoculars bird Bird (Patrick H.) Bird (Thomas H.) birdhouse Birney (David B.) Birney (Fitzhugh) Bisbie (Capt.) Bisbie (Lt.) Bissell (C. T.) Blackburn’s Ford VA Blackmar (Wilman W.) Blackwood (Mr.) Blacque (Edouard) Bladensburg MD Blagden (George) Blair (Francis P. Jr.) Blair (Francis P. Sr.) Blair (Montgomery) Blair (N. F.) Blake (George A. H.) Blake (W.) Blakely Rifle gun Blakely shell Blakely shot Bland house (Cedar Level Station VA) Blandford Church (Petersburg VA) blanket boat Blenker (Louis) Blenker's Brigade Bliss (D. W.) Bliss (Orlando T.) block and tackle blockade runner Bloody Angle (Spotsylvania Courthouse VA) Blue Springs TN Blunt (Jacob) Bly (Woodbury) Blythwood Plantation (Ladys Island SC) boat Wave boatswain’s call Bogert (P. J.) Boggs (Daniel C.) Bohonon (Daniel W.) Bolivar Heights (Harpers Ferry WV) Bolivar Point (Galveston TX) Bolivar Point lookout tower (Galveston TX) Bollingbrook Hotel (Petersburg VA) Bonaventure Cemetery (Savannah GA) Bond Bonnett (James P.) book boot brush boot scraper Boston Harbor MA Boston MA Bostwick (Charles B.) Botchford (Henry J.) Boteler’s Ford (Potomac River) bottle Botts (John M.) Bourne (William R.) Boutwell (Nathan B.) Bouvier (John V.) bow Bowen (Asst. Surg.) Bowen (Edward R.) Bowen (Francis W.) Bowen (James A.) Bowen (Lewis H.) Bowen (Nicolas) Bowen (William E.) Bowers (Theodore S.) bowl Bowman (Eli E.) Bowman (Henry) boxcar boxing glove Boyle (Robert) brace Brackett (Levi C.) Bradford (J. C.) Bradford (Joseph M.) Bradlee (David H.) Bradley (Amy M.) Brady (George K.) Brady (Mathew B.) Brady's National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington DC) Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery (New York NY) Bragg Hospital (Chattanooga TN) Brainard (G. W.) Brakey (Surgeon) Braman (Walter W.) Bramhall (William L.) Brand’s Art Gallery (Chicago IL) Brandon (John I.) Brandt (Henry C.) Brandy Station VA Bratton (George W.) Brayton (Maj.) Brazee (Andrew W.) brazier bread Breed (Bowman B.) Brent (Joseph L.) Brest (France) Brewster (William R.) Brick Church (Frogmore SC) Bridge No. 6 - Meigs Bridge (Washington Aqueduct) bridge pontoon (canvas) bridge pontoon (wood) bridge pontoon wagon bridge train no. 15 pontoon wagon 337 bridge train no. 15 pontoon wagon 339 Bridgeman (W. R.) Bridgeport AL Bridges (Harlin N.) Bridgman (Sam) Brierfield Plantation (Davis Bend MS) Brierfield Plantation House (Davis Bend MS) brig Brigade headquarters (Fort Lincoln DC) brigantine Briggs (Charles E.) Briggs (H.) Briggs (Henry S.) Brigham (Alfred W.) Brinton (John H.) Brinton (Robert M.) Briscoe (Joseph C.) Bristoe Station VA British Royal Navy Broadway Landing VA Broady (Knut O.) Brock Road Brodhead (Daniel M.) Brodie (P.) Brody (Paul) bronze 12-pounder gun Brooke (Hunter) Brooke Rifle gun Brooke shell Brooke shot Brooklyn NY Brooks (Humphrey M.) Brooks (William R.) broom Broughton (William H.) Brown (1st Lt. William H.) Brown (Beriah S.) Brown (Charles E.) Brown (David A.) Brown (David S.) Brown (George) Brown (Henry L.) Brown (Henry) Brown (Hugh C.) Brown (J. W.) Brown (Jay C.) Brown (O. D.) Brown (Pvt. William H.) Brown (Pvt.) Brown (Robert B.) Brown (Samuel F.) Brown (W. Harvey) Brown (William O. D.) Brown (William O.) Brown (William) Browne (Elbridge K.) Browne (John M.) Browne (William F.) Brownlee (Robert W.) Brownsville TX Bruce-Lancaster House (Richmond VA) Brumm (George W.) Brunell (Jessie) Bryan (Thomas J.) Bryan house (Gettysburg PA) Bryant house (Petersburg VA) bucket (metal) bucket (wood) Buckley (William W.) Bucklin (F. H. A.) Bucklyn (John K.) Budd (Enos G.) Buell (Don C.) Buffalo NY Buford (John) buggy bugle Building 34 (City Point VA) Building 65 (City Point VA) Bull (Nathan C.) Bull (S. O.) Bull Pen (City Point VA) Bull Run battlefield Bull Run monument (Bull Run battlefield) Bull Run VA Bumpus (Everett C.) Bunker Hill Monument (Boston MA) Burdock (Henry D.) Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Washington DC) Bureau of Military Information (Secret Service) Burke (Dennis F.) Burke (Joseph W.) Burke (Lewis A.) Burke (Martin) Burke (Timothy J.) Burkeville VA Burling (Col.) Burling (Mrs.) Burmeister (Francis F.) Burnham (T.) Burns (John L.) Burns (Richard) Burns & Dwyer Billiard Saloon (Atlanta GA) Burnside (Ambrose E.) Burnside’s Bridge (Antietam Creek) Burr (Richard) Burroughs (Jonathan C.) Burroughs (Wilson) Burt (Asahel) Burt (Mason W.) Burton (Henry S.) Bush (William P.) Bussell (Edward) bust Butler (Benjamin C.) Butler (Benjamin F.) Butterfield (Daniel A.) Button (David) Buzzard's Roost Gap (Resaca GA) Buzzell (Andrew J. H.) by Alschuler (Samuel G.) by Anderson (David H.) by Armstead (George) by Bankes (Thomas W.) by Barnard (George N.) by Barnard & Gibson by Barnwell (Edward A.) by Bell (Charles M.) by Bell & Brother by Berger (Anthony) by Bergstresser (Stewart L.) by Bierstadt (Edward) by Bierstadt Bros. by Bixby (George H.) by Black (James W.) by Bliss (Horace L.) by Bonsall (Isaac H.) by Bostwick (C. O.) by Bowdoin Taylor & Co. by Brady (Mathew B.) by Brady studio (DC) by Brady studio (NY) by Brand’s Art Gallery by Brendan Bros. by Brown (George O.) by Brown (Nicholas D.) by Browne (William F.) by Buell (O. B.) by Butler (Preston) by Butler Bonsall & Company by Byers (Abraham M.) by Carbutt (John) by Chase & Hatch by Cole (Roderick M.) by Cook (George S.) by Cooley (Samuel A.) by Coonley (Jacob F.) by Cooper (P. F.) by Corlies (Samuel F.) by Cremer (James) by Cressey (Russell M.) by Davies (John W.) by Dewey & Gibson by Eakins (Thomas C.) by Edwards (Jay D.) by Engle & Furlong by Ennis (George O.) by Fassett (Samuel M.) by Finch (O. D.) by Foster (H. C.) by Foster (Jacob R.) by Fowx (Egbert G.) by French (Herbert E.) by Gardner (Alexander) by Gardner (James) by Gardner & Gibson by German (Christopher S.) by Gibson (James F.) by Gibson’s Photograph Gallery by Gilman (John G.) by Glover (Ridgway) by Gorman (Hugh J.) & Jordan (Thomas B.) by Gurney & Son by Gutekunst (Frederick) by Haas & Peale by Hagaman (Moses S.) by Hall (C. H.) by Harned (Frank P.) by Hart (E. H.) by Hesler (Alexander) by Heywood (John D.) by Hill (Joseph) by Holmes (Silas A.) by Horning (Lewis) by Howe (F. L.) by Hubbard (Erastus) by Hubbard & Mix by Hurn (John W.) by Ingmire (F. W.) by Jackson (Calvin) by James (William E.) by Joslin (Amon T.) by Kent (John H.) by Kilburn Brothers by Knox (David) by La Mere (Thomas) by Lape (G. T.) by Lazelle & McMullin by Levy (C.) by Lilienthal (Theodore) by Linn (James Birney and Royal M.) by Linn (James Birney) by Linn (Royal M.) by Lochman (William J.) by Loeffler (A.) by Lumpkin (E. S. & Company) by Lytle (Andrew D.) by Marsh (William) by McAlister & Bother by McPherson & Oliver by Mead (William) by Merritt (Thomas J.) by Miller (Samuel J.) by Moore (Henry P.) by Moran (John) by Morgan (William H.) by Morse’s Gallery of the Cumberland by Moulton & Larkin by Newell (Robert) by Norton & Luther by O’Sullivan (Timothy H.) by Osborn & Durbec by Pach (Gustavus W.) by Pach Brothers by Peale (Titian R.) by Pearson (T. Painter) by Phillippi (Charles L.) by Phillips (Henry C.) by Philp & Solomons by Plecker (Adam H.) by Pywell (William R.) by Quinby & Co. by Randall Studio by Reading (John T. & Co.) by Reeder (William) by Reekie (John) by Rees (Charles R.) by Richards (Frederick D.) by Riddle (A. J.) by Roche (Thomas C.) by Russell (Andrew J.) by Rutherfurd (Lewis M.) by Ryan (D. J.) by Sawyer (S. W.) by Schleier (Theodore M.) by Schreiber by Schreiber (George F.) by Schwing & Rudd by Seavey (William) by Seibert (S. R.) by Shaw (William A.) by Sheaffer (Samuel G,) by Shepherd (Nicholas H.) by Shunk (B.) by Sinclair (E. W.) by Smith (B. F. & Son) by Smith (William M.) by Squyer (H. Seymour) by Stacy (George) by Stubert (D.) by Sweeney (Thomas) by Thomson (William J.) by Townsend (Alfred C.) by Tyson Bros. by Vannerson (Julian) by Von Schneidau (J. C. F. P.) by Waite (Stephen) by Wakely (G. B.) by Wakely (George D.) by Walker (Lewis E.) by Wallis Brothers by Warren (George K.) by Warren (Henry F.) by Washburn (William W.) by Watson (A.) by Weaver (Peter S.) by Wedneroth & Taylor by Weil (Peter F.) by Weitfle & Wright by Weld (Ezra G.) by Whipple (James A.) by White (Edward) by Whitehurst (Jesse H.) by Williams (Joshua A.) by Williams (Sophia W. R.) by Wilson (Edward L.) by Wilson (Jerome N.) by Wood & Gibson by Woodbury (David B.) by Young (John S.) Byrds Warehouse (Manchester VA)


C. Slager (Jacksonville FL) Cabin John Creek Cabin John MD Cable (John H.) Cadwalader (Charles E.) Cadwell (William H.) Cairo (Egypt) Cairo IL caisson Cake (Henry L.) Cake (William J.) Caldwell (A. Harper) Caldwell (George H.) Caldwell (James) Caldwell (John C.) Calef (Benjamin S.) calendar Calhoun (J. T.) Calhoun (John C.) Calico House (Atlanta GA) California Callanan (Stephen A.) Callender (Walter) Cambridge MA Camden NJ camera camera bellows camera tripod Cameron Hill TN Cammock (James) Camp Anderson WV Camp Andrews MA Camp Baker MD Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC Camp Barry barns (Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC) Camp Barry headquarters (Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC) Camp Benton MD Camp Brightwood (Washington DC) Camp Butler VA Camp Cameron (Washington DC) Camp Carver (Washington DC) Camp Douglas (Chicago IL) Camp Douglass Camp Essex (Elkridge MD) Camp Granger Camp Griffin VA Camp Hamilton VA Camp Jameson VA Camp Letterman (Gettysburg PA) Camp Letterman kitchen (Gettysburg PA) Camp Lincoln (Richmond VA) Camp McDowell (Arlington VA) Camp Meigs (Readville MA) Camp Morton IN Camp Northumberland DC Camp Proctor DC Camp Reynolds WV Camp Rogers (New Bern NC) Camp Salubrity LA Camp Slough (Alexandria VA) Camp Sprague DC Camp Stoneman MD Camp Upton Camp William Penn PA Camp Winfield Scott (Yorktown VA) Campbell (Albert B.) Campbell (Benjamin F.) Campbell (John N.) Campbell (Nathaniel J.) Campbell Hospital (Washington DC) Campbell’s Bridge (Petersburg VA) Canada Canal Basin (Richmond VA) candle Candler (William L.) candlestick canister shot cannon canteen cap box Cape Ann MA Capitol Bell Tower (Richmond VA) Capitol building (Springfield IL) Capt. Ashcroft’s Battery (Morris Island SC) Capt. Benedict’s Storehouses (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s headquarters (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (a) (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (b) (City Point VA) Capt. Clinton’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Capt. Coxe’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Capt. Messenger’s quarters (New Bern NC) Capt. R. G. Shaw’s quarters (Bay Point Island SC) Capt. Strang’s headquarters (City Point VA) Capt. W. E. Merrill’s office (Chattanooga TN) Capt. Worrall's Quarters (Cedar Level Station VA) Captain of the Port’s Office (Fort Monroe VA) Card (Benjamin C.) Carey (Isaac N.) Carleton (Joseph G. S.) Carleton (Ralph) Carlisle Barracks (Carlisle PA) Carlisle Barracks Commandant’s house (Carlisle PA) Carlisle Barracks Officers’ quarters (Carlisle PA) Carlisle PA Carpenter (Emlen N.) Carpenter (John H.) Carpenter (S. M.) Carpenter shop (Fort Hamilton NY) Carpenters’ Shop (Morris Island SC) Carr (Camillo C. C.) Carr (Eugene A.) Carr (Joseph B.) Carroll (Henry) Carruth (Sumner) carrying pole Carter (Miles G.) Carter (Siah) cartridge box cartridge case Cartwright (Edward G. W.) Cartwright (James W.) casement carriage (iron) casement carriage (wood) Casey (Silas) Casimir Pulaski monument (Savannah GA) Caspar Crowninshield’s quarters (Vienna VA) Cass Cass (Thomas) Cassidy (James) Cassville GA Castle Island MA Castle Pinckney SC Castle Thunder Prison (Petersburg VA) Castle Thunder Prison (Richmond VA) Castle Williams (Governors Island NY) cat Catharpin Road Catharpin Run VA Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine (St. Augustine FL) Cathedral of St. John and St. Finbar (Charleston SC) Catholic Church (Beaufort SC) Catlett Station VA cattle Cavalry Corps Cavalry Corps (1st Division) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division) headquarters Cavalry Corps (3rd Division 3rd Brigade) Cavalry Corps (3rd Division) Cavalry Corps (3rd Division) Ordnance Officer and Quartermaster headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Cazenovia NY CC&C locomotive Nashville (15) CC&C Station (Cleveland OH) Cedar Creek NC Cedar Level Station VA Cedar Mountain VA Cedar Run VA Celestino Cemetery Ridge PA Central Gap (Port Hudson LA) Central House (Chattanooga TN) Central Railroad Bank Agency (Atlanta GA) Central Signal Station (Washington DC) Centre Hill Mansion (Petersburg VA) Centreville VA Chaffin House (Chaffin’s Farm VA) Chaffin’s Bluff VA Chaffin’s Farm VA chain Chain Bridge (Potomac River) Chain Bridge signal station (Potomac River) Chain Bridge signal tower (Potomac River) chair Chamberlain (Dr.) Chambersburg PA Chambersburg-Bedford Turnpike Chancellor (George E.) Chancellor House (Chancellorsville VA) Chancellorsville battlefield Chancellorsville VA Chandler (Charles L.) Chaney (Eben) Chapin (Philip E.) Chapin (Robert H.) Chapman (George H.) Chapman (Wilmot H.) Charles A. Humphrey’s quarters (Vienna VA) Charles C. Bell’s photographic studio (Washington DC) Charles City Court House VA Charles M. Kinne’s quarters (Vienna VA) Charles Waldack’s photographic wagon Charleston harbor Charleston Hotel (Charleston SC) Charleston Orphan House (Charleston SC) Charleston SC Charleston TN Charlestown Navy Yard (Boston MA) Charlestown VA Chase (Albert A.) Chase (C. C.) Chase (Salmon P.) Chatham Manor (Falmouth VA) Chattahoochee River Chattanooga Creek Chattanooga National Cemetery (Chattanooga TN) Chattanooga TN Chauncy (Jeremiah D.) checker piece checkerboard Chelius (Charles W.) Cherbourg France Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Chesapeake Bay VA Chesapeake Hospital (Hampton VA) chess piece Chester (Mr.) Chester PA Chester VA Chesterfield Bridge (North Anna River VA) Chesterfield Ford (North Anna River VA) Chesterfield Ford pontoon bridge (North Anna River VA) cheval de frise Chicago IL Chickahominy River Chickamauga GA Chickasaw Bayou MS chicken Chief Commissary of Subsistance office (Hilton Head SC) Chief Engineer’s quarters (Bay Point Island SC) Chief of Artillery’s office (Hilton Head SC) Childe (Lt.) Childs (James H.) Chimborazo Hospital (Richmond VA) China China Glass & Queensware (Atlanta GA) chisel Choate (Rufus) Chr. Witte Sail Loft Christ Church (Alexandria VA) Church Hill (Richmond VA) Church of the Epiphany (Washington DC) Churchill (Seymour) Cigars & Tobacco Wholesale & Retail (Atlanta GA) Cincinnati OH Circular Congregational Church (Charleston SC) circular saw Citadel (Charleston SC) Citadel Square Baptist Church (Charleston SC) City Gate (St. Augustine FL) City Hall (Atlanta GA) City Hall (Charleston SC) City Hall (New Orleans LA) City Hall (New York NY) City Hall (Richmond VA) City Hotel (Alexandria VA) City Point & Army Line Railroad (CP&AL) City Point House (City Point VA) City Point VA Claghorn & Cunningham (Savannah GA) Clapp (T. W.) clarinet Clark (1st Lt.) Clark (A. M.) Clark (Capt.) Clark (John A.) Clark (Lt. Col. John) Clark (Moses P.) Clark (Pvt. John) Clark (T. W.) Clark’s house (Yorktown VA) Clarke (Haswell C.) Clarke (Henry F.) Clarke (Joseph C.) Clarke (Robert) Clay (Henry) cleaver Cleaver (nurse) Cleveland Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad (CC&C) Cleveland OH Clifford (H. J.) Clifford (Nathan) Clifton VA Clinton (Harry) clock clothes iron Clothing House (Charleston SC) Clothing Store (Key West FL) Clough (Henry) Clum (Henry R.) Clymer (Surg.) Coal Dock (Beaufort SC) Coal Wharf (Alexandria VA) Coal Wharf (City Point VA) Coan (William B.) Cobb (John D.) Cobb (Leonard D.) Cobb (Norman) Cobb’s Brigade Cobb’s Hill Signal Station (Chester VA) Cobb’s Hill Signal Tower (Chester VA) Cochrane (John) Cockspur Island (Savannah GA) Cockspur Island Lighthouse (Fort Pulaski GA) Codman (Charles R.) Codori Barn (Gettysburg PA) Cody (Walter) Coehorn mortar coffee grinder coffee pot coffin Cogswell (Leander W.) Cogswell (William) Col. Ira Spaulding's quarters (Petersburg battlefield VA) Col. Michler’s quarters (Petersburg Battlefield VA) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Charles Town WV) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Martinsburg WV) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Williamsport MD) Col. Sanderson’s house (Jacksonville FL) Colburn (Albert V.) Cold Harbor VA Cole (Charles C.) Cole (Daniel) Cole (David) Coleman (Nathaniel B.) Coles & Co. Coles Island SC Colgate (Clinton G.) Collamore (John H.) Colleton Square (Charleston SC) Colley (Samuel G.) Collier (Frederick H.) Collins (G. W.) Collins (Patrick) Collis (Charles H. T.) Colored Folks Church (Beaufort SC) Colt (T. G.) Columbia SC Columbia Turnpike Columbiad gun Columbian College (Washington DC) Columbus KY Columbus OH Colville (William A.) Comings (James H.) Commissary Building (Varina Va) Commissary Department Officers headquarters (New Bern NC) Commissary Department Officers’ quarters (Baton Rouge LA) Commissary Depot (Andersonville GA) Commissary Depot and Bakery (City Point VA) Commissary General of Prisoners office (Washington DC) Commissary Headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Commissary Headquarters (Morris Island SC) Commissary headquarters (Rocky Face Ridge GA) Commissary Store House No. 3 (Hilton Head SC) Commissary’s quarters (New Bern NC) compass Comstock (Cyrus B.) Concert Hall building (Atlanta GA) conch shell Concord MA Concord NH Cone (Andrew J.) Conestoga wagon Confederate Fort D (Atlanta GA) Confederate Fort G (Atlanta GA) Confederate hospital (Cedar Mountain VA) Confederate Powderworks (Augusta GA ) Confederate States Leadworks (Petersburg VA) Congressional Cemetery (Washington DC) Conley (John D.) Connecticut Conner (Freeman) Conner (James) Connor (John) Connor (Selden) Conococheague Creek Conover (W. A.) Constitution of 1812 Monument (St. Augustine FL) Continental Iron Works (Greenpoint NY) Continental Iron Works building ways (Greenpoint NY) Continental Iron Works Monitor Shiphouse (Greenpoint NY) Contraband camps headquarters (Baton Rouge LA) Contraband Hospital (Beaufort SC) Contraband Quarters (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp Barracks (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp Headquarters (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp US Sanitary Commission Office (Alexandria Va) Conway (George) Cook (Asa M.) Cook (J.) Cook (John D. S.) Cook (T.) Cook (William H. H.) Cook County Court House (Chicago IL) Cook House (City Point VA) Cooke and Fassett’s Gallery (Chicago IL) cooking fork cooking pan cooking pot cooking spoon cooking stove Cooley (Orin B.) Cooley (Samuel A.) Cooper (Ens.) Cooper (James H.) Cooper (P. H.) Coosaw River Copp (S. M.) Coppinger (John J.) Corcoran (Michael) Corcoran (William W.) Corcoran’s Building (Washington DC) Cordner (Albert D.) Corinth MS Cornelius (William H.) Cornelius Van Schaack Roosevelt home (New York NY) Cornwallis Cave (Yorktown VA) Corps of Engineers Corse (John M.) Corser (Elwood S.) Cotter (Charles S.) cotton bale Cottrell (Abraham) Couch (Darius N.) County Court House (Spotsylvania Court House VA) County Courthouse (Fairfax Court House VA) County Jail (New Bern NC) Court House (Appomattox Court House VA) Court House (Chambersburg PA) Court House (Charles City Court House VA) Court House (Culpeper Court House VA) Court House (Fredericksburg VA) Court House (Mt. Sterling KY) Court House (Murfreesboro TN) Court House (Warrenton VA) Court House (Yorktown VA) Coverly (Edward) Covode (George H.) Cowan (Andrew) Cox (James F.) Cox (Mrs.) Cox Hill & Co. (Atlanta GA) Cox house (Petersburg VA) Cox’s Landing (James River VA) Coxe (John R.) CP&AL Arthur’s Run Trestle CP&AL Trestle #1 CP&AL Trestle #2 CP&AL Trestle #3 CP&AL Trestle #4 Cracker Castle (St. Louis MO) Craig (George E.) Craig (J.) Craig (Mrs.) Crane (Henry E.) crane car Cranford crate Crater (Lewis) Crater (Petersburg battlefield VA) Crawfish Spring (Chickamauga GA) Crawford (Capt.) Crawford (George E.) Crawford (John S.) Crawford (Samuel W.) Creasey (George) Creeley (John V.) Crenshaw Woolen Mills (Richmond VA) Crittenden (Capt.) Crocker (John S.) Crocker (Joseph C.) croquet ball croquet hoop croquet mallet Crosby (A. H.) Crosby (Pvt.) Cross (Edward E.) Crow (John) Crow Nest signal station (New Bern NC) Crow’s Nest Battery VA Crow’s Nest Signal Tower (Bermuda Hundred VA) crowbar Crowley (Daniel) Crowley (Michael) Crowninshield (Caspar) crucifix Crump (William F.) crutch Crutchfield House (Chattanooga TN) CS Army CS Navy CSS David CSS Jamestown CSS Patrick Henry CSS Robert E. Lee CSS Stonewall CSS Teaser CSS Tennessee CSS Texas CSS Virginia II CSS Vixen Cub Run VA Culp’s Hill (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Culpeper County VA Culpeper Court House VA Culpeper VA Cumberland Coal & Iron Company (Alexandria VA) Cumberland Landing VA Cumberland River Cumming’s Point (Morris Island SC) Cummins (Jacob M.) Cunningham (Andrew G.) Cunningham (Capt.) Cunningham (William H.) cup Currier (Henry H.) Currier (Hugh L.) Currier (John W.) Curtin (John I.) Curtis (Charles H.) Curtis (Hall) Curtis (Newton M.) Cushing (Alonzo H.) Cushing (Harry C.) Cushing (William B.) Cushman (William H.) Custer (George A.) Custom House (Richmond VA) Cutter (Charles E.) Cutting (William) Cutts (Capt.) cymbal Cyrus


D’Orléans (François) D’Orléans (Robert P. L. E. F.) Dabney (Chief Eng.) Dadmun (Josiah A.) Dahlgren (John A. B.) Dahlgren (Ulric) Dahlgren gun Daily Richmond Examiner office (Richmond VA) Daland (John) Dallas (Capt.) Dalton (H. R.) Daly (William) Dam No. 5 (Potomac River) Dame (Luther) Dan River Dana (Charles A.) Dandy (Maj.) Dane (Ablert G.) Dane (George W.) Danforth (Charles H.) Danville IL Danville VA Davids Island NY Davidson (George M.) Davies (Henry E.) Davies (J. Mansfield) Davis (C. L.) Davis (Edward F.) Davis (Jefferson C.) Davis (Jefferson F.) Davis (Nelson H.) Davis (Pvt.) Davis (Varina A. B. H.) Davis (Walter S.) Davis (William N.) Davis (William) Davis Bend MS Davis’ catafalque Dayton (Lewis M.) De Peyster (Beckman) De Peyster (Johnston L.) De Russy (Gustavus A.) De Trobriand (Phillipe R. D. D. K.) Deacon (E. P.) Dean (Thomas S.) Dearing (Charles E.) DeCamp General Hospital (Davids Island NY) DeCamp General Hospital Chapel (Davids Island NY) Decatur IL Deckay (Sidney D.) Decker (Joel) Decker (W. S.) Deep Bottom Run VA Deep Bottom VA Deitz (Philip) Delahay & Kemp building (Alexandria VA) Deleur (Mr.) Dellinger Farm (Williamsport MD) Dempsey (Thomas) Dennis (Paul H.) Dennis (Paul) Dennison (William N.) Denny (George P.) Dent (Frederick T.) Department of California Department of North Carolina Department of North Carolina headquarters (New Bern NC) Department of the Cumberland field office wagon Department of the East Department of the Missouri Department of the Pacific Department of the South Department of the South headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Department of the South Provost Marshal General’s headquarters (Morris Island SC) Department of the West (USA) Depot Commissary office (Petersburg VA) Depot Field Hospital (City Point VA) Depot Field Hospital Commissary (City Point VA) Depot Field Hospital Water Tank (City Point VA) Depot Quartermaster Office (Hilton Head SC) Derby (Charles H.) desk Detroit MI Devall (Francis) Devens (Charles) Devereux (Capt. Arthur F.) Devereux (Col. Arthur F.) Devereux (John H.) Devil’s Den (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Dewey (George) Dewson (Francis A.) Dichman (E. J.) Dickenson (Col.) Dickerson (George A.) Dickey (William D.) Dickinson (David H.) Dickinson (F. A.) Dickinson (Joseph) Diefendorf (C. P.) Dillenback (John W.) Diller (Isaac R.) Dimmock Line Confederate Battery 5 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Dimmock Line Union Battery 4 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Dimock (Gordon Z.) Dimon (Charles A. R.) Dingeldy (William W.) Dining and Sleeping Rooms (Washington DC) dispatch boat Dispatcher’s and Forage Master’s Office (City Point VA) Distribution Barracks (City Point VA) District of Cairo District of Columbia District of Columbia City Hall (Washington DC) District of Southeast Missouri District of West Tennessee Doctor Bunnell’s Embalming (Fredericksburg VA) Dodd (Henry W.) Dodd (Levi A.) Dodge (Grenville M.) Dodge (William L.) Dodge (William T.) Dodge’s Photo Rooms (New Bern NC) Doe (Benjamin) dog Dole’s Brigade doll domino Donaldson LA Donnely (Capt.) Donnely (Mrs.) Donohoe (Joseph J.) Donohoe (Michael T.) Doren (Dennis) Doty (Mr.) double bell wedge tent Doubleday (Thomas D.) Doughty (James) Douglas (John A.) Douglas (John H.) Douglas General Hospital (Washington DC) Douglass (Frederick) Douglass (Helen Pitts) Dover TN Dow (F.) Dow (Robert C.) Dow (S.) Downtown Baptist Church (Alexandria VA) Dr. Durant’s quarters (Beaufort SC) Dr. Gadsden's house (Charleston SC) Dr. John A. Johnson’s house (Beaufort SC) Dr. Lawrence’s house (Fredericksburg VA) Dr. Lupton’s house (Winchester VA) Dr. Semple’s residence (Hilton Head SC) Dr. William J. Jenkins’ plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Drake (Alex H.) Drake (Benjamin A.) Drayton (Percival) Drayton plantation (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation gin house (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation house (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation slave’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Drew (Charles W.) Drew (Edward) Drewry’s Bluff VA Driscoll (Cornelius F.) Driver (William R.) Drouillard (James P.) Drs. Chamberlain & Lyford’s office (Gettysburg battlefield VA) Drug Store (New Bern NC) drum Drum (Capt.) drum major’s baton drumstick Du Pont (Samuel F.) Ducat duck decoy Duck River TN Duff (William L.) Duffié (Alfred N. A.) Dugan (William H. C.) Duke Dunbar (Charles F.) Duncan (Alender P.) Dunker Church (Antietam MD) Dunkle (Aaron K.) Dunlap & Bowdre Supply Store (Chattanooga TN) Dunlop house (Petersburg VA) Dunn (John) Dunn (William M.) Dunn’s house (Petersburg battlefield VA) Duryée (Abram) Dutch Gap Canal VA Dutch Gap VA Duvall (Rose G.) Dwight (William) Dynes (Jacob)


East Battery (Charleston SC) East side barracks (Fort Richmond NY) East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad (ET&G) East Tennessee University (Knoxville TN) Easterbrooks (George F.) Eating House (City Point VA) Eaton (L. Oscar) Eaton (Samuel C.) Eaton (William M.) Eberly (R. Frank) Eckel (John S.) Eckert (Thomas T.) Eddy (Henry M.) Edie (John R.) Edisto Island SC Edisto River Edmonson (Emily) Edmonson (Mary) Edward Haase (Jacksonville FL) Edward White Gallery (New York NY) Edwards (Robert S.) Egan (Michael J.) Egan (W.) Egypt Ela (Richard) Elder (Samuel S.) Eldredge (Daniel) Eldridge (John L.) Eldridge (Norman F.) Elfwing (Nere A.) Eliot (Thomas H.) Elizabeth NJ Elizabeth River VA Elk Mountain MD Elk River Elkridge MD Elliot plantation (Hilton Head SC) Elliot plantation house (Hilton Head SC) Elliot plantation slaves’ quarters (Hilton Head SC) Ellis (Augustus v. H.) Ellis (George A. C.) Ellis (Rudolph) Ellison (Jack) Elliston’s Mill (Mechanicsville VA) Ellsworth (Elmer E.) Elmendorf (Anthony) Elmira NY Elmira Prison Camp (Elmira NY) Elmore (George B.) Elston (William) Elwell (Andrew) embalming pump Emerick (J. H. ) Emerson (George W.) Emerson (John H.) Emery (Cyrus C.) Emmitsburg MD Emmons (George W.) Emmons (John F.) Emmons (W. H. H.) Emory (C. D.) Emory (Edward F.) Empire House (Atlanta GA) Engineer Brigade (Army of the Cumberland) Engineer Department photographic wagon Engineer Depot (Hilton Head SC) Engineer Depot office (Hilton Head SC) Engineer wharf (Washington DC) English (Capt.) Engs (John S.) Ennis (John F.) Entrance to National Cemetery (Gettysburg PA) Ephraim Ponder House (Atlanta GA) Episcopal Church (Beaufort SC) Episcopal Church (New Bern NC) Episcopal Church (Sharpsburg MD) Episcopal Sunday School (Beaufort SC) Estes (L. G.) Estill Springs TN ET&G bridge (Holston River TN) ET&G bridge (Loudon TN) ET&G bridge (Platt Creek TN) Etowah Restaurant & Saloon (Chattanooga TN) Etowah River Euker’s Saloon (Richmond VA) Evans (John M.) Evans Mills Blockhouse (New Bern NC) Evergreen Cemetery Gatehouse (Adams County PA) Ewell (Richard S.) Ewing (Charles) Excelsior Brigade Excelsior Brigade (2nd Battery) Excelsior Brigade (3rd Battery) Exchange Bank (Richmond VA)


F. Geutebruck Tobacco (Atlanta GA) F. Gutekunst Photography (Philadelphia PA) F. V. Streeter’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) F. W. Beers - Books & Stationery Factory Hospital (Fredericksburg VA) Fair Oaks VA Fairfax County VA Fairfax Court House VA Fairfax Station VA Fairfax VA Falconer (Kinlock) Falkland - Montgomery Blair residence (Silver Spring MD) Falls Church (Falls Church VA) Falls Church VA Falmouth VA Fargo (Mr.) Farmers & Drovers Inn (Emmitsburg MD) Farmville VA Farnhold’s House (Yorktown VA) Farnum (John E.) Farnum (Mrs.) Farragut (David G.) Farrar (Henry W.) Farrell (James) Fassitt (John B.) Fay (Mary A.) Federal Fort No. 10 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 11 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 12 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 13 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 19 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 7 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 9 (Atlanta GA) Fee (John A.) Fellows (Enoch Q.) Female Seminary (Petersburg VA) Ferguson (Asa H.) Fernald (C. G.) Fernandina FL Ferrero (Edward) Ferrero’s Division Ferrol (Spain) Ferrol Harbor (Spain) ferry boat ferry boat Cedar Hill Fessenden (James D.) Field (Benjamin F.) field carriage field desk field office wagon fife Fife (George) Fifield (Stephen S.) Fifth Street footbridge (James River & Kanawah Canal) figurine Fillebrown (Henry C.) Fillebrown (James S.) Finlay General Hospital (Washington DC) fire engine fire hose fire hydrant First African Baptist Church (Richmond VA) First Baptist Church (Petersburg VA) First Parallel (Morris Island SC) Fisher (Benjamin F.) Fisher (Charles W.) Fisher (Harvey) fishing reel fishing rod Fisk (Clinton B.) Fiske (Edward A.) Fiske (Marcus M.) Fitch (Atwood) Fitch (Edson) Fitch (Horace B.) Fitton (Robert G. M.) Fitzgerald (Louis) Fitzhugh (C. L.) Five Forks VA Fix (Augustus W.) flag Flagler (D. W.) Flashman (Harry P.) flask flatcar Fleetwood (Christian A.) Fleming (James J.) Fleming (James) Fletcher (Lansing B.) Fletcher (Lt. Col.) Fletcher (Warren G.) Flint (Edward A.) Flint Hill (Knoxville TN) Floating Machine Shop floating torpedo Flogg (C.) Florida Floyd (George C.) flute Flye (William) Fobes (Edward A.) Fogg (Andrew J.) folding chair folding stool folding table Foley (John) Follansbee (George S.) Foller’s farm (Cumberland Landing VA) Folly Island SC Folsom (Norton) Foote (Andrew H.) Forage House (Beaufort SC) Forage Masters Office and Forage House (Hilton Head SC) Forbes (William H.) Ford (1st Lt. George W.) Ford (Edward L.) Ford (John W.) Ford (Maj. George W.) Ford’s Theater (Washington DC) fork Forrest Hall Military Prison (Georgetown DC) Forsyth (George A.) Forsyth (James W.) Forsyth Park (Savannah GA) Forsyth Park Fountain (Savannah GA) Fort at Willets Point NY Fort Beauregard SC Fort Beauregard VA Fort Brady VA Fort Burnham VA Fort Butler LA Fort C. F. Smith headquarters (Arlington VA) Fort C. F. Smith VA Fort Carroll barracks (Fort Carroll MD) Fort Carroll MD Fort Cass VA Fort Chatfield (Morris Island SC) Fort Columbus (Governors Island NY) Fort Comstock (Knoxville TN) Fort Corcoran VA Fort Craig VA Fort Curtis (Helena AR) Fort Darling Chapel (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling Chaplain's quarters (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling officers' quarters (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling VA Fort Davis (Manassas Junction VA) Fort Davis (Petersburg VA) Fort Defiance (Cairo IL) Fort Donelson (Dover TN) Fort Duncan WV Fort Ellsworth VA Fort Ethan Allen VA Fort Fisher NC Fort Gaines DC Fort Gregg (Morris Island SC) Fort Hamilton (Brooklyn NY) Fort Harker (Nashville TN) Fort Harker AL Fort Harrison VA Fort Hill (Johnson’s Island OH) Fort Hill (Knoxville TN) Fort Independence MA Fort Jefferson (Garden Key FL) Fort Johnson SC Fort Lafayette NY Fort Lincoln DC Fort Lyon VA Fort Lyon VA Redoubt C Fort Macomb LA Fort Mahone VA Fort Marion FL Fort Marshall SC Fort McAllister GA Fort McAllister Signal Tower (Savannah GA) Fort McGilvery VA Fort McHenry MD Fort Meikle VA Fort Monroe Post Band Fort Monroe VA Fort Morgan AL Fort Morton VA Fort Moultrie SC Fort Negley (Nashville TN) Fort No. 2 (Fort Whipple VA) Fort Pickering (Salem MA) Fort Pickering barracks (Salem MA) Fort Pickering guard house (Salem MA) Fort Pickering headquarters (Salem MA) Fort Powhatan VA Fort Pulaski GA Fort Putnam (Morris Island SC) Fort Reynolds VA Fort Rice VA Fort Richardson VA Fort Richmond (Staten Island NY) Fort Runyon VA Fort Sanders (Knoxville TN) Fort Schuyler NY Fort Sedgwick VA Fort Sherman TN Fort Slemmer (Washington DC) Fort Slocum DC Fort Snelling MN Fort Stanley (Knoxville TN) Fort Stedman VA Fort Stevens DC Fort Sumner barracks (Fort Sumner MD) Fort Sumner MD Fort Sumter Beacon (a) (Fort Sumter SC) Fort Sumter Beacon (b) (Fort Sumter SC) Fort Sumter SC Fort Taylor (Key West FL) Fort Totten (Washington DC) Fort Totten NC Fort Wagner (Morris Island SC) Fort Walker SC Fort Ward VA Fort Welles (Hilton Head SC) Fort Whipple VA Fort Woodbury VA Fort Zabriskie VA Forwood (W. H.) Fosdick (Stephen) Foss (George A.) Foss (J. M.) Foster (Davis) Foster (John G.) Foster (Robert S.) Four Mile Run VA Fourteenth Street bridge (James River and Kanawah Canal) Fowler (William) Fowx (Egbert G.) Fowx films collection Fowx’s Photographic Studio (City Point VA) Fox (Charles B.) Fox (Charles E.) Fox (Jacob) Fox (Phil) France France (Demetrius J.) Francis (A. N.) Francis (James) Frankford Arsenal (Philadelphia PA) Franklin (Lindley M.) Franklin (W. S.) Franklin (William B.) Franklin House (Chambersburg PA) Franklin Paper Mill (Richmond VA) Franklin Printing House & Bookbindery (Atlanta GA) Franklin Square (Washington DC) Franklin’s Crossing pontoon bridge (Rappahannock River VA) Frederick (George W.) Frederick MD Fredericksburg Baptist Church (Fredericksburg VA) Fredericksburg VA Frederickson (George) Free South office (Beaufort SC) Freeby (Christian) Freedman’s School (Edisto Island SC) Freedmen’s School (Charleston SC) Freeman House (Vienna VA) freight wagon French (Charles F.) French (Daniel F.) French (Frank) French (William A.) French (William H.) French Cemetery (New Orleans LA) Frey (Joseph A.) frigate frigate Osliaba Fritchman (George H.) Frogmore SC Front Royal VA Fruit and Oyster House (Petersburg battlefield VA) Fry (Lt.) Fry (Thomas W.) full-rigged ship Fuller (Charles A.) Fuller (George) Fuller (Thomas P.) Fuller’s house (Beaufort SC) funnel Funston (W. R.) Furey (M. J.) Furness (Frank H.) Furness (William E.)


G. G. Walker’s Photographic Gallery (Suffolk VA) G. J. White’s house (Gettyburg PA) G. R. Mortimore & E. W. Riper Smith & Wright Shop (Bailey’s Crossroads VA) gabion gaff Gafney (Charles B.) Gager (E. V.) Gaines Mill (Gaines Mill battlefield VA) Gaines Mill battlefield VA Gale (Rufus E.) Gallagher (Joseph F.) Gallego Flour Mills (Richmond VA) Galloway (Samuel) gallows Galucia (Warren B.) Galveston TX Gamble (Charles) Gamble (William) Gambles Hill (Richmond VA) Gansevoort (Henry S.) Garden Key FL Garden Key Light (Garden Key FL) Gardner (Alexander) Gardner (Charles R.) Gardner (Franklin K.) Gardner (George W.) Gardner (James) Gardner (John A.) Gardner (John D.) Gardner's Sketch Book collection Garfield (James A.) Garland (Capt.) Garrett (John W.) Garrett's Museum of Fine Arts Garrison quarters (Bedloes Island NY) Garvey (Mrs.) Garvey (Patrick) Garvin (Paul C.) Gary (Martin W.) Gas Works (Chambersburg PA) Gates (Howard E.) Gaw (William B.) Gay (George H.) Gaylord (Williston A.) Geary (John W.) Geissinger (D. H.) Gen. Banks’ headquarters (Port Hudson LA) Gen. Bartlett’s headquarters (Washington DC) Gen. Blenker’s headquarters Gen. Burnside’s headquarters (New Bern NC) Gen. Butler’s headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) Gen. Butler’s headquarters (New Orleans LA) Gen. C. S. Winder’s death house (Cedar Mountain VA) Gen. Carr’s Headquarters (Culpeper VA) Gen. Corse’s headquartrers (Chattanooga TN) Gen. D. S. Stanley’s headquarters 4th Corps (Huntsville AL) Gen. Finnegan’s house - Fernandina (Atlanta GA) Gen. Foster’s headquarters (Fort Brady VA) Gen. Geary’s headquarters (Murfreesboro TN) Gen. Gillmore’s headquarters (Folly Island SC) Gen. Gillmore’s headquarters (Tybee Island GA) Gen. Grant’s cabin (City Point VA) Gen. Grant’s headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Grant’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Hardin’s headquarters (Fort Slocum DC) Gen. Hardin’s Headquarters (Washington DC) Gen. Heintzelman’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. Hooker’s Headquarters (Antietam MD) Gen. Hooker’s Headquarters (Lookout Mountain TN) Gen. Hooker’s hospital (a) (Fair Oaks VA) Gen. Hooker’s hospital (b) (Fair Oaks VA) Gen. Hunter’s Headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Gen. Ingall’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Ingall’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. J. H. H. Ward’s headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. John B. Hood’s headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. John P. Hatch’s headquarters (Charleston SC) Gen. John. H. King’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. Kearny’s house (Newark NJ) Gen. Lee’s headquarters (Gettysburg PA) Gen. Magruder’s headquarters (Yorktown VA) Gen. McClellan’s headquarters (Fairfax Court House VA) Gen. Meade’s headquarters (Gettysburg PA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (Bealeton VA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Pleasonton’s quarters (Washington DC) Gen. Rawlin’s cabin (City Point VA) Gen. S. E. Opdycke’s headquarters (Huntsville AL) Gen. Saxton’s headquarters - Milton Maxey House (Beaufort SC) Gen. Sherman’s headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. Sherman’s headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Slough’s Headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. T. G. Stevenson’s headquarters (New Bern NC) Gen. T. W Sherman’s headquarters (Beaufort SC) Gen. T. W. Sherman’s headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Gen. Terry's headquarters (Morris Island SC) Gen. Thomas’ headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. Thomas’ Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. W. D. Whipple’s quarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Webb’s Headquarters (a) (Culpeper VA) Gen. Webb’s Headquarters (b) (Culpeper VA) Gen. Weitzel’s headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) General Field Hospital (Chattanooga TN) General Hospital (Chester VA) General Hospital Cemetery (City Point VA) General Passenger Depot (Atlanta GA) General Post Office (Washington DC) Gensel (George) Gentry (William T.) George George Blagden’s quarters (Vienna VA) George E. Chancellor’s house (Chancellorsville VA) George H. Smoot house (Alexandria VA) George K. Warren’s photographic studio (Boston MA) George S. Cook house (Charleston SC) George Shanks’s Family Groceries (Petersburg VA) George Washington Statue (Washington DC) Georgetown College (Georgetown DC) Georgetown College Astronomical Observatory (Georgetown DC) Georgetown DC Georgia Georgia Railroad & Banking Company (GR&B) Georgia Railroad Bank Agency (Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Depot (Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Roundhouse Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Workshops (Atlanta GA) German Lutheran Church (Charleston SC) German Reformed Church (Gettysburg PA) Germanna Ford (Rapidan River) Germanna Ford pontoon bridge (Rapidan River) Germantown MD Germantown Plank Road Germany Germond (Henry S.) Getty (George W.) Gettysburg battlefield PA Gettysburg National Cemetery (Gettysburg PA) Gettysburg PA Ghiselin (James T.) Gibbon (John) Gibbons (Abby H.) Gibbs (J. S.) Gibson (Horatio G.) Gibson (James F.) Giddings (Grotius R.) Giesboro Cavalry Depot barns (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot Barracks (Giesboro Cavalry Depot) Giesboro Cavalry Depot Corral (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot grain mill (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot grain wharf (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot hay barns (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD Giesboro Cavalry Depot stables (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Gifford (Haviland) Gilbert (Daniel W.) Gilbert (Rufus H.) Gilbert (Theodosia) Gill (Benjamin F.) Gillespie (Capt.) Gillette (James) Gillmore (Quincy A.) Gilman (Albert) Gilmore (Homer G.) Given (Alexander W.) Gleason (Charles W.) Glendale VA Glenville (Henry) Glenwood Cemetery (Washington DC) Globe Tavern (Warren Station VA) Gloucester MA Gloucester Point VA Gloucester VA Goddard Goddard (P. Lacey) Goddard (R. H. I.) Goff (Nathan) Goldie (William) Gomperts (G. S.) gondola car Goodrich (Edwin R.) Goodrich (W. L.) Goodwin (Richard C.) Goose Creek SC Gordon (Capt.) Gordon (Pvt.) Gore (Pvt.) Gottleib (Col.) Gould (George A.) Gould (John H.) Gouraud (Capt.) Gove (Charles H.) Government Ambulance Shop (Washington DC) Government Bakery (City Point VA) Government Bakery (Washington DC) Government Blacksmith Shop (Washington DC) Government Carpenter Shop (Washington DC) Government Corral (Alexandria VA) Government Hay Barns (Alexandria VA) Government Horse Shoeing Shop (Washington DC) Government Mess House (a) (Washington DC) Government Mess House (b) (Washington DC) Government Paint Shop (Washington DC) Government Plumbers’ Shop (Washington DC) Government Repair Shops (Washington DC) Government Saw Mill (a) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government Saw Mill (b) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government Saw Mill (c) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government stable (Hilton Head SC) Government Stables mess house (Washington DC) Government Transportation Office (Washington DC) Government Trimming Shop (Washington DC) Government Wheelwright Shop (Washington DC) Governor’s Mansion (Richmond VA) Governors Island NY GR&B flatcar 1675 GR&B locomotive Hercules Grace (James W.) Grace Episcopal Church (Alexandria VA) Grace Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) Gracey (William) Gracie’s Salient (Petersburg battlefield VA) Graffum (Stephen) Graham (Charles K.) Graham (Franklin A.) Graham (Henry V.) Graham (Mrs.) Granger (Gordon) Granger (Henry H.) Granite Hill (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Grannis (Charles D.) Grannis (Frederick W.) Grant (Ellen W.) Grant (Frederick D.) Grant (Gabriel) Grant (Ida H.) Grant (Jack) Grant (James R.) Grant (Jesse R. II) Grant (Julia B.) Grant (Ulysses S. Jr.) Grant (Ulysses S.) Grant’s catafalque grapeshot Grave (Emmons E.) Graves (Anthony G.) Graves (George W.) Graves (T. T.) Graves of Mr. and Mrs. George Washington Parke Custis (Arlington VA) Gray (Robert L.) grease bucket Great Dismal Swamp Great Falls (Potomac River) Great Sanitary Fair (Philadelphia PA) Great Western Clothing House and City Bookstore (Alexandria VA) Green (Albert) Green (Capt.) Green (Edwin) Green (George S.) Green (James M.) Green (Warren) Green (William H.) Green-Meldrim house (Savannah GA) Greene (Samuel D.) Greeneville TN Greenhow (Rose O.) Greenleaf’s Point DC Greenpoint NY Greenwood (Richard B.) Gregg (David M.) Gregg (Thomas) Gregg (William M.) Greggs Hill observation tower (Morris Island SC) Gregory (Asa) Griar (M. C.) Grierson (Benjamin H.) Griffin (Charles M.) Griffin (Charles) Griffin (Simon G.) Griffith (John) Grigsby House (Centreville VA) Grimes (Francis J.) Grimsby’s Battery grinding wheel Grove Camp (New Bern NC) Grover (Cuvier) Groveton monument (Bull Run battlefield) Guinea Station VA guitar gunboat gunboat 47 gunner’s haversack Gwinn (Miss)


H. S. Taft property (St. Helena Island SC) H. Wurzburg & Co. (Jacksonville FL) H.G. Judd’s house (Beaufort SC) Habilston & Brother (Richmond VA) Hackley (C. E.) Haddenfield (George) Hafford (pilot) Hagan (John C.) Hagan & Co. (Atlanta GA) Hagar (Charles W.) Hagar (G. G.) Hager (Jonathan B.) Hagerstown Pike Hainline (Allen) Hainline (John F.) Hainline (Sylvester B.) Hains (Peter C.) Hale (Christopher) Hale (George DeY.) Hale (Henry A.) Hall (Hiram S.) Hall (James A.) Hall (James F.) Hall (Jordan M.) Hall (Lt.) Hall (Mr.) Hall (R. H.) Hall (Theron E.) Halliday (Frank S.) Halliman (John W.) Halpin (T. M.) Halstead (Richard F.) Halsted (George B.) Halstrick (Joseph) Ham (J. W.) Hamblin (Joseph E.) Hamilton (Bermuda) Hamilton (F. B.) Hamilton (Henry S.) Hamilton (Louis M.) Hamlin (Charles) Hamlin (Cyrus) hammer Hammett (William E.) hammock Hammond (Lt. Col. John F.) Hammond (Mr. John F.) Hampton (Wade) Hampton Creek VA Hampton Place (Elizabethtown NJ) Hampton Roads VA Hampton VA Han River (Korea) Hancock (Winfield S.) Hand (H. W.) hand fan hand pump hand truck hand-drawn cart handbarrow handcar handcuffs handgun Hands (Robinson W.) handspike (iron) handspike (wood) handspike wrench Hang Rock Point Lookout (Lookout Mountain TN) Hanlan (Joseph) Hanna (Augustus S.) Hanna (Howard M.) Hanna (Robert) Hanover Branch Railroad (HB) Hanover Courthouse VA Hanover Junction PA Hanover Town VA Harbor Master’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Harbormaster’s Office (Alexandria VA) Hardenbergh (Jacob B.) Hardenburg (John J.) Hardin (Martin D.) Harding bolt Harding shell Harding shot Hardy (A. H.) Hardy (Joseph C.) Hardy (William H.) Harewood General Hospital (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 1 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 2 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 3 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 4 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 5 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 6 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 7 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 8 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital water tank (Washington DC) Harper (John C.) Harper (John H.) Harper (William) Harpers Ferry WV Harriet Island (Mississippi River) Harris (William H.) Harrisburg PA Harrison (Carter B.) Harrison (James E.) Harrison’s house (Wilderness battlefield VA) Harrison’s Landing VA Hart (Col.) Hart (Orson H.) Hartenstein (Jacob) Hartford CT Hartley (James) Hartranft (John F.) Hartsuff (George L.) Harwood (Charles E.) Haskell Rhett’s house (Beaufort SC) Hastings (Charles E.) Hastings (Mathew) Hatch (John P.) Hatch (Ozias) Hatcher’s Farm VA hatchet Haupt (Herman) Haupt manual collection Haupt’s torpedo Havana Cigars (Key West FL) Hawk (James A.) Hawley (William) Hawton (T.) Haxall & Crenshaw's Flour Mills (Richmond VA) Haxall house (Glendale VA) hay bale hay hook Hayden (H. J.) Hayden (Pvt.) Hayes (Jefferson D.) Hayes (Lucy W.) Hayes (Margaret A.) Hayes (Rutherford B.) Hayes (Varina H. D.) Haynes (J. M.) Hays (Alexander) Hays (Henry B.) Hays (William) haywain Hazard (John G.) Hazel River VA Hazen (William B.) HB Station (Hanover Junction PA) Headquarters (Fort Richmond NY) Headquarters (Fort Whipple VA) Headquarters for Photographers Bonsall & Gibson Headquarters of defenses south of the Potomac (Arlington VA) headstone Heard (John T.) Heath (Andrew C.) Heath (Christopher S.) heating stove Heaton (E.) Heichold (C. P.) Heintzelman (Samuel P.) Heistand (P.) Helena AR Helt (Louis) Henchman (Charles L.) Henderson (H. C.) Henningsen (Charles F.) Henry (James R.) Henry (John) Henry (Moses B.) Henry (William E.) Henry Clay Memorial (Richmond VA) Henry house (Bull Run battlefield) Henshaw (J. C.) Henton (James) Hermitage (Key West FL) Herold (David E.) Hersom (Nahum A.) Hesseltine (Francis S.) Hesseltine (Mrs.) Hewitt (Charles N.) Hibbard (Joseph) Hibernian Hall (Charleston SC) Hickey (Capt. Thomas) Hicks (George A.) Hide and Fat Building (Cedar Level Station VA) Higbee (1st Lt.) Hildreth (Charles S.) Hill (Alfred J.) Hill (Edwin R.) Hill (Henry G.) Hill (Henry) Hill (John R.) Hill (Sgt.) Hillen (John) Hilliard (Van Rensalaras) Hilton Head SC Hincks (Edward W.) Hines (J. R.) Hines (James G.) Hinks (Edward W.) Hinton (Richard J.) Hiwassee Bridge Blockhouse (Charleston TN) Hiwassee River HMS Dee Hobbs (George E.) Hobbs (Lt.) Hobbs (Wellington) Hodges (John) hoe Hoff (John J.) Hoffman (Henry C.) Hoffman (S.) Hoffman (William) Hogg (George) Holiday (Mr.) Hollis (Abijah) Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond VA) Holmes (John W.) Holstein (Anna) Holstein (Mr.) holster Holston River bridge (Knoxville, TN) Holston River TN Holway (Daniel) Holzchaw (Adolphus) Hood (John B.) Hooker (Joseph) hoop and stick Hooper (Charles H.) Hooper (William D.) Hoover (J.) Hopkins (Henry F.) Hopkinson plantation (Edisto Island SC) Hopkinson plantation house (Edisto Island SC) Hopkinson plantation slaves’ quarters (Edisto Island SC) horn horse horse whip horse-drawn carriage horse-drawn cart horseshoe Hosmer (Francis) Hosmer (J. R.) Hospital (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Hospital (Fort Hamilton NY) Hospital (Fort Pulaski GA) Hospital Depot (City Point VA) Hospital No. 1 (Nashville TN) Hospital No. 10 - Beaufort Library (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 10 - Elizabeth Barnwell Gough House (Beaufort, SC) Hospital No. 11 - William Elliot House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 14 - Lewis Reeve Sams House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 15 - George Parsons Elliot House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 16 (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 2 - Edward Mean’s house (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 23 - Berners Barnwell Sams House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 4 - William Wigg Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 5 (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 6 - Joseph Johnson House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 7 - Edgar Fripp house Tidalholm (Beaufort SC) Hospital wharf (City Point VA) hot-shot furnace Hotel (Appomattox Court House VA) Hough (Alfred L.) Hough (C. L.) Hovey (Solomon) Howard (Charles H.) Howard (George F.) Howard (J. B.) Howard (Nathaniel T.) Howard (Oliver O.) Howell (C. T.) Howell (Charles T.) Howitzer gun Howland (A. F.) Howland (Joseph) Howlett house (Drewry's Bluff VA) Hoxie (B. W.) Hoyt (James M.) Hubbard (E.) Hubbard (George H.) Hubbell (Silas S.) Hubon (Peter E.) Hudgen (John) Hudson (Edward M.) Hudson (John E.) Hudson (John W.) Hudson (Peter T.) Hudson house (Culpeper VA) Hudson River NY Huggins (Josiah G.) Hulbert (William L.) Hull (Lt.) Hull (nurse) Humphreys (Andrew A.) Humphreys (Charles A.) Humphreys (H. H.) Humphreys (Patrick H.) Hunkins (Seth C.) Hunt (Henry J.) Hunt (J. F.) Hunt (Josiah F.) Hunt (L.) Hunter (David) Hunting Creek Bridge (Alexandria VA) Hunting Creek Bridge blockhouse (Alexandria VA) Hunting Creek VA Hunting Water Creek TN Huntress (Wilbur H.) Huntsville AL Hurd (Anson) Hurlbert (Capt.) Hurst (Frederick) Husted (Albert N.) Hutchings (William V.) Hutchins (B. T.) Hutchins (Robert A.) Hutton (Maj.) Huyck (Maynard A.) Huyler (Pvt.) Hyde (Thomas W.) Hygeia Dining Saloon (Fort Monroe VA) Hylands (Thomas)


J. C. Hendrix & Co. Furniture (Atlanta GA) J. D. Pope’s house (Beaufort SC) J. E. Adger & Co. (Charleston SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation church (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation gin house (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation house (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation slaves chapel (Port Royal Island SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation slaves quarters (Beaufort SC) J. L. Cowling’s Gallery (New Bern NC) J. P. Emerson house (Alexandria VA) J. P. J. Debeck (Chattanooga TN) J. R. Moence Stoves & Tin Ware (Atlanta GA) J. W. Collins & Co. (Beaufort SC) Jackman (Lemuel A.) jackscrew Jackson (Eben) Jackson (John H.) Jackson (Mr.) Jackson (Richard H.) Jackson (T. M.) Jackson (Thomas J.) Jackson (Thomas) Jackson Barracks (Baton Rouge LA) Jacksonville FL Jacksonville Market (Jacksonville FL) Jail (Charles City Court House VA) James bolt James Earle McClees gallery (Washington DC) James Island SC James K. Polk’s Tomb (Nashville TN) James Monroe’s Tomb (Richmond VA) James Rifle gun James River James River and Kanawha Canal VA Jane (Capt.) Janes (Henry W.) Janvrin (Joseph E.) Jarves (Horatio D.) Jastram (Pardon S.) Jay (William) Jeffers (William Nicholson) Jefferson Davis house (Richmond VA) Jefferson Rock WV Jeffery (John A.) Jeffrey (John H.) Jencks (Elias M.) Jericho Mills (Jericho Mills VA) Jericho Mills pontoon bridge (North Anna River VA) Jericho Mills VA Jewell (T. F.) Jewett (Alonzo W.) Jewett (Charles C.) Jewett (Frank M.) John John Baker house (Beaufort SC) John Brown’s Fort (Harpers Ferry WV) John Burns house (Gettysburg PA) John C. Calhoun’s tomb (Charleston SC) John C. Howard’s Stables & Restaurant (Washington DC) John G. Barnwell’s house (Beaufort SC) John H. Kent’s photographic studio (Rochester NY) John Ross House (Ringgold GA) John S. Fyler's Store (Beaufort SC) John Smith house (Beaufort SC) John W. Hurn’s photographic studio (Philadelphia PA) Johnson (Andrew) Johnson (Edward S.) Johnson (Eldridge M.) Johnson (G. E.) Johnson (G. M. L.) Johnson (George H.) Johnson (J. J.) Johnson (Pvt. William) Johnson (Seth F.) Johnson (Seth W.) Johnson (Surg. William) Johnson (W. G.) Johnson (Walter) Johnson (William H.) Johnson’s Island OH Johnson’s Mill (Petersburg VA) Johnsonville Supply Depot (Johnsonville TN) Johnsonville TN Johnston (Joseph E.) Johnston (T. P.) Johnston (William V.) Johnstone (Robert L.) Jones (D. B.) Jones (Edwin R.) Jones (H. Dwight) Jones (Lt.) Jones (Mr.) Jones (William G.) Jones (William) Jones Landing pontoon bridge (James River) Jones Landing VA Jones Point VA Jones' Neck VA Jordan (Charles E.) Jordan’s Point VA Joslin’s Gallery (Danville IL) Judge Burdett’s home (Jacksonville FL) Judkins (Edward H.) jug Juit (Buck) Julius Schonfield’s Dry Good Store (Alexandria VA) Jumeara Variety Store (Washington DC) Junction Hotel (Hanover Junction PA)


L’Amy (S.) L&L boxcar 243 L&N boxcar 511 L&N Bridge (Cumberland River) L&N Depot (Nashville TN) Ladd (G. P.) Ladd (Josiah A.) Ladd (Lewis) ladder ladle Ladys Island SC Lafayette Artillery Lake (David G.) Lambert (Louis Johnes) Lambert (William H.) Lamon (Ward H.) Lancaster (Joseph) lance Land Transportation office -(Hilton Head SC) Landegon (John W.) Landers (Edward A.) Lane (Col.) Lane (John P.) Lang (Pvt.) Langdon (Loomis L.) Langley (Frank) Langley (John F.) lantern lanyard Larsson (Mr.) last Lathrop (Joseph H.) Laura M. Towne’s house (St. Helena Island SC) Lawrence (Albert G.) Lawrence (Thomas) Lawrence (Walter A.) Lawrence (William H.) Lawton (Alexander R.) Le Havre (France) Leale (Capt.) Lean Bear Learned (Maj.) Leavitt (Aubrey) LeClerc (Capt.) Ledlie (James H.) LeDuc (William G.) Lee (Benjamin) Lee (George W. C.) Lee (George W.) Lee (Robert E.) Lee (W. J.) Lee (William H. F.) Lee & Gordon’s Mills (Chickamauga GA) Leet (George K.) Leggett (Richard S.) Leighton (Charles H.) Leland Station VA Lemoyne (George S.) lens Lent (Louis H.) Leonard (Samuel H.) Lerned Leslie (John R.) Letterman (Jonathan) Leviton (Maj.) Lewinsville VA Libby (Abram H.) Libby Prison (Richmond VA) Liberia (Manassas VA) lightning rod lightship Frying Pan Shoals Lilley (Robert D.) limber Lincoln (Abraham) Lincoln (Thomas) Lincoln (William W.) Lincoln collection Lincoln funeral hearse (Buffalo NY) Lincoln funeral hearse (Chicago IL) Lincoln funeral hearse (Cleveland OH) Lincoln funeral hearse (New York NY) Lincoln funeral hearse (Philadelphia PA) Lincoln funeral hearse (Washington DC) Lincoln’s tomb (Springfield, IL) Linde (Albert) Linehan (John C.) Linn (James B.) Little River NC Little Round Top (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Littlefield (Augustus K.) Littlefield (Daniel W.) Littlefield (Ephraim M.) Littlefield (James A.) Lloyd (Charles S.) Lloyd (William H.) Locke (Frederick T.) Locke (Warren) Lockwood (Henry C.) Lockwood (William L.) locomotive locomotive Confederate States Lodor (Daniel) log cant hook Logan (John A.) Logue (Daniel C.) Lombard (Hosea C.) Lone Tree Hill VA Long (W. H.) Long Branch NJ long gun Lookout Creek TN Lookout Mountain TN Lookout Valley TN Loosely (Daniel) Lord (Capt.) Loring (Charles G.) Lorton VA Lothrop (Cherbury F.) Loudon (John L.) Loudon (Robert) Loudon TN Loudoun Heights VA Loughran (Robert) Louis de Saussure house (Charleston SC) Louisiana Louisiana School for the Deaf (Baton Rouge LA) Louisiana State Penitentiary (Baton Rouge LA) Louisiana Tigers Louisville & Lexington Railroad (L&L) Louisville & Nashville Railroad (L&N) Lovejoy (George L.) Lovell General Hospital (Portsmouth RI) Lovell General Hospital main building (Portsmouth RI) Lovering (Joseph F.) Low (Frederick F.) Lowe (Thaddeus S. C.) Lowell (Charles R.) Lowell (Josephine S.) Lowell's Cavalry Brigade headquarters (Vienna VA) Lower wharf (Belle Plain VA) Lowrey (H. B.) Lowrie (J. A.) Lowry (H. B.) Loyal Planter’s House (Lookout Mountain TN) Lt. Birchmeyer’s Battery (Morris Island SC) Lt. Gen. George Washington statue (Washington DC) Lt. Pennington’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Luce (Joseph) Ludlow (Benjamin C.) Lula Falls (Lookout Mountain TN) Lula Lake (Lookout Mountain TN) Lull (E. P.) Luscomb (George A.) Lusk (William T.) Luther (Charles F.) Lutheran Church (Sharpsburg MD) Lutheran Theological Seminary (Gettysburg PA) Lyceum Hospital (Alexandria VA) Lydecker (Garrett J.) Lydig (P. M.) Lyford (Dr.) Lyman (J. W.) Lyman (Wyllys) Lyons (Benjamin R.) Lyons (James)


M. C. Graham Boots Shoes Hats & Caps (Chattanooga TN) M. G. Hamburger & Bro. (Washington DC) M. H. N. Kendig - Attorney (Washington DC) M&C Depot (Corinth MS) M&C water tanks (Corinth MS) M&W Depot (Atlanta GA) M1841 6-pounder field gun Mabry’s Hill (Knoxville TN) Machine Shops (Bay Point Island SC) Machine-Shop Creek (Hilton Head SC) Mack (Albert G.) MacKay (David) Mackil (Surg.) Mackintosh (William) MacManus (Mr.) Macomb IL Macomber (Henry S.) Macon & Western Railroad (M&W) Macon GA Macy (George N.) Macy (Mrs.) Madill (William A.) Magazine and Ordnance Wharf (City Point VA) Magee (Sanford) Magruder (John B.) mail bag mail wagon Maillefert (Benjamin S. H.) Maine Maj. C. S. Cotter’s quarters (Chattanooga TN) Maj. Henry H. Pierce’s quarters (Chaffin’s Bluff VA) Maj. Strong’s quarters (Dutch Gap VA) Málaga (Spain) Malborn (Capt.) Mallen (Charles G.) mallet Maltby House (City Point VA) Malvern Hill VA Manassas Gap Railroad (MG) Manassas Junction VA Manassas VA Manchester (Capt.) Manchester Canal (Manchester VA) Manchester Mills (Manchester VA) Manchester VA Manchlin (H. A.) Mann (Frank K.) Mann (Jonathon) Manning (Mrs.) Manning (Stephen H.) Mansion House Hospital (Alexandria VA) Manuel (Peter) map Maples - Duncanson House (Washington DC) Marbury (Francis F.) Marbury (Gilbert J.) Marcy (Randolph B.) Mare Island Naval Shipyard (Vallejo CA) Marietta GA Marine barracks (Charlestown Navy Yard) Marion (Edward T.) Marion Artillery Marion Chaplin’s Plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Market House (Vicksburg MS) Market Place (Savannah GA) Market Street Methodist Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) Markham’s (Washington DC) Markle (Cassius C.) Maroney (W.) Marsh (Nathan E.) Marshall (Capt.) Marshall (John E.) Marshall (Nathaniel) Marshall House (Alexandria VA) Marston (Hiram P.) Martello Tower (Tybee Island GA) Martin (A. N.) Martin (Augustus P.) Martin (B. Elias) Martin (Capt.) Martin (Ferdinand) Martin (Joseph W.) Martin (Lt.) Martindale (John H.) Martinsburg WV Martland (William H.) Martland (William J.) Marvin (Capt. (a)) Mary Surratt Boarding House (Washington DC) Marye’s Heights VA Marye’s House (Fredericksburg VA) Maryland Maryland Avenue Depot (Washington DC) Maryland Heights MD Mason (Addison G.) Mason (Adoniram J.) Mason (Capt.) Mason (Julius W.) Mason’s Island Mason’s Island pontoon bridge (Potomac River) Masonic Hall (Atlanta GA) Masonic Hall (Folly Island SC) Masonic Hall (New Bern NC) Massachusetts Massachusetts Bay Massaponax Baptist Church (Spottsylvania County VA) Massey (W. D.) Masters (Guy C.) Mather (Thomas S.) Mathes (Robert H.) Matthews (E. O.) Matthews (Lt.) Matthews House (Bull Run battlefield) Maxwell (William H.) May (H. C.) May (Mrs.) Mayloan (John W.) Maynadier (William M.) Mayo’s Bridge (Richmond VA) Mays (William B.) McArdle (James) McArthur (Arthur) McCabe (Lt.) McCaffry (Edward M.) McCall (George A.) McCall (William H. H.) McCallum (Daniel C.) McCallum (James) McCandless (L. D.) McCarthy (William H.) McCartney (Abner) McCartney (Capt.) McCartney (William H.) McCauley (John R.) McCaulvey (D. G.) McClay (Samuel) McCleary (R. W.) McClellan (Arthur) McClellan (Carswell) McClellan (George B.) McClellan (Samuel A.) McClellan Hospital (Philadelphia PA) McClellan Hospital Ward 12 (Philadelphia PA) McClernand (John A.) McClintock (John) McCloud’s Mill (Virginia) McClure (Joseph) McClurg (Alexander C.) McConihe (Samuel) McConnel (James) McConnell (Henry) McCook (Alexander M.) McCorbrie (James) McCormack (Dr.) McCormic (Robert H.) McCoull’s house (Wilderness battlefield VA) McCoy (James C.) McCreery (Mr.) McCrillis (John) McCullum (A.) McDevitt (Joseph A.) McDougall General Hospital (Fort Schuyler NY) McDougall General Hospital officers’ quarters (Fort Schuyler NY) McDowell (Irvin) McDowell (R. M.) McDuffee (Leroy) McElhone (James F.) McElroy (Col.) McEntee (John) McGinley (J.) McGlinn (John) McGrath (Michael H.) McGrath (William J. A.) McGraw (S.) McGregor Hotel (Mount McGregor NY) McGurn (Thomas) McHenry (Pvt.) McIntire (S. B.) McIntyre (Patrick) McIvor (James P.) McKay (David) McKay (James) McKibbin (Gilbert H.) McLaughlen (Napoleon B.) McLean (Virginia) McLean (Wilmer) McLean House (Appomattox Court House VA) McLellan (Curwen B.) McLoughlin (John) McMahon (James P.) McMahon (Martin T.) McMichael (Clayton) McMillan (James) McMillen (Charles) McMurtrie (D.) McNaught (John) McNeil (Quincy) McNulty (James) McParlin (Thomas A.) McPherson (James B.) McPherson's Woods (Gettysburg PA) McQuade (John F.) McQueston (Jerome B.) McQuipan (Surg.) Meade (George G.) Meade (George Jr.) Meagher (Thomas F.) Mechanicsville Road Mechanicsville Road bridge (Chickahominy River) Mechanicsville VA Medical Department (Washington DC) Medical Department headquarters (Davids Island NY) Medical Director’s quarters (Beaufort SC) Medical Store House (Beaufort SC) Meigs (Montgomery C.) Meinell (Henry) Mellus (Edward H.) Melrose Castle (Auburn VA) Memphis & Charleston Railroad (M&C) Memphis TN Merchant Manufacturing Company Cotton Mill (Petersburg VA) Merkle (Augustus) Merrill (Henry R.) Merrill (W. E.) Merritt (Abram) Merritt (Wesley) Merwin (Capt.) Mess house (Bedloes Island NY) Messenger (Capt.) Messenger (Miss) Messenger (Mrs.) Methodist Church (Jacksonville FL) Metropolitan Fair Building (New York NY) Metzgar (Emanuel C.) MG gondola car 12 Michie (Peter S.) Michigan Middle Military Division Middleton (Elisha W.) Miles (Dixon S.) Miles (Nelson A.) Milhau (Surg.) Military Asylum (Washington DC) Military Division of the Mississippi Military Division of the Missouri Military Prison (Jacksonville FL) Mill’s Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Mill’s Plantation slaves quarters (Port Royal Island SC) Miller (Albert F.) Miller (Fred L.) Miller (J. Clyde) Miller (Madison) Miller (Martin V.) Miller (Thompson) Miller (William D.) Miller (William J.) Miller house (Antietam MD) Miller house (Culpeper County VA) Mills (Charles J.) Mills (Daniel A.) Mills House (Charleston SC) Milton Milton (C. A.) Miner (John) Minnesota Minor’s Hill Signal Tower (Minor’s Hill VA) Minor’s Hill VA Minorca mirror Missionary Ridge TN Mississippi Mississippi River Missouri Mitchell (John) Mitchell (W.) Moalf (Edward) Moar (Charles J.) Mobile AL Mobile Bay AL Mobile Point AL Mobile Point Lighthouse (Mobile Bay AL) Moccasin Bend (Tennessee River) Moccasin Point (Chattanooga TN) Mohain (Capt.) monitor Monmouth IL Monte Rosa (Warrenton VA) Montgomery (James) Montgomery (Louis M.) Montgomery (Thomas) Montieth (George) Monument Garden (Chattanooga TN) Monumental Church (Richmond VA) Moody (Converse) Mooney (Thomas H.) Moore (Alexander) Moore (Gustavus) Moore (H. P.) Moore (Horatio C.) Moore (James J.) Moore (John C. W.) Moore (R. William) Moore (Thomas T.) Moore Hospital (Richmond VA) Moore House (Yorktown VA) Mordecai (Alfred) Morehead (Turner G.) Morehead City NC Morell (George W.) Morey (George V.) Morgan (Charles W.) Morgan (John H.) Morgan (Michael R.) Morganza Bend (Mississippi River) Morganza LA Moriss (Mr.) Morong (Edwin P.) Morris (Lt. Col.) Morris (Lt.) Morris (William H.) Morris Island Light (Charleston SC) Morris Island Ordnance Depot (Charleston SC) Morris Island SC Morrison (Charles P.) Morrison (Joseph B.) Morrison (Thomas G.) Morrison (Thomas) Morse (C. F.) Morse (Irving) Morse’s Photographs (Chattanooga TN) mortar mortar (13 inch) mortar Dictator mortar schooner Morton (George) Moser (Samuel H.) Mosier (Wilber D.) mosquito net Motley (John B.) Mott (Gershom) Moulton (Alfred A.) Moulton (Mrs.) Moultrieville SC Mound City Hospital (Mound City IL) Mound City IL Mount (John F.) Mount McGregor NY Mount Pleasant SC Mount St. Mary's University (Emmitsburg MD) Mountain Run VA Mountjoy (Robert L.) Mower (Joseph A.) Mowry (James R.) Moynihan (Daniel C.) Mrs. Allen’s house (Fair Oaks VA) Mrs. Alsop’s house (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Mrs. Hudson's house (Cedar Mountain VA) Mrs. Lee's house (Pleasant Valley MD) Mrs. Nelson’s Crossing (Pamunkey River) Mrs. Nelson’s Crossing pontoon bridge (Pamunkey River) Mrs. Spinner’s House (Centreville VA) Mrs. Thompson’s house (Gettysburg PA) Mt. Pleasant Hospital (Washington DC) Mt. Pleasant Hospital Water Tank (Washington DC) Mt. Sterling KY Mud Creek (Hilton Head SC) Muddy Branch MD mule mule stocks Mulford (John E.) Mulford (Joseph L.) Mulford (Mrs.) Mulks (George B.) Mullins (James) Mumma’s house (Antietam MD) Mundy (Frederick R.) Munger (Orett L.) Munn (William) Munns (Henry C.) Munroe (Charles H.) Munson (Samuel) Munther (Frederick R.) Murdoch (J.) Murfreesboro TN Murphy (John McL.) Murphy (John) Murphy (Michael C.) Muzzey (Loring W.) Myer (Albert J.) Myers (Joseph S.) Mygatt (Rivington H.) Mygatt Thompson & Hackett (Washington DC) Myrtlebush Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Myrtlebush Plantation house (Port Royal Island SC)


N. Derby Military Goods (Chattanooga TN) N&C Bridge (a) (Chattanooga Creek) N&C Bridge (b) (Chattanooga Creek) N&C Bridge (Bridgeport AL) N&C Bridge (Elk River TN) N&C Bridge (Lookout Creek TN) N&C bridge (Wauhatchie TN) N&C Bridge (Whiteside TN) N&C Depot (Nashville TN) N&C Roundhouse (Nashville TN) N&C water tank (Chattanooga Creek) N&NW Bridge (Tennessee River) N&NW bridge No. 2 (Sullivan's Branch TN) N&NW Section 49 trestle Naglee (Henry M.) Naples (Italy) Narragansett Bay Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad (N&C) Nashville & Northwestern Railroad (N&NW) Nashville TN Natchez MS Nathan & Co. (New York NY) naval carriage (iron) naval carriage (wood) Naval Observatory (Washington DC) Naval Station (Mound City IL) Navy Department (Washington DC) Navy Hospital (New Bern NC) Navy Yard (Memphis TN) Navy Yard Bridge (Potomac River) NE depot (Charleston SC) Neff (Henry K.) Negley (James S.) Neill (E. M.) Neill (James B.) Neill (Thomas H.) Nelson (Samuel) Nelson Church (Yorktown VA) Neuse River NC Neville (Lt. Col.) Neville (William) Nevins (Capt.) New A&W Long Bridge (Potomac River) New Barracks - east wing (Fort Hamilton NY) New Barracks - west wing (Fort Hamilton NY) New Bern NC New Hampshire New Haven CT New headquarters (Port Hudson LA) New Hope Church GA New Hospital (Governor’s Island NY) New Jersey New Market Road VA New Orleans LA New Orleans Opelousas & Great Western Railroad (NOO&GW) New South Printing Office (Hilton Head SC) New York New York Harbor (New York NY) New York Herald Headquarters wagon New York Navy Yard (Brooklyn NY) New York NY Newark NJ Newcomer’s Mill (Antietam MD) Newell (Julius T.) Newfoundland (Canada) Newhall (Frederick C.) Newhall (George T.) Newhart (C.) Newlin (Alfred S.) Newman (L. Howard) Newport Barracks NC Newport NC Newport RI Newton (David H.) Newton (Isaac) Newton (John) Niagara Falls NY Nichols (Edward T.) Nichols (Elias B.) Nichols (George W.) Nichols (James H.) Nichols (James M.) Nickajack Cave AL Nicolay (John G.) Nielson’s Island footbridge (Richmond VA) Nielson’s Island VA Niles (Amasee) Noble (Charles) NOO&GW Algiers Station (New Orleans LA) Norfolk Navy Yard (Norfolk VA) Norfolk VA Norris (Israel P.) Norris (James B.) North Anna River VA North Carolina Northeastern Railroad (NE) Northern Central Railroad (NC) Norton (Charles B.) Norton (Lemuel B.) Norvell (J. M.) Norwood (James E.) Nottage (Thomas) Noyes (Edward H.) Noyes (Edward L.) Nugent (Robert) Nute (Martin L.) Nutting (Lee)


O'Connor house (Charleston SC) O’Beirne (John) O’Beirne (P. H.) O’Connell (John D.) O’Connell (Patrick A.) O’Donovan (Cornelius) O’Keefe (J. O.) O’Laughlen (Michael) O’Ponen (R.) O’Reilly (B.) O’Reilly (James O.) O’Rorke (M.) O’Rourke (James) O’Shaughnessy (Thomas) O’Sullivan (J. A.) O’Sullivan (Laura V. P.) O’Sullivan (Timothy H.) O&A Baggage Room (Alexandria VA) O&A Bridge (a) (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge (b) (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge (c) (Bull Run VA) O&A bridge (Cedar Run VA) O&A Bridge (Mountain Run VA) O&A Bridge (Pope's Head VA) O&A Bridge (Rappahannock River VA) O&A Bridge Blockhouse (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge Blockhouse (Pope's Head VA) O&A Depot (Warrenton Va) O&A Devereux Station (Clifton VA) O&A McCallum Bridge (Virginia) O&A Round House (Alexandria VA) O&A Sand House (Alexandria VA) O&A Turntable (Lone Tree Hill VA) O&A Turntable (Manassas Junction VA) O&A Water Tank (Alexandria VA) O&A Water Tank (Manassas Junction VA) O&A Water Tank (Rappahannock River VA) O&A Water Tanks (Pope’'s Head VA) O&A Water Tanks (Union Mills VA) Oak Ridge Cemetery (Springfield IL) Oakley (H. C.) Oakley (Henry A.) Oakwood Cemetery (Richmond VA) oar Octagon house (Arlington VA) Oerter (Henry J.) Office and Yard building (Morris Island Ordnance Depot) Office of Government Repair Shops (Washington DC) Officers’ Hospital - Robert Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) Officers’ quarters (Davids Island NY) Officers’ quarters (Fort Schuyler NY) Officers’ quarters (Hilton Head SC) Ogden (Capt.) Ogeechee River GA Oglethorpe Barracks (Savannah GA) Ohio Ohio Penitentiary (Columbus OH) OId Church Hotel (Cold Harbor VA) oil can Old A&W Long Bridge (Potomac River) Old Arsenal Prison (Washington DC) Old Bacchus Old Capitol Prison (Washington DC) Old Colored Church (New Bern NC) Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works (Richmond VA) Old Douglas House (Washington DC) Old Fort Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Old headquarters (Port Hudson LA) Old Hospital (Governor’s Island NY) Old Market House (Charleston SC) Old Mill (Washington DC) Old Patent Office Building (Washington DC) Old Point Comfort Light (Fort Monroe Va) Old State Department Building (Washington DC) Old Stone House (Richmond VA) Old Town Creek VA Old Wilderness Tavern (Wilderness battlefield) Olin (Abram B.) Olone (Hugh F.) Oneida Independent Company New York Cavalry Opdycke (Samuel E.) Ora Moneta Orange & Alexandria Railroad (O&A) Orange Turnpike Orchard Knob TN Ord (Edward O.C.) Ord (Mary M. T.) Ord (Placidus) Ordnance Store House (Hilton Head SC) Ordnance Store House and Armorer’s Shop (Hilton Head SC) Ordnance Yard (New Bern NC) Ordway (Albert) Orne (James D.) Osborn (Thomas O.) Osborn (Thomas W.) Osceola’s Grave (Fort Moultrie SC) Osgood (James H.) Otis (James) Otter Island SC Owen (Samuel W.) Owens (Edward L.) Owens (James A.) Owens (Wesley W.) oxen Oyster Bay (Alexandria VA)


paddle Paden (James) Page (Henry) Paine (J. C.) paintbrush painting Paisney (Col.) Palmer (Dennis) Palmer (George C.) Palmer (Innis N.) Palmer (James M.) Palmer (Samuel L.) Palmetto Guard Pamunkey River Pamunkey River pontoon bridge (Hanover Town VA) Pancoast (George L.) Panorama collection parasol Park (Edward) Park (Frank H.) Parke (John G.) Parker (Edgar) Parker (Edward D.) Parker (Ely S.) Parker (Isaac B.) Parker (Jabez P.) Parker (Pvt.) Parker (Sewell S.) Parkhurst (John G.) Parrish (William I.) Parrott Rifle gun Parrott shell Parson Slaughter's house (Cedar Mountain VA) Parsons (Enos B.) Parsons (J. G.) Partridge (Sylvester B.) passenger car Patch (Samuel) Patrick (Marsena R.) Patterson (H. C.) Paul (Capt.) Paymaster's quarters (New Bern NC) Payne (E. W.) Peabody (George) Peabody (Mrs.) Peabody (Oliver W.) Peachtree Creek battlefield GA Pearce (Edward C.) Pearce (I. A.) Pearson (A. J.) Pearson (C. F.) Pease (Capt.) Pease (Charles E.) Pease (Surg.) Peck (George) Peck (John J.) Peck (Theodore S.) Pee Dee River Peeble’s Farm (Petersburg battlefield VA) Peeble’s Farm Signal Tower (Petersburg battlefield VA) Pelican House (Fort Pulaski GA) Pell (Duncan A.) pen pencil Pendergast (Nancy) Pendleton (Edmund) Peninsula battleground VA Penn School (St. Helena Island SC) Pennington (Alex C. M. Jr.) Pennington (Alex C. M. Sr.) Pennington (Mrs.) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania College (Gettysburg PA) Pennsylvania Light Artillery Independent Battery E Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) Penrose (William H.) Pensacola Bay FL Pensacola FL Pensacola Navy Yard (Pensacola FL) People's Ambrotype Gallery (Decatur IL) Peoria IL Perce (LeGrand W.) periodical Perkins (Capt.) Perkins (George T.) Perkins (H. W.) Perrin (William I.) Perry (John C.) Perry (Joseph H.) Perry (Thomas) Perry Clear Point (Port Royal Island SC) Petersburg Artillery building (Petersburg VA) Petersburg battlefield VA Petersburg Courthouse (Petersburg VA) Petersburg Gas Works (Petersburg VA) Petersburg Railroad (PgRR) Petersburg VA PgRR Station (Petersburg VA) PgRR Station Round House (Petersburg VA) PgRR Station Water Tanks (Petersburg VA) Philadelphia Navy Yard (Philadelphia PA) Philadelphia Navy Yard Commandant’s House (Philadephia PA) Philadelphia PA Phillips (Capt.) Phillips (Charles O.) Phillips (Duncan C.) Phillips (Henry M.) Phillips (Nyrum) Phillips House (Falmouth VA) Philp & Solomons (Washington DC) Phinney (Capt.) Phinney (Mrs.) Phoenix Building (Atlanta GA) photographic chemical tray Photographic Department (City Point VA) photographic wagon pickaxe Pickett (George E.) Pierce (Byron R.) Pierce (Capt.) Pierce (Edward C.) Pierce (Edwin C.) Pierce (George W.) Pierce (Henry H.) Pierce (Isaac) Pierce (Lt.) Pierce (Reuben P.) Pierce (William P.) Pierpont (Francis H.) Pigeon Mountain GA pike pile driver pillow Pimmitt Run bridge Pimmitt Run VA Pinckney Mansion (Charleston SC) pine cone Pine Cottage (Minor’s Hill VA) Pine Mountain GA Piney Branch Road Pinkerton (Allan J.) Pinkerton (Robert) Pinkerton (William) Pinkham (Harriet) Pinkham (Theodore) Pioneer Camp TN Pioneer Mills (Alexandria VA) pipe Piper (George E.) Piper (William C.) Piscatagua River pitcher Pitkin Station VA Pitts (Eva) Pittsburg Landing TN Pittsfield IL plane Planing mill (Petersburg VA) Plank Road plate Platt (Edward R.) Platt (Erastus E.) Platt Creek TN playing card Pleasant Valley MD Pleasonton (Alfred) Plew (Daniel) Plimpton (Josiah I.) plow Plumb (Isaac) pocket watch Poe (Orlando M.) Pohick Church (Lorton VA) Point Battery (Charleston SC) Point Lookout MD Point of Rocks (Chester VA) Poison Spring (Chickasaw Bayou MS) Polk (Leonidas) Pollard (Philip) pontoon boat Pontoon bridge (Aiken’s Landing VA) Pontoon bridge (Broadway Landing VA) Pontoon bridge (Deep Bottom Run) Pontoon bridge (James River) Pontoon bridge (Richmond VA) Pontoon bridge (Welford’s Ford VA) Poolesville MD Poore (Benjamin P.) Pope (Albert A.) Pope (Capt.) Pope (John) Pope’s Head VA Pope’s plantation (Hilton Head SC) Poplar Grove Church (Poplar Grove VA) Poplar Grove VA Poplar Grover Farm house (Poplar Grove VA) Port Hudson LA Port Mahon (Minorca) Port Royal House (Hilton Head SC) Port Royal Island SC Port Royal Restaurant (Hilton Head SC) Port Royal Sound SC Port Royal VA portable darkroom portable hydrogen gas generator portable steam engine Porter (Andrew B.) Porter (Andrew P.) Porter (Andrew) Porter (Benjamin F.) Porter (C. B.) Porter (David D.) Porter (Fitz John) Porter (Horace) Porter (Josiah) Porter (William L.) Porter House (City Point VA) Portici (Bull Run battlefield VA) Portland ME Portsmouth Navy Yard (Kittery ME) Portsmouth NH Portsmouth RI Portsmouth Signal Station (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth Signal Station office (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth Signal Tower (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth VA Post (P. S.) Post Adjutant’s Office (Hilton Head SC) Post Office (a) (Beaufort SC) Post Office (Alexandria VA) Post Office (b) (Beaufort SC) Post Office (Charleston SC) Post Office (City Point VA) Post Office (Hilton Head SC) Post Office (New Bern NC) Post Office (Petersburg VA) Post Quartermaster’s Office (Chattanooga TN) Potomac Creek VA Potomac River Potomac River pontoon bridge (Harpers Ferry WV) Potter (A. J.) Potter (Alexander R.) Potter (E. E.) Potter (James N.) Potter (Robert B.) powder ladle Powderly (Michael E.) Powell (Lewis T.) Powelson (William A.) Powelson’s Ambrotypes (Fort Pulaski GA) Powers (Lt.) Powers (Mr.) Powhatan Point pontoon bridge (James River VA) Powhatan Point VA Pratt (George H.) Pratt (Gustavus C.) Pratt (Richard H.) Pratt’s Castle (Richmond VA) Preble (E. E.) Preble (George H.) Pres. Lincoln's Cottage (Washington DC) Presbyterian Church (New Bern NC) Presbyterian Church (Richmond VA) Presbyterian Church (Rockville SC) Prescott (James P.) Prescott (John H.) Presidential Reviewing Stand - Grand Review (Washington DC) Presque Isle (Brandy Station VA) Preston shell Price (William B.) Price Birch & Co. (Alexandria VA) Primmer house Belle Air (Leland Station VA) Prince (Henry) Prince (James P.) printing press Prison No. 3 - J. W. & C. G. Holland Tobacco Factory No. 1 (Danville VA) Prison No. 6 (Danville VA) Prisoners’ quarters (New Bern NC) Private quarters (Governor’s Island NY) Proctor House (City Point VA) Profile Bluff TN Prospect Hill Signal Station (Prospect Hill VA) Prospect Hill VA Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Aspinwall Hall (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Chapel (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Hospital Barracks (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Practice Chapel (Fairfax VA) Provost Guard Headquarters (Newport Barracks NC) Provost Marshal building (a) (City Point VA) Provost Marshal building (b) (City Point VA) Provost Marshal Department Provost Marshal’s Guard House (Vicksburg MS) Provost Marshal’s Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Provost Marshal’s headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Provost Marshal’s Office (Alexandria VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Beaufort SC) Provost Marshal’s office (Bermuda Hundred VA) Provost Marshal’s office (Brandy Station VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (City Point VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Washington DC) PRR Depot (Harrisburg PA) PRR locomotive 328 PRR locomotive 331 PRR passenger car 18 PRR passenger car 31 Pullman’s Gallery (Washington DC) Pulpit Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) pup tent Purdy (Erastus S.) Pywell (Jane E.) Pywell (William R.)


Quaker gun Quarles house (Fair Oaks, VA) Quarles Mill (North Anna River VA) Quarles Mill bridge (North Anna River VA) Quartermaster and Commissary Offices (Fort Fisher NC) Quartermaster and USMRR Superintendent offices (Nashville TN) Quartermaster Department (New Bern NC) Quartermaster Department (US) Quartermaster Department Repair Shops (City Point VA) Quartermaster Forage Wharf (City Point VA) Quartermaster Forage Wharf Storehouse (City Point VA) Quartermaster Franklin Turnpike Repair Shops (Nashville TN) Quartermaster shipyards (Chattanooga TN) Quartermaster Shops & Storehouses (Brandy Station VA) Quartermaster Store House A (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster Store House C (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster's Corral (Chattanooga TN) Quartermaster’s 7th Street Wharf Office (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Commissary Building and Boat Shop (Beaufort SC) Quartermaster’s Department (Yorktown VA) Quartermaster’s Hospital (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Office - Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA) Quartermaster’s Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Quartermaster’s office (Charleston SC) Quartermaster’s Office (Fort Monroe VA) Quartermaster’s office (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster’s office (New York NY) Quartermaster’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster’s warehouse (Nashville TN) Quartermaster’s Warehouse No. 1 & Stationery Department (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Warehouses (Washington DC) Queen’s farm (District of Columbia) Quigley (Sgt.) quill Quincy (Samuel M.)


R&D Bridge (Belle Isle VA) R&D Bridge (James River) R&D Bridge (Manchester Canal) R&D Depot (Manchester VA) R&D Depot (Richmond VA) R&D Roundhouse (Manchester VA) R&G Bridge (Cedar Creek NC) R&P Bridge (Appomattox River) R&P Bridge (James River) R&P Depot (Richmond VA) R&YR Bridge (White House Landing VA) R&YR Bridge (White Oak Swamp VA) R&YR Station (Fair Oaks VA) Race Course Club House (Charleston SC) Radmore (Charles C.) rail rail cant hook railroad switch Raleigh & Gaston Railroad (R&G) rammer staff ramrod Ramsay (George D.) Ramsay (Miss) Ramsay (Mrs.) Rand (Arnold A.) Rand (George E.) Rand (George W.) Rand (John M.) Rand (Pvt.) Randall (A. C.) Randol (Alanson M.) Randolph (George E.) Ransom (Asst. Surg.) Rapidan River Rappahannock River Bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River double pontoon bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River pontoon bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River VA Rappahannock Station VA Rath (Christian) Raulston (John B.) Rawlins (John A.) Rawlins (Mary E. H.) Rawsom (R. A.) Rawson (E. B.) Ray (Richard C.) Raymond (Edward T.) Read shell Reading Room (Jacksonville FL) Readville MA Ready house (Murfreesboro TN) Real’s barn (Antietam MD) Rebel barracks (Port Hudson LA) Recruitment headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Red River Redding (James) Redding (William T.) Reddy (James M.) Redman (David F.) Reed (H. B.) Reed (R. H.) Reed (Samuel M.) Reeder (Howard J.) Reekie (John) Reeves (Robert W.) Relay House MD Remey (G. C.) Remington (John E.) Remington (Lt.) Reno (Capt.) Resaca GA Reservoir tank (Savannah GA) Restaurant (Culpeper VA) Revere (William H.) Reynolds (Edward) Reynolds (J. A.) Reynolds (John F.) Reynolds (S. Walter) Reynolds (Surg.) Reynolds (William) RF&P Bridge (North Anna River VA) RF&P Bridge (Rappahannock River VA) Rhett (Robert Barnwell) Rhett house (Port Royal Island SC) Rhind (Alexander C.) Rhoades (L.) Rhoades (Lawrence) Rhode Island Rhodes (Elisha H.) Rice (Charles E.) Rich (Thomas L.) Richard Habersham plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Richard Habersham plantation house (Port Royal Island SC) Richards (Lt.) Richards (Sumner S.) Richards (William V.) Richardson (Almyne H. G.) Richardson (Capt.) Richardson (George P.) Richardson (Henry H.) Richardson (Israel B.) Richardson (James M.) Richardson (John H.) Richardson (Pvt.) Richardson (Rufus) Richmond (Lewis) Richmond & Danville Railroad (R&D) Richmond & Petersburg Railroad (R&P) Richmond & York River Railroad (R&YR) Richmond Armory (Richmond VA) Richmond Armory Rolling Mills (Richmond VA) Richmond City Hospital (Richmond VA) Richmond Female Institute (Richmond VA) Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad (RF&P) Richmond VA Richter (Hartman) Ricker (Ephraim W.) Ricker (John P.) Rickett (Lt.) Riddle (William) Ridgeley (T. H.) riding crop Riley (T.) Riley’s Plantation (Port Hudson LA) Riley’s Plantation house (Port Hudson LA) Rimdell (Rufus L.) Ringgold GA Ringgold House (Washington DC) Ripley (Edward H.) Rivenburg (Lovett S.) Rivers (H. W.) Rives (Wright) Rives’ Salient - Battery 25 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rives’ Salient - Battery 27 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rives’ Salient (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rixey (Samuel) Rixey House (Culpeper VA) Robbins (Asst. Surg.) Robbins (Capt.) Robbins (Charles T.) Robbins (Horace W.) Robert Barnwell Rhett’s plantation (Beaufort SC) Robert Barnwell Rhett’s plantation house (Beaufort SC) Robert E. Lee residence (Richmond VA) Robert Smalls' house (Beaufort SC) Roberts (James S.) Roberts (James) Roberts (Joseph) Roberts (William C.) Robertson (James M.) Robertson (Robert S.) Robertson (Robert) Robeson (Thomas R.) Robinett (Henry C.) Robins (Charles M.) Robinson (Augustus A.) Robinson (D. McK.) Robinson (Henry W.) Robinson (Oliver G.) Robinson (O’Neill W.) Robinson's house (Bull Run battlefield) Roche (Thomas C.) Roche’s house (Arlington VA) Rochester NY Rock Creek (Gettysburg battlefield) Rock Creek DC Rockett’s Landing (Richmond VA) rocking chair Rockville plantation (Rockville SC) Rockville plantation house (Rockville SC) Rockville Plantation Negro Church (Rockville SC) Rockville plantation summer residence (Rockville SC) Rockville SC Rockwell (Lt.) Rocky Face Ridge GA Rodgers (Christopher R. P.) Rodgers (John) Rodman (Isaac P.) Rodman gun Rogers (Capt.) Rogers (Cecil) Rogers (Col.) Rogers (Elisha S.) Rogers (James C.) Rogers (S. N.) Rohr (Philip) Rolling Mills (Chattanooga TN) Rome Railroad (RRR) Romney Road Ronc (William) rope Roper Hospital (Charleston SC) Rosecrans (William S.) Rosencrantz (Frederick) Ross (Edward A.) Ross (Jonathan S.) Ross (Levi) rotating tetraplex lens Roth (Christian) Round Top (Gettysburg battlefield PA) rowboat Rowe (James F.) Rowland (M. C.) Royce (Harrison A.) Rubadeau (Samuel) Ruggles (George D.) Rullet’s house (Antietam MD) Rulon (Henry E.) Rusling (William J.) Russell (Andrew J.) Russell (Capt.) Russell (David A.) Russell (Edmund K.) Russell (Edward J.) Russell (Edwin A.) Russell (George S.) Russell (Harry) Russell (J. K.) Russell (John) Russell albums collection Ruth (David N.) Ryan (G. P.)


S. C. Tyler’s store (Beaufort SC) S. W. Owen - Merchant Tailor (Washington DC) sabot sack Sackett (Delos B.) Sackett (Fred M.) saddle sailboat Sailor (John) Salem MA Salm-Salm (Felix C. A. J. N.) Salubria (Stevensburg VA) Samuel A. Cooley’s cart Samuel A. Cooley’s photograph store (Beaufort SC) Samuel A. Cooley’s photographic gallery (Folly Island SC) Samuel A. Cooley’s photographic wagon Samuel Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) San Francisco CA Sanborn (Jacob R.) Sanborn (Jeremiah L.) Sancho Sancho (Jr.) Sand Island Lighthouse (b) (Mobile Bay AL) sandbag Sanders (Hiram) Sanders (William) Sandusky Bay Sandy Hook NY Sanford’s Hotel (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Sanno (J. M. J.) Sappington (N. J.) Sargent (Charles O.) Sargent (Daniel B.) Sargent (Hosea Q.) Saunders (James W.) Savage’s Station VA Savannah GA Savannah River saw sawhorse Sawin (Robert L.) Sawtelle (Charles G.) Sawyer (Fred A.) Sawyer (Henry W.) Saxton (Rufus) Sayer’s Oyster House (City Point VA) Sayles (Capt.) Sayles (J.) scabbard scale Scarborough (Capt.) Scarlet (William F.) Schlitter (Emil) schooner schooner Etta schooner Henrietta schooner Pilot Boat 8 Schoonmaker (Cornelius N.) Schoonmaker (John M.) Schreiber & Son photographic studio (Philadelphia PA) Schwartz (Capt.) Schweisfort (Jonathan) Schwenk (Samuel K.) scissors Scofield (James K.) scoop Scott (George W.) Scott (Henry B.) Scott (Maria M.) Scott (Pvt.) Scott (Winfield) Scott House (Alexandria VA) Scott Keen & Co. (Chattanooga TN) Scottsborough GA screw press Scribner (Mr.) Scruton (Clark) Sculley (Thomas) Scully (J. C.) sculpture Seabrook plantation (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation cellar (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation house (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation library (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation wharf (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook Point (Edisto Island SC) Sears (George) Secession Hall (Charleston SC) Second Parallel (Morris Island SC) Second Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) Second Presbyterian Church (Richmond VA) Secret Service headquarters (City Point VA) Sedgwick (1st Lt. William D.) Sedgwick (John) Segar house (Hampton VA) Seibert (Louis) Seibert (Samuel) Seidel (Charles W.) self-propelled rail car Selfridge (Thomas O.) Sellers (Capt.) Seminary Building (Lookout Mountain TN) Seminary Hospital (Georgetown DC) serving tray Seven Pines VA Severn River MD Sewall (John S.) sewing needle Seybolt (H. B.) Seymour (Truman) Shackford (John T.) Shackford (Nathaniel) Shaler (Alexander) Shaler (Mrs.) Shapleigh (Thomas W.) Sharpe (George H.) Sharpsburg & Boonsboro Pike Sharpsburg MD Shaw (Capt.) Shaw (John P.) Shaw (Richard G.) Sheafe (Albert A.) sheet music Sheffield (G.) shell tongs Shenandoah River Shenandoah River bridge (Harpers Ferry WV) Shenkel (Jacob) Shepherd (George) Shepherd's Daguerreotype Miniature Gallery (Springfield IL) Shepherdstown WV Shepley (George F.) Sheridan (M. V.) Sheridan (Philip H.) Sherman (Sgt.) Sherman (Thomas W.) Sherman (William T.) Shermer (Benjamin C.) Sherrick’s house (Antietam MD) Sherwin (Thomas T.) Shetter (Henry) Shiloh battlefield Shiloh Monument (Shiloh battlefield) ship of the line Shirley House (Vicksburg MS) Shot tower - Old Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) shovel Shrady (George F.) Shreve (William P.) Shurtleff (Hiram S.) Sibley tent Sickel Hospital (Alexandria VA) Sickels (Hiram E.) Sickles (Daniel E.) side-wheeler side-wheeler Arago side-wheeler Argo side-wheeler Ben De Ford side-wheeler Cahawba side-wheeler Canonicus side-wheeler Carrie Martin side-wheeler Chickamauga side-wheeler City of Hudson side-wheeler Colt side-wheeler Columbus side-wheeler Connecticut side-wheeler Constitution side-wheeler Diamond side-wheeler Dictator side-wheeler Eagle side-wheeler Empire Parish side-wheeler Exchange side-wheeler Fairy side-wheeler Fulton side-wheeler General Hooker side-wheeler George Weems side-wheeler Herman Livingston side-wheeler Hudson side-wheeler J. Johnson side-wheeler James Guy side-wheeler John Brooks side-wheeler John Tucker side-wheeler Mary Benton side-wheeler Metamora side-wheeler Monohansett side-wheeler Natchez side-wheeler Nelly Baker side-wheeler New York side-wheeler Ocean Wave side-wheeler Planter side-wheeler Port Royal side-wheeler Powhatan side-wheeler River Queen side-wheeler Robert Morris side-wheeler Ruby side-wheeler Sacramento side-wheeler Sallie Robinson side-wheeler Savannah side-wheeler Seth Low side-wheeler Silver Star side-wheeler South America side-wheeler State of Maine side-wheeler Sultana side-wheeler Sylvan Shore side-wheeler Thomas A. Morgan side-wheeler Thomas Collyer side-wheeler Thomas Powell side-wheeler Tigress side-wheeler Tycoon side-wheeler Universe side-wheeler Utica side-wheeler Washington Irving side-wheeler Wauhatchie side-wheeler Wenonah side-wheeler Western Metropolis side-wheeler Westmoreland side-wheeler White Cloud side-wheeler William Tittamer side-wheeler Wilson Small side-wheeler Winnisimmet side-wheeler Young America siege carriage Signal Corps Signal Corps Camp - Red Hill (Georgetown DC) Signal Corps Camp Officers’ Quarters (Georgetown DC) Signal Corps headquarters (New Bern NC) Signal Corps Headquarters (Vicksburg MS) Signal Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) Signal Station (Hilton Head SC) Signal tower (Elk Mountain MD) Signal tower (Jacksonville FL) Signal Tower (Otter Island SC) Signal Tower (St. Helena Island SC) Silkworth (Pvt.) Silver Spring - Francis Preston Blair residence (Silver Spring MD) Silver Spring MD Simmers (William) Simmons Simmons (William) Sisson (Henry T.) Sitzler (Leonard F.) skillet sledgehammer Sleeper (J. Henry) Sleepy Hollow Torpedo Station (James River VA) Sleepy Hollow VA sleigh Slipper (Lt. J.) Slocum (Henry W.) sloop-of-war Slough Hospital (Alexandria VA) Small (Abner R.) Small (David) Small (Michael P.) Small (Robert W.) Smedberg (William R.) Smeed (Eben C.) Smith (A. J.) Smith (Arthur St. C.) Smith (Asa) Smith (Capt.) Smith (Charles F.) Smith (Charles R.) Smith (Daniel C.) Smith (David P.) Smith (Edward W.) Smith (Frank L.) Smith (George H.) Smith (George K.) Smith (George L.) Smith (George W.) Smith (Gerrit) Smith (Henry P.) Smith (Hiram D.) Smith (J. Adams) Smith (James J.) Smith (John S.) Smith (Joseph) Smith (L.) Smith (Mrs.) Smith (Robert K.) Smith (S. M.) Smith (S.) Smith (Sidney L.) Smith (William F.) Smith (William M.) Smith Pleasonton (Miss) Smith’s farm (Keedysville MD) Smith’s farm barn (Keedysville MD) Smith’s farm house (Keedysville MD) Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC) Smyth (Nesman) Snelling (Surg.) Snyder (John H.) Snyder (Lt.) Snyder (Martin) Soldiers’ Cemetery (Alexandria VA) Soldiers’ Cemetery (Fort Stevens DC) Soldiers’ Cemetery Church (Alexandria VA) Soldiers’ Rest (Alexandria VA) solid shot Sommerville (James) Soule (Horatio S.) Soule (William T.) South Battery (Charleston SC) South Carolina South Carolina State Arsenal (Charleston SC) South Mountain South side barracks (Fort Richmond NY) South Store (Beaufort SC) Southern Express Office (Richmond VA) Southside Railroad (SS) Spain Spangler (Edmund) Sparrow (Greenville F.) Spaulding (Ira) speaking-trumpet spear Spearing (Daniel A.) Speer (G. F.) Spence (T. Rush) Spencer (D. Carleton) Spencer (Joseph H.) Spencer (Pvt.) sponge and rammer staff sponge bucket sponge staff spoon Spotsylvania County VA Spotsylvania Courthouse VA Spottiswood Hotel (Richmond VA) Sprague (Katherine J.) Spring House (White House Landing VA) Springfield IL spurs square SS bridge (Appomattox River) SS bridge (Old Town Creek VA) SS Depot (Petersburg VA) SS Depot Water Tank (Petersburg VA) SS High Bridge (Appomattox River) SS Machine Shops (Petersburg VA) St. Aloysius Church (Washington DC) St. Augustine FL St. George’s Episcopal Church (Fredericksburg VA) St. Helena Island SC St. James Church (Goose Creek SC) St. John’s (Newfoundland Canada) St. John’s Church (Richmond VA) St. John’s Church (Savannah GA) St. John’s Episcopal Church (Hampton VA) St. John’s Rectory (City Point VA) St. Johns River FL St. Joseph’s Academy (Emmitsburg MD) St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Petersburg VA) St. Louis Cathedral (New Orleans LA) St. Louis MO St. Mary’s Convent (St. Augustine FL) St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (Charleston SC) St. Paul MN St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Richmond VA) St. Peter’s Church (Harpers Ferry WV) St. Peter’s Church (Richmond VA) St. Peter’s Church (White House Landing VA) St. Philip’s Church (Charleston SC) Stackpool (Joseph L.) Stackpool (Mrs.) Staff Stable and Saddlers Shop (Hilton Head SC) Stam (John T.) Standing In The Water Staniels (Rufus P.) Stanley (Charles H.) Stanley (David S.) Stanley (Timothy R.) Stanley General Hospital (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital Division V (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital office (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital officers’ ward (New Bern NC) Stanley house (New Bern NC) Stanton (Charles E.) Stanton (Edwin M.) Stanton Hospital (Washington DC) Stark (William G.) Starr (James) Starr Arms Co. factory (Binghamton NY) State Capitol (Baton Rouge LA) State Capitol (Hartford CT) State Capitol (Nashville TN) State Capitol (Richmond VA) State House (Annapolis MD) State House (Columbia SC) Staten Island NY Station Creek Carpenters Shop (Bay Point Island SC) Station Creek Machine Shop (Bay Point Island SC) Station Creek SC steam brigantine steam engine steam frigate steam frigate Liberty steam schooner steam sloop steamboat steamboat America steamboat Atlanta Steamboat Dock (Morris Island SC) steamboat Dudley Buck steamboat El Cid steamboat Elizabeth steamboat Fairbanks steamboat Leader steamboat Mississippi steamboat Neptune steamboat New Jersey steamboat New York steamboat Oregon steamboat Prometheus steamboat Relief Steamboat Repair Wharf (Alexandria VA) steamboat Tacony steamboat Thomas A. Scott steamboat Thorn steamboat Victor Stearns (George) Stearns (Isaac H.) Stearns (Ozora P.) Stebbins (E. N.) Stephen Waite’s photographic studio (Hartford CT) Stephens (Alexander H.) Sterling (Charles R.) stern-wheeler stern-wheeler Bridgeport stern-wheeler Chattanooga stern-wheeler Clinch stern-wheeler General Howard stern-wheeler James Watson stern-wheeler Kingston stern-wheeler Lookout stern-wheeler Missionary stern-wheeler Nashville sternwheeler 32 Stevens (Albert H.) Stevens (Atherton H.) Stevens (Francis H.) Stevens (H.) Stevens (Hazard) Stevens (Isaac I.) Stevens (Mrs.) Stevens (Pvt.) Stevens (Romanzo) Stevens (Thaddeus) Stevens House (Beaufort SC) Stevensburg VA Stevenson (John F.) Stevenson (Thomas G.) Stevenson AL Stewart (J. Scott) Stimpson (Louis A.) stock car Stockade (Morris Island SC) Stoddard (Ebenezer M.) Stoddard (William F.) Stodder (Louis N.) Stokes (John F.) Stone (Andrew S.) Stone (H.) Stone (Henry) Stone (L. R.) Stone Bridge (a) (Bull Run VA) Stone Bridge (b) (Bull Run VA) Stone Church (Centreville VA) Stone House (Petersburg VA) Stoneman (George) Stoneman’s Station VA Stonewall Brigade Stoney Creek VA stool Stratford Hall (Westmoreland Co. VA) Strawberry Plains TN streetcar stretcher Strickland (Dudley W.) Strong (Edward) Strong (George T.) Strong (J.) Stryker (Lt.) Stryker (William S.) Stuart (H. L.) Stuart (James E. B.) Stubbs (Anna B.) Stull (Marcus B.) Sturges (Fredirick) Sturgis (Russell) Sturgis (Samuel D.) Sturgis (William H.) Subsistence Stores - Transportation Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Suckley (George) Sudley Church (Bull Run battlefield) Sudley Ford VA Sudley Sulfur Spring house (Bull Run battlefield) Suffolk VA suit of armor suitcase Sullivan (George W.) Sullivan (John) Sullivan’s Branch TN Sullivan’s Island (Charleston SC) Sullivan’s Island bridge (Charleston harbor) Sullivan’s Island Family Grocery (Charleston SC) Summertown Hotel (Lookout Mountain TN) Sumner (Clarence) Sumner (Edwin V. Jr.) Sumner (Edwin V.) Sumner (Samuel S) Sumter Guard sundial Sunstrom (Mark T.) Surgeon L. R. Stone’s quarters (Harpers Ferry WV) Surratt (Mary E. J.) Suter (Charles R.) Suydam (C. C.) Swain (Julius M.) Swain (R. J.) Swamp Angel (Morris Island SC) Swaney (John) Swards (Henry L.) Swartwout (Samuel M.) Sweet (John E.) Sweitzer (Nelson B.) swivel chair Swope (George K.) sword Sycamore Church (Richmond VA) Sykes (George) Symes (Ruel) Syracuse NY


T. Hartridge (Jacksonville FL) T&A bridge (Duck River TN) Tabb house (Yorktown VA) Tabb Street Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) table Taft (George H.) Talbot (Tristum) Talley (William C.) Tanner (Alfred) Tantum (John M.) Tapley (Warren) Taunton Locomotive Manufacturing Company (Taunton MA) Taunton MA Taylor Taylor (Alfred B.) Taylor (Benjamin R.) Taylor (Capt.) Taylor (Constantine) Taylor (Joseph H.) Taylor (Joseph) Taylor (Walter H.) Taylor (William K.) Taylor (William) Taylor (Woodbury M.) Taylor’s Hotel (Winchester VA) Taylor’s Tavern (Falls Church VA) Teague (George H.) Teall (W. W.) Teetotal Restaurant (Charleston SC) telegraph battery wagon telegraph key Telegraph office (New Bern NC) telegraph pole Telegraph Road VA telegraph wire telescope Telford (William H.) Temperance Hill (Knoxville TN) Ten Broeck (John V.) Tenleytown DC Tennessee Tennessee & Alabama Railroad (T&A) Tennessee River Tennessee River bridge Tennessee River bridge (Chattanooga TN) Tennessee River pontoon bridge (Nashville TN) Ternane (George) Terry (Adrian) Terry (Alfred H.) Terwilliger (William H.) Texas Thayer (Joseph H.) Theinhardt (Hugo) theodolite Theoft (Graham) Thiel (G. H.) Thomas (Charles) Thomas (D. G.) Thomas (Evan) Thomas (George H.) Thomas (George S.) Thomas (George) Thomas (Harry) Thomas C. Chandler plantation (Guinea Station VA) Thomas C. Chandler plantation outbuilding (Guinea Station VA) Thomas James Fripp plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas James Fripp plantation house (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas James Fripp plantation slaves’ quarters (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas Nelson house (Yorktown VA) Thomas Rhett’s house (Beaufort SC) Thompson Thompson (G. F.) Thompson (George P.) Thompson (Irving M.) Thompson (Isaac H.) Thompson (John C.) Thompson (Mr.) Thompson (Mrs.) Thoms Thomson (Clifford) Thorndike (Albert) Thornton (James S.) Thorpe (David F.) Thruston (Gates P.) Thurber (Stephen) Tidalholm - Edgar Fripp house (Beaufort SC) Tidball (John C.) Tier (David M.) Tilden (Charles W.) Tilden (Joseph) Tilton (William S.) Tingey House (Washington DC) Tishomingo Hotel (Corinth MS) Titus (Silas) Tobacco Public Warehouse (Richmond VA) Todd (Charles R.) Todd (Luzerne) Todd (William) Todd’s Tavern (Wilderness battlefield VA) Tomb of William Wirt (Washington DC) tompion Tompkins (Charles H.) Tompkins (John Q.) tongs toolbox Tooley (Ashael J.) Topographical Engineers headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Torbert (Alfred T. A.) torpedo torpedo boat Torrey (Joseph C.) Tourjee (Jeremiah H.) Towle (Capt.) Towne (Laura M.) Townsend (David S.) Townsend (Morris W.) Tracy (C. W.) Trask (Ira W.) traveling forge Treadway & Johnson (Petersburg VA) Treadwell (Joshua B.) Treasury Building (Washington DC) Tredegar Iron Works (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works 1861 Gun Foundry (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works Offices (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works Old Foundry (Richmond VA) Treichel (Charles) Trent’s Reach VA triangle Tricke (Mr.) Tricker (John A.) Trimmer (William E.) Trinity Episcopal Church (Washington DC) tripod Tripoli Monument (Annapolis MD) Trobridge (Fred) Trostle's barn (Gettysburg PA) Trostle's house (Gettysburg PA) Trout House (Atlanta GA) Truefitt (Henry P.) trunk Truth (Sojourner) tube pouch Tubman (Harriet) Tuft (Reuben H.) tugboat tugboat 3 tugboat 4 Linda tugboat 5 tugboat 6 tugboat Clyde tugboat Dolphin tugboat Ella tugboat T. H. Champlin tumbler Tunnel Hill GA Turner (Asst. Surg.) Turner (John W.) Turner (Thomas P.) Tuscan Villa Hospital (Alexandria VA) Tuskegee AL Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee AL) Tuskegee Institute Pavilion (Tuskegee AL) Tweedale (John) Twin Sister Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) Twitchell (Adelbert B.) two-man saw Tybee Island GA Tyler (Charles M.) Tyler (Herbert) Tyler (Robert O.) Tyler’s Battery Tynan (Mrs.) Tyson (William W.)


Ulysses S. Grant home (Mount McGregor NY) Ulysses S. Grant’s cottage (Long Branch NJ) umbrella Umbrella Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) umbrella tent Unattached Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Unattached Massachusetts Volunteer Militia (3rd Company) Underwood (Nicholas) Union Arch Bridge (Washington Aqueduct) Union Army Balloon Corps Union House & Dining Saloon (Baltimore MD) Union Mills VA Union Square (New York NY) Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon (Philadelphia PA) Uniontown Bridge (Potomac River) Uniontown MD Unitarian Church (Charleston SC) University of Nashville (Nashville TN) University of Nashville Literary Department (Nashville TN) unknown photographer Upham (Edwin P.) Upland General Army Hospital (Chester PA) Upper Pontoon Bridge (Jones Neck) Upper wharves (Belle Plain VA) Upton (Emory) Urbana IL Urquhart (S. A.) US Armory and Arsenal (Harpers Ferry WV) US Armory Superintendent’s residence (Harpers Ferry WV) US Army US Army headquarters (Nashville TN) US Army Headquarters (Vicksburg MS) US Army Water Works (Chattanooga TN) US Arsenal Cartridge Manufactury (Washington DC) US Bakery (Alexandria VA) US Bakery (Hilton Head SC) US Barracks (Key West FL) US Barracks (Savannah GA) US Botanic Garden (Washington DC) US Capitol (Washington DC) US Christian Commission US Christian Commission headquarters (Germantown MD) US Christian Commission Headquarters (Richmond VA) US Christian Commission Headquarters (Washington DC) US Christian Commission storehouse (Washington DC) US Clothing Department (Washington DC) US Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage (Washington DC) US Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage office (Washington DC) US Engineer Battalion US Engineer Battalion (Company A) US Engineer Battalion (Company B) US Engineer Battalion (Company C) US Engineer Battalion (Company D) US Engineer Battalion (Essayons Dramatic Club) US Engineer Battalion headquarters (Petersburg battlefield VA) US Fire Department (Alexandria, VA) US General Hospital (Hilton Head SC) US Horse Artillery US Horse Artillery (1st Brigade) US Horse Artillery (1st Brigade) headquarters (Brandy Station VA) US Mail dock (Alexandria VA) US Marine Corp headquarters (Bay Point Island SC) US Marine Corps US Military Academy (West Point NY) US Military Academy Barracks (West Point NY) US Military Academy Chapel (West Point NY) US Military Academy Library (West Point NY) US Military Academy Mess Hall (West Point NY) US Military Academy Old Academic Building (West Point NY) US Military Railroads (USMRR) US Military Telegraph Corps US Naval Academy US Naval Academy Hospital (Annapolis MD) US Naval Academy Hospital band US Naval Academy Hospital farm (Annapolis MD) US Naval Academy New Quarters (Annapolis MD) US Navy US Revenue Cutter Service US Sanitary Commission US Sanitary Commission (Beaufort SC) US Sanitary Commission Central Office (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission depot (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Brandy Station VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Gettysburg PA) US Sanitary Commission headquarters (New Bern NC) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (New York NY) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Richmond VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission Lodge (Alexandria VA) US Sanitary Commission Lodge No. 4 (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission Lodge No. 5 (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission office (Gettysburg battlefield) US Sanitary Commission storehouse (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission storerooms (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission wagon No. 15 US Signal Corps Headquarters (Washington DC) US Steam Fire Brigade Engine House 3 (Washington DC) US Treasury Battalion USMRR Blockhouse (Chattanooga TN) USMRR boxcar 1 USMRR boxcar 10 USMRR boxcar 1010 USMRR boxcar 1011 USMRR boxcar 1037 USMRR boxcar 1043 USMRR boxcar 1049 USMRR boxcar 1067 USMRR boxcar 1076 USMRR boxcar 1078 USMRR boxcar 1096 USMRR boxcar 1117 USMRR boxcar 1128 USMRR boxcar 1129 USMRR boxcar 1152 USMRR boxcar 1156 USMRR boxcar 1162 USMRR boxcar 1166 USMRR boxcar 1168 USMRR boxcar 1189 USMRR boxcar 119 USMRR boxcar 1192 USMRR boxcar 12 USMRR boxcar 1219 USMRR boxcar 1226 USMRR boxcar 1235 USMRR boxcar 1236 USMRR boxcar 1237 USMRR boxcar 1258 USMRR boxcar 1269 USMRR boxcar 1270 USMRR boxcar 1272 USMRR boxcar 1274 USMRR boxcar 1276 USMRR boxcar 1277 USMRR boxcar 1279 USMRR boxcar 1281 USMRR boxcar 1285 USMRR boxcar 1288 USMRR boxcar 129 USMRR boxcar 1300 USMRR boxcar 1304 USMRR boxcar 1307 USMRR boxcar 1413 USMRR boxcar 1454 USMRR boxcar 150 USMRR boxcar 154 USMRR boxcar 1554 USMRR boxcar 159 USMRR boxcar 196 USMRR boxcar 20 USMRR boxcar 2036 USMRR boxcar 2066 USMRR boxcar 2216 USMRR boxcar 2264 USMRR boxcar 232 USMRR boxcar 26 USMRR boxcar 2628 USMRR boxcar 2660 USMRR boxcar 2674 USMRR boxcar 2727 USMRR boxcar 274 USMRR boxcar 2746 USMRR boxcar 275 USMRR boxcar 276 USMRR boxcar 277 USMRR boxcar 355 USMRR boxcar 38 USMRR boxcar 46 USMRR boxcar 49 USMRR boxcar 510 USMRR boxcar 62 USMRR boxcar 71 USMRR boxcar 719 USMRR boxcar 767 USMRR boxcar 858 USMRR boxcar 9 USMRR boxcar 94 USMRR Car Repair Carpenter Shop (a) (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Carpenter Shop (b) (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Paint Shop (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Shop (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenter and Bridge Shop (Alexandria VA) USMRR Carpenter Shop (a) (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenter Shop (b) (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenters’ Tool House (City Point VA) USMRR Commissary Dept. (Alexandria VA) USMRR Commissary Warehouse (City Point VA) USMRR Construction Corps USMRR Construction Corps (Gang A) USMRR Construction Corps Gang Houses (City Point VA) USMRR Construction Corps Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) USMRR Construction Storehouse (Alexandria VA) USMRR Engine House (Alexandria VA) USMRR Engine House (City Point VA) USMRR flatcar 149 USMRR flatcar 162 USMRR flatcar 165 USMRR flatcar 166 USMRR flatcar 190 USMRR flatcar 248 USMRR flatcar 25 USMRR flatcar 290 USMRR flatcar 296 USMRR flatcar 305 USMRR flatcar 350 USMRR flatcar 55 USMRR flatcar 56 USMRR flatcar 58 USMRR flatcar 65 USMRR flatcar 83 USMRR flatcar 89 USMRR floating pile driver (a) USMRR floating pile driver (b) USMRR gondola car 2276 USMRR Hospital (Alexandria VA) USMRR Hospital (City Point VA) USMRR hospital car 1082 USMRR Inspection engine USMRR locomotive 116 USMRR locomotive 131 USMRR locomotive 132 USMRR locomotive 133 USMRR locomotive 137 USMRR locomotive 141 USMRR locomotive 150 USMRR locomotive 156 USMRR locomotive 162 USMRR locomotive 39 USMRR locomotive 55/111/Washington (b) USMRR locomotive 56/Cumberland USMRR locomotive 7/Union USMRR locomotive 83 USMRR locomotive 88 USMRR locomotive C. Vibbard USMRR locomotive Chas. Minot USMRR locomotive Christopher Adams Jr. USMRR locomotive Clarke USMRR locomotive Col. Holabird USMRR locomotive Commodore USMRR locomotive D. C. McCallum USMRR locomotive Dover USMRR locomotive E. Corning USMRR locomotive E. L. Wentz USMRR locomotive Eagle USMRR locomotive Eclipse/Scout USMRR locomotive Elk/James M. Motley/W. W. Wright USMRR locomotive Epping USMRR locomotive Fairfax USMRR locomotive Fire Fly USMRR locomotive Fred Leach USMRR locomotive Gen. Dix USMRR locomotive Gen. Haupt/Gen. J. C. Robinson USMRR locomotive Gen. McClellan USMRR locomotive Gen. Scott/Rapidan USMRR locomotive Geo. A. Parker USMRR locomotive Governor Nye USMRR locomotive Hercules/E. M. Stanton USMRR locomotive Homer USMRR locomotive Hoosac USMRR locomotive Humming Bird USMRR locomotive J. H. Devereux USMRR locomotive La Fourche USMRR locomotive Lexington USMRR locomotive Lion USMRR locomotive Maryland USMRR locomotive May Queen USMRR locomotive Monitor USMRR locomotive P. H. Watson/Col. A. Beckwith USMRR locomotive Pickwick USMRR locomotive President USMRR Locomotive Stuart Gwynn/Gen. Meade USMRR locomotive Thornton/Senator USMRR locomotive Union USMRR locomotive Vulcan USMRR locomotive W. H. Whiton USMRR locomotive Warrior/Lt. Gen. Grant USMRR Machine Shop (City Point VA) USMRR Machine Shops (Alexandria VA) USMRR Offices (Alexandria VA) USMRR Offices (City Point VA) USMRR passenger car 13 USMRR passenger car 6 USMRR photographic car USMRR Photographic Department (Alexandria VA) USMRR President Lincoln’s car USMRR Rail Yard (Alexandria VA) USMRR stock car 1061 USMRR stock car 325 USMRR Stockade (Alexandria VA) USMRR Superintendent’s House (City Point VA) USMRR Superintendent’s Quarters (Alexandria VA) USMRR Supply Store (City Point VA) USMRR Turntable (Alexandria VA) USMRR Turntable (City Point VA) USMRR Water Tanks (a) (City Point VA) USMRR Water Tanks (b) (City Point VA) USMRR Wharf (Alexandria VA) USMRR Wharf (City Point VA) USMRR Wharf (Manchester VA) USMRR Wharf Water Tank (City Point VA) USMRR wrecking car 1 USS Advance USS Agamenticus USS Agawam USS Ammonoosuc USS Aroostook USS Atlanta USS Augusta USS Baron DeKalb USS Benton USS Bignonia USS Black Hawk USS Cairo USS Camanche USS Canonicus USS Casco USS Catskill USS Chickasaw USS Chimo USS Choctaw USS Cincinnati USS Colorado USS Commodore McDonough USS Commodore Perry USS Constitution USS Cricket USS Dacotah USS Dahlia USS Dai Ching USS Daisy USS Dictator USS Eastport USS Essex USS Fort Donelson USS Fort Hindman - 13 USS Fort Jackson USS Galena USS General Grant USS General Price USS Genesee USS Hartford USS Horace Beals USS Hunchback USS Indianola USS John Adams USS Kansas USS Kearsarge USS Kenwood USS Kickapoo USS Kineo USS Lackawanna USS Lafayette USS Lehigh USS Louisville USS Macedonian USS Mackinaw USS Magnolia USS Mahopac USS Malvern USS Manayunk USS Manhattan USS Maratanza USS Marblehead USS Massasoit USS Mendota USS Miami USS Miantonomoh USS Milwaukee USS Mingoe USS Mississippi USS Monadnock USS Monitor USS Montauk USS Morse USS Mound City USS Nahant USS Nantucket USS Neosho USS New Hampshire USS New Ironsides USS Niagara USS Nipsic USS O. M. Pettit USS Ohio USS Onondaga USS Osage USS Ozark USS Passaic USS Patapsco USS Pawnee USS Pensacola USS Peosta USS Pequot USS Periwinkle USS Philadelphia USS Pittsburgh USS Plymouth USS Pocahontas USS Portsmouth USS Puritan USS Queen City USS Red Rover USS Rhode Island USS Richmond USS Roanoke USS Sabine USS Saco USS Sangamon USS Santee USS Santiago De Cuba USS Saratoga USS Saugus USS Savannah USS Shawnee USS Shawsheen USS Signal USS Silver Cloud - 28 USS St. Louis USS Stepping Stones USS Susquehanna USS Tonawanda USS Tristram Shandy USS Tyler USS Unadilla USS Vermont USS Vindicator USS Wabash USS Wassuc USS Weehawken USS William H. Brown USS Winona USS Yankee


W. H. Whiton house (Georgetown DC) W. P. Burnett’s house (Cold Harbor VA) W&G Streetcar 15 W&W Bridge (Neuse River NC) Wade (James F.) Wadsworth (David) Wadsworth (James S.) Wadsworth (Melvyn C.) wagon Wagon Hotel (Gettysburg PA) Wainwright (Charles S.) Walcott (Alfred F.) Walcutt (Charles C.) Walden (Percy) Waldron (Franklin H.) Wales (Thomas B.) Walker (Francis A.) Walker (J. G.) Walker (John H.) Walker (Leicester) Walker (Mrs.) Walker (William F.) Walker (William Jr.) Walker plantation (Beaufort SC) walking stick wall tent Wallace (Campbell W.) Wallace (Edwin A.) Wallace (George C.) Wallace (Jonathan) Wallace (Robert C.) Wallach house (Culpeper VA) Wallis Brothers Premium Photograph Gallery (Chicago IL) Walrey (C.) Walters (Surg.) Walton (J. C.) War Bonnet War Department (Washington DC) Ward (John H. H.) Ward (John L.) Ward (John Langdon) Ward (Mr.) Ward (William G.) Ward (William M.) Warner (C. N.) Warner (E. R.) Warner (Frederick R.) Warner (Willard) Warren (Gouverneur K.) Warren (Lt.) Warren County Courthouse (Vicksburg MS) Warren Station VA Warrenton Pike VA Warrenton VA Warrington FL wash basin wash tub washboard Washburn (Albert) Washburn (Francis) Washington (James B.) Washington (Sam) Washington and Georgetown Railway (W&G) Washington Aqueduct Washington Arsenal (Washington DC) Washington Circle (Washington DC) Washington City Canal (Washington DC) Washington DC Washington Monument (Washington DC) Washington Navy Yard (Washington DC) Washington Navy Yard barracks (Washington DC) Washington Street Hospital (a) (Alexandria VA) Washington Street Hospital (a) (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Hospital (b) (Alexandria VA) Washington Street Hospital (b) (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Methodist Church (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Military Prison (Alexandria VA) Washington Water Works (District of Columbia) Washington’s mother’s house (Fredericksburg VA) Washington’s mother’s tomb (Fredericksburg VA) washstand water barrel water cart water trough Waterhouse (John R.) watering can Waterman (Richard) Watmough (Joseph H.) Watson (Charles H.) Watson House (Nashville TN) Watters (C.) Watts (Capt.) Watts (Richard A.) Watts (William B.) Waud (Alfred R.) Wauhatchie TN Way (George) Webb (Alexander S.) Weber (Julius) Webster (Amos) Webster (George W.) Webster (Mr.) Wedemeyer (William G.) wedge tent Weeden (William B.) Weihl (Lt.) Weinbrenner (D. C.) Weir (Henry C.) Weitzel (Godfrey) Weitzel (Lewis) Welcome (Philip) Weld (Frank M.) Weld (S. M.) Welford House (Brandy Station VA) Welford’s Ford VA Welford’s Mill (Welford’s Ford VA) well lift Welles (Gideon) Wells (Capt.) Wells (Daniel T.) Wells (George D.) Wertz (John M.) West (Benjamin G.) West (C. P. F.) West (George W.) West Chickamauga Creek GA West Point NY West Roxbury MA West Virginia Western & Atlantic Railroad (W&A) Westmoreland County VA Weston Manor (City Point VA) Westover House (Harrison’s Landing VA) Westover Landing VA Weymouth (Harrison G. O.) Whaler (Lt.) Wharf boat (Cairo IL) Wheaton (Charles) wheelbarrow wheelchair Wheeler (C. E.) Wheeler (Daniel D.) Wheeler (George N.) Wheeler (James R.) Whelan (Arvin F.) Whidden (George A.) Whipple (Amiel W.) Whipple (William D.) Whitaker (Edward W.) White (Austin J.) White (Charles H.) White (Charles T.) White (Daniel) White (Julius) White (Whitman V.) White House (Washington DC) White House (White House Landing VA) White House Landing VA White Oak Church (Falmouth VA) White Oak Swamp Va White Sulphur Springs bridge (Rappahannock River) White Sulphur Springs Hotel (White Sulphur Springs VA) White Sulphur Springs VA Whitehall Ferry Landing (Beaufort SC) Whitehead (Irvine G.) Whitehouse (E. N) Whiteley (L. A.) Whiteside TN Whiting (Charles J.) Whiting (Lt.) Whitman (Jones) Whitman (Walter) Whitney (Allston W.) Whitney (Benjamin F.) Whitney (Edward T.) Whitney (George A.) Whitney (Joel P.) Whitney (William H.) Whittier (Charles A.) Whittier (Edward N.) Whittlesey (Charles H.) Whitworth shell Whitworth shot Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants (Atlanta GA) Wholesale Shoe House (Petersburg VA) Whyte (Surg.) Wiard field carriage Wiard rifle gun Wiggin (Frank) Wiggin (Pierce L.) Wight (Edward) Wilbur (E. R.) Wilcox Landing VA Wilcox Lodge (Wilcox Landing VA) Wilderness battlefield VA Wilderness Church (Wilderness battlefield VA) Wiles Wiley (Daniel D.) Wiley (John A.) Wiley (Sullivan) Wilkes House (Washington DC) Wilkes Street Tunnel (Alexandria VA) Wilkins (Ira G.) Wilkins (Williams W.) Will (William F.) Willcox (Orlando B.) William Aiken’s house (Charleston SC) William Allen house (Richmond VA) William Atkins William B. Richards house (Alexandria VA) William F. Browne’s photographic wagon William H. Forbes’ quarters (Vienna VA) William Higby - Watchmaker & Jeweler William N. Thornton house (Bull Run battlefield) William Pitt the Elder statue (Charleston SC) Williams (Augustus H. D.) Williams (Henry C.) Williams (Lt.) Williams (Pvt.) Williams (R. Westley) Williams (Seth) Williamsport MD Williard (Nathaniel L.) Willis (Nathaniel P.) Williston (Lt.) Willoughby Run PA Wilmington & Weldon Railroad (W&W) Wilson (Hiram S.) Wilson (James H.) Wilson (James M.) Wilson (John H.) Wilson (John) Wilson (P. B.) Wilson (Samuel H.) Wilson (Thomas) Wilson (wagon master) Wilson (William) Winchester & Potomac Railroad (W&P) Winchester VA Winder (Charles S.) Winder Building (Washington DC) wine glass wine or beer bottle Wing (C. T.) Wing (Harrison B.) Wing (W. W.) Winslow (Gordon) Winslow (John A.) Winsor (Gershorn C.) Wirz (Heinrich H.) Wise (George D.) Wise (George W.) Wise (Henry A.) Wise house (South Mountain MD) Withers (Jones M.) Wm. Tillman’s Saddle & Harness Manufactory (Vicksburg MS) Wolf Hill (Gettysburg battlefield) Wolfe Street Hospital (Alexandria VA) Wolsey (Charles W.) Wood (Bradford R.) Wood (Col.) Wood (Joseph) Wood (Lt. Col.) Wood (scout) Woodbury (Asst. Surg.) Woodbury (Augustus) Woodbury (David B.) Woodbury’s bridge (Chickahominy River) Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland OH) Woodruff (Carle A.) Woods (Patrick) Woodworth (Madison J. C.) Woolen mill (Petersburg VA) Woosung (China) worm Worrall (Capt.) Worth (William S.) Worthen (George E.) Worthington (Leslie G.) Worthley (Alfred W.) Worthley (James C.) Wren (George W.) Wright (Alexander M.) Wright (Charles J.) Wright (Ely F.) Wright (Horatio G.) Wright (Joseph W. B.) Wright (Samuel) Wright (Thomas S.) Wright (William W.) Wyckoff (Albert V.) Wyett (Charles E.)


100th New York Infantry 100th New York Infantry (Company C) 104th Pennsylvania Infantry 106th Pennsylvania Infantry 107th US Colored Infantry 107th US Colored Infantry (Band) 107th US Colored Infantry headquarters (Fort Corcoran VA) 10th Corps 10th Corps (2nd Division) 10th Corps headquarters (Hatcher's Farm VA) 10th Maine Infantry 10th Massachusetts Infantry 10th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 10th Massachusetts Infantry (Company F) 10th Massachusetts Light Artillery 10th New Hampshire Infantry 10th Ohio Cavalry 10th Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry 10th US Colored Infantry 10th US Veteran Reserve 10th US Veteran Reserve (Band) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company A) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company B) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company C) 10th US Veteran Reserve (Company H) 110th Pennsylvania Infantry 110th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company C) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company F) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company G) 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 119th Pennsylvania Infantry 11th Alabama Infantry 11th Corps 11th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 11th Corps (1st Division) 11th Massachusetts Infantry 11th Mississippi Infantry 11th Missouri Infantry 11th New York Infantry 11th Rhode Island Infantry 11th Rhode Island Infantry (Company F) 12-pounder Dahlgren rifle gun 12-pounder Napoleon gun 12-pounder Whitworth Rifle gun 124th Illinois Infantry 124th Illinois Infantry barracks (Vicksburg MS) 125th Ohio Infantry 125th Ohio Infantry (Band) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company B) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company C) 125th Ohio Infantry (Company H) 128th Ohio Infantry 128th Ohio Infantry (Company A) 128th Ohio Infantry (Company C) 12th Maine Infantry 12th Massachusetts Infantry 12th New Hampshire Infantry 12th New Hampshire Infantry headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) 12th New York Infantry 12th New York Infantry (Company B) 12th New York Infantry (Company E) 12th New York State Militia 12th New York State Militia (Company A) 12th New York State Militia (Company I) 134th Illinois Infantry 139th Pennsylvania Infantry 13th Maine Infantry 13th Massachusetts Infantry 13th Massachusetts Infantry (Company C) 13th Massachusetts Infantry library (Williamsport MD) 13th New York Cavalry 13th New York Heavy Artillery 14-wheel Railroad gun 141st New York Infantry 141st New York Infantry (Company F) 149th Pennsylvania Infantry 149th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company D) 14th Corps 14th Corps (1st Division) 14th Indiana Infantry 14th Massachusetts Infantry 14th New York Heavy Artillery 14th US Infantry 150th Pennsylvania Infantry 150th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 150th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 153rd New York Infantry 153rd New York Infantry (Company C) 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry 15th Arkansas Artillery 15th Arkansas Artillery (Bainbridge’s Battery) 15th Arkansas Artillery (Duryea’s Battery) 15th Corps 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 15th New Jersey Infantry 15th New York Engineers 15th New York Heavy Artillery 15th New York Heavy Artillery (3rd Battery) 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company F) 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company G) 15th US Infantry 15th Vermont Infantry 15th Vermont Infantry (Company C) 164th New York Infantry 165th New York Infantry 16th Corps 16th Corps (1st Division) 16th Corps (3rd Division) 16th Maine Infantry 16th Massachusetts Infantry 16th New York Cavalry 16th New York Infantry 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry 16th US Colored Infantry 16th US Infantry 170th New York Infantry 170th New York Infantry (Band) 170th New York Infantry (Company B) 179th New York Infantry 17th Corps 17th Corps (1st Division) 17th Corps (3rd Division) 17th Independent Battery New York Light Artillery 17th Maine Infantry 17th Maine Infantry (Band) 17th New York Infantry 17th New York Infantry (Band) 18th Corps 18th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 18th Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) headquarters - New Bern NC 18th Corps (1st Division) 18th Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) 18th Corps (2nd Division) 18th Corps Hospital (Pitkin Station VA) 18th Independent Battery New York Light Artillery 18th Massachusetts Infantry 18th Missouri Infantry 18th New Hampshire Infantry 18th New Hampshire Infantry (Company E) 18th Ohio Infantry 18th Ohio Infantry headquarters (Chattanooga TN) 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry 18th US Infantry 19th Corps 19th Iowa Infantry 19th Massachusetts Infantry 1st Alabama Infantry 1st Boston Light Artillery 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery (Band) 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery (Company C) 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery Adjutants quarters (Fort Darling VA) 1st Corps 1st Corps (1st Division) 1st Illinois Light Artillery 1st Illinois Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery 1st Maine Light Artillery 1st Massachusetts Cavalry 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company C) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company D) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company G) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry (Company L) 1st Massachusetts Cavalry headquarters (Edisto Island SC) 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company B) 1st Massachusetts Infantry 1st Massachusetts Light Artillery 1st New Jersey Brigade 1st New Jersey Cavalry 1st New Jersey Infantry 1st New York Cavalry 1st New York Cavalry (Company B) 1st New York Engineers 1st New York Engineers (Company E) 1st New York Light Artillery 1st New York Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st New York Light Artillery (Cowan's Battery) 1st Ohio Infantry 1st Ohio Light Artillery 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Battery B) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Battery C) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Keystone Battery - center section) 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (Keystone Battery) 1st Rhode Island Cavalry 1st Rhode Island Cavalry (Band) 1st Rhode Island Infantry 1st Rhode Island Infantry (Company D) 1st Rhode Island Infantry (Company E) 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery (Battery C) 1st South Carolina Infantry (US Colored Troops) 1st US Artillery 1st US Artillery (Battery A) 1st US Artillery (Battery B) 1st US Artillery (Battery D) 1st US Cavalry 1st US Cavalry (Company K) 1st US Colored Infantry 1st US Dragoons 1st US Veteran Reserve 1st West Virginia Light Artillery (Battery C)


20th Battery Indiana Light Artillery 20th Corps 20th Corps (1st Division 2nd Brigade) 20th Corps (1st Division) 20th Massachusetts Infantry 20th Massachusetts Infantry headquarters (Camp Benton MD) 20th New York Infantry 20th New York State Militia 21st Illinois Infantry 21st Indiana Infantry 21st Massachusetts Infantry 21st Michigan Infantry 21st Michigan Infantry (Company B) 21st Michigan Infantry (Company E) 21st Michigan Infantry camp (Chattanooga TN) 21st Michigan Infantry Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) 22nd Massachusetts Infantry 22nd New York State Militia 22nd New York State Militia (Band) 22nd New York State Militia (Company A) 22nd New York State Militia (Company B) 22nd New York State Militia (Company C) 22nd New York State Militia (Company D) 22nd New York State Militia (Company E) 22nd New York State Militia (Company F) 22nd New York State Militia (Company G) 22nd New York State Militia (Company H) 22nd New York State Militia (Company I) 22nd Pennsylvania Infantry 23rd Corps 23rd Massachusetts Infantry 23rd New York Infantry 23rd New York Infantry (Company A) 23rd New York Infantry (Company C) 23rd New York Infantry (Company D) 23rd New York Infantry (Company E) 23rd New York Infantry (Company F) 23rd New York Infantry (Company K) 23rd Ohio Infantry 23rd Ohio Infantry (Company I) 23rd Pennsylvania Infantry 23rd US Colored Infantry 24th Corps 24th Corps (3rd Division 24th Corps (3rd Division, 1st Brigade) 24th Massachusetts Infantry 25th Massachusetts Infantry 26th New York Infantry 26th New York Infantry (Colored) 26th US Colored Infantry 27th US Colored Infantry 28th Massachusetts Infantry 28th Wisconsin Infantry 29th New York Infantry 29th US Colored Infantry 2nd Connecticut Infantry 2nd Corps 2nd Corps (1st Division 1st Brigade) 2nd Corps (1st Division 2nd Brigade) 2nd Corps (1st Division) 2nd Corps (1st Division) hospital (Brandy Station VA) 2nd Corps (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) 2nd Corps (2nd Division) 2nd Corps (2nd Division) ambulance wagon 16 2nd Corps (3rd Division) 2nd Corps Hospital (Brandy Station VA) 2nd Corps Hospital (City Point VA) 2nd Corps mail wagon 2nd Light Artillery US Colored Troops 2nd Maine Infantry 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry (Band) 2nd Massachusetts Infantry 2nd Michigan Cavalry 2nd New York Cavalry 2nd New York Heavy Artillery 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company F) 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company K) 2nd New York Heavy Artillery (Company L) 2nd Ohio Cavalry 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery 2nd Rhode Island Infantry 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Band) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company C) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company D) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company F) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company G) 2nd Rhode Island Infantry (Company I) 2nd US Artillery 2nd US Artillery (Battery A) 2nd US Artillery (Battery B) 2nd US Artillery (Battery D) 2nd US Artillery (Battery F) 2nd US Artillery (Battery M) 2nd US Cavalry 2nd US Dragoons 2nd US Infantry 2nd US Sharpshooters 2nd Wisconsin Infantry


3-Inch Ordnance Rifle 30th Pennsylvania Infantry 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Band) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company B) 30th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company K) 31st Maine Infantry 31st Maine Infantry (Company D) 31st Pennsylvania Infantry 33rd Massachusetts Infantry 33rd New York Infantry 33rd New York Infantry (Band) 33rd New York Infantry (Company A) 33rd New York Infantry (Company H) 34th Massachusetts Infantry 35th Massachusetts Infantry 35th New York Infantry 36th Illinois Infantry 36th Massachusetts Infantry 36th Pennsylvania Infantry 36th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 37th Massachusetts Infantry 37th Pennsylvania Infantry 37th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company I) 38th Massachusetts Infantry 39th Illinois Infantry 39th New York Infantry 39th Pennsylvania Infantry 39th US Colored Infantry 3rd Alabama Infantry 3rd Brigade Artillery Reserve headquarters freight wagon 3rd Connecticut Infantry 3rd Corps 3rd Corps (1st Division) 3rd Corps (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) 3rd Corps (2nd Division) 3rd Corps Chief Quartermaster's quarters (Brandy Station VA) 3rd Illinois Cavalry 3rd Indiana Cavalry 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company A) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company B) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company F) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company H) 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company K) 3rd Massachusetts Rifle Battalion 3rd New Hampshire Infantry 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Band) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company A) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company E) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company F) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company H) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company I) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry (Company K) 3rd New Hampshire Infantry cemetery (Hilton Head SC) 3rd New Jersey Infantry 3rd New York Artillery headquarters (New Bern NC) 3rd New York Cavalry 3rd New York Infantry 3rd New York Light Artillery 3rd New York Light Artillery (Battery B) 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry (Company C) 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (Band) 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Company G) 3rd US Artillery 3rd US Artillery (Battery C) 3rd US Artillery (Battery G) 3rd US Cavalry 3rd US Infantry 3rd Wisconsin Infantry


4-wheel sling cart 4.5-inch Siege Rifle gun 40th Massachusetts Infantry 41st New York Infantry 41st New York Infantry (Company C) 43rd Massachusetts Infantry 44th Indiana Infantry 44th Indiana Infantry (Company A) 44th Indiana Infantry (Company H) 44th Massachusetts Infantry 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company F) 44th Massachusetts Infantry (Company I) 44th New York Infantry 44th New York Infantry (Band) 45th Illinois Infantry 45th Indiana Infantry 45th Massachusetts Infantry 45th Massachusetts Infantry (Company A) 45th Massachusetts Infantry (Company E) 45th Massachusetts Infantry headquarters (New Bern NC) 48th New York Infantry 48th New York Infantry (Band) 48th New York Infantry (Company A) 48th New York Infantry (Company B) 48th New York Infantry (Company C) 48th New York Infantry (Company D) 48th New York Infantry (Company H) 48th New York Infantry (Company I) 48th New York Infantry (Company K) 49th Pennsylvania Infantry 4th Corps 4th Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) 4th Corps (2nd Division) 4th Georgia Infantry 4th Georgia Infantry (Company K) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company I) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company I) stable (Varina VA) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry (Company M) 4th Massachusetts Cavalry chapel (Varina VA) 4th Massachusetts Militia 4th Michigan Infantry 4th Michigan Infantry (Band) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company D) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company F) 4th Michigan Infantry (Company M) 4th New Jersey Infantry 4th New York Cavalry 4th New York Cavalry headquarters wagon 4th New York Heavy Artillery 4th New York Heavy Artillery headquarters (Fort Corcoran VA) 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry 4th US Artillery 4th US Artillery (Battery H) 4th US Colored Infantry 4th US Colored Infantry (Company E) 4th US Infantry 4th US Infantry (Band)


50th New York Engineers 50th New York Engineers (Company H) 50th New York Engineers headquarters (Poplar Grove VA) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company A) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company C) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company F) 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (Company H) 51st New York Infantry 54th Massachusetts Infantry 55th New York Infantry 56th Massachusetts Infantry 56th Massachusetts Infantry (Band) 56th Massachusetts Infantry (Company B) 56th New York Infantry 56th New York Infantry hospital (Beaufort SC) 57th Massachusetts Infantry 57th Massachusetts Infantry (Company I) 57th New York Infantry 58th Ohio Infantry 5th Connecticut Infantry 5th Corps 5th Corps (1st Division 3rd Brigade) 5th Corps (1st Division) 5th Corps (3rd Division) 5th Corps (3rd Division) headquarters (Bristoe Station VA) 5th Corps (Artillery Brigade) 5th Corps (Artillery Brigade) headquarters (Culpeper VA) 5th Corps (Cavalry Division) 5th Corps Headquarters (Brandy Station VA) 5th Corps Headquarters Baggage wagon 1 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 18 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 22 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 6 5th Corps Supply Train Commissary wagon 7 5th Maine Battery 5th Massachusetts Cavalry (Colored) 5th Massachusetts Light Artillery 5th New Hampshire Infantry 5th New York Infantry 5th New York Infantry (Company E) 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry 5th US Artillery 5th US Artillery (Battery D) 5th US Artillery (Battery D) headquarters (Brandy Station VA) 5th US Cavalry 5th US Infantry


A. B. Hussey & Co. (Jacksonville FL) A. C. Wyly & Co. (Atlanta GA) A. Foulke - Sutler (Brandy Station VA) A.M. Aiken House (Varina VA) A&NC conductors car 1 A&NC Trestle (Little River NC) A&NC Water Tank (Little River NC) A&W Long Bridge Water Tank (Potomac River) A&WP locomotive E. L. Ellsworth A&WP locomotive E. Y. Hill A&WP locomotive O. A. Bull A&WP locomotive P. Stovall A&WP locomotive Telegraph A&WP roundhouse (Atlanta GA) A&WP turntable (Atlanta GA) Abbot (Henry L.) Abbot (Samuel J.) Abbott (A. T.) Abbott (Fletcher M.) Abercrombie (John J.) Aberle (Jacob) Abert (William S.) Abraham Lincoln’s home (Springfield IL) AC&F Bridge (a) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Bridge (b) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Bridge (c) (Potomac Creek VA) AC&F Burnside Wharf (Potomac River) Accabee plantation (Charleston SC) accordion Adams (army scout) Adams (Axel S.) Adams (Benjamin F.) Adams (Capt.) Adams (Charles F.) Adams (Elisha) Adams (Franklin C.) Adams (George W.) Adams (Joshua W.) Adams (L. P.) Adams (Zabdiel B.) Adams County PA Adams Express Company (Beaufort SC) Adams Express Company (Chattanooga TN) Adams Express Company (Fort Monroe VA) Adams Express Company (Varina VA) Adams Express Company boxcar 65 Adams Express Company boxcar 77 Adjutant General’s office (Chattanooga TN) Adjutant’s Office (New Bern NC) Admiral Foote’s house (New Haven CT) Adsit (John W.) Agar gun Agricultural College (Bladensburg MD) Aiken (William) Aiken House (Petersburg battlefield VA) Aiken’s farm (Aiken’s Landing VA) Aiken’s Landing VA Akron OH AL&H station (Vienna VA) AL&H Station and Office (Alexandria VA) Alabama Albert (Louis P.) Alden (John T.) Alexander (Andrew J.) Alexander (Thomas) Alexander Gardner’s Gallery (Washington DC) Alexandria & Washington Railroad (A&W) Alexandria and Leesburg Turnpike Alexandria Canal Alexandria LA Alexandria Loudon & Hampshire Railroad (AL&H) Alexandria VA Alfred James Hardware and Cutlery (Petersburg VA) Algeciras (Spain) Allatoona Pass GA Allen (Aaron C.) Allen (Charles F.) Allen (David L.) Allen (Edward J.) Allen (Eugene A.) Allen (George Q.) Allen (H. D.) Allen (John A. P.) Allen (Levi) Allen (Mrs.) Allen (Richard H.) Allen (Samuel J.) Allen (William) Allen’s farm (Yorktown VA) Alley (John H.) Allman (Lewis J.) Almshouse (Richmond VA) Alvord (Corydon A.) Alvord (Sylvester D.) ambulance cart ambulance wagon American Telegraph Office (Washington DC) Amerman (William P.) Ames (Adelbert C.) Ames (William) Amory (Thomas J. C.) anchor Anderson (Leonard B.) Anderson (Robert) Anderson (T.) Anderson (William A.) Andersonville GA Andersonville National Cemetery (Andersonville GA) Andersonville Prison (Andersonville GA) Andrew J. Russell’s photographic wagon Andrew Johnson’s Tailor Shop (Greeneville TN) Andrews (George L.) Andrews (J. W.) Andrews (Joseph) Annable (Charles A.) Annan (Frank) Annapolis MD Anthony (George T.) Antietam battlefield Antietam Creek MD Antietam MD anvil Appleton (Nathan) Appomattox Canal aqueduct (Old Town Creek VA) Appomattox Canal VA Appomattox Court House VA Appomattox Manor (City Point VA) Appomattox River Appomattox Station VA Aqueduct Bridge (Alexandria Canal) Aquia Creek & Fredericksburg Railroad (AC&F) Aquia Creek Landing VA Arc En Ciel Arch Street Bridge (Richmond VA) Archer (Samuel) Archibald McLeish’s Vulcan Iron Works (Charleston SC) ark Arkansas Arlington House (Arlington VA) Arlington Mill (Arlington Mills VA) Arlington Mills VA Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington VA) Arlington National Cemetery Corral (Arlington VA) Arlington VA Armitage (Thomas R.) armored gun car Armory Square Hospital (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Central Office (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Chapel (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Ward B (Washington DC) Armory Square Hospital Ward K (Washington DC) Arms (Capt.) Arms (Pvt.) Armstead (George) Armstead & White Photograph Gallery (Corinth MS) Armstrong Armstrong (Hallock) Armstrong (John A.) Armstrong (Thomas) Armstrong rifle gun Armstrong shell army forge Army Hospital (City Point VA) Army Hospital Chapel (City Point VA) Army of Georgia Army of Northeastern Virginia Army of Northern Virginia Army of the Cumberland Army of the Cumberland Chief of Artillery headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Army of the Cumberland headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Army of the Cumberland Judge Advocate’s office (Chattanooga TN) Army of the James Army of the Mississippi Army of the Mississippi (2nd Division 2nd Brigade) Army of the Mississippi (2nd Division) Army of the Ohio Army of the Potomac Army of the Potomac Commissary Department (Brandy Station VA) Army of the Potomac General Post Office (Brandy Station VA) Army of the Potomac Headquarters Post Office (Falmouth VA) Army of the Shenandoah (USA) Army of the Tennessee Army Wharf (Hilton Head SC) Army Wharf (St. Augustine FL) Arnold (DeWitt C.) Arnold (Elisha) Arnold (Mr.) Arnold (Samuel B.) Arnold (William A.) arrow Arsenal (Beaufort SC) artillery car Artillery Reserve Aspinwall (Lloyd) Assistant Adjutant General’s office (Chattanooga TN) Assistant Quartermaster’s Office (a) (Washington DC) Assistant Quartermaster’s Office (b) (Washington DC) Astor (John J.) Atchinson (Charles B.) Atkins (Samuel) Atkinson (Christopher) Atlanta & West Point Railroad (A&WP) Atlanta Bank (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Cigar Manufactory (Atlanta GA) Atlanta GA Atlanta Hotel (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Insurance & Banking Company (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Lard Oil Factory (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Medical College (Atlanta GA) Atlanta Rolling Mill (Atlanta GA) Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad (A&NC) Atlantic Ocean Atwood & Co. Store (Hilton Head SC) Atzerodt (George A.) Auburn (Culpeper VA) Auburn NY Auburn VA Auction & Negro Sales (Atlanta GA) auger Augur (Christopher C.) Augusta GA Austin (Albert S.) Austin (George F.) Austin (John F.) Averell (William W.) Avery (Edward T.) Avery (Irving M.) axe Ayer (Henry C.) Ayers (Charles L.)


B. F. Smith & Son photographic studio (Portland ME) B. Westermann & Co. Books (New York NY) B&O Bridge (a) (Harpers Ferry WV) B&O Bridge (b) (Harpers Ferry WV) B&O Railroad Depot (Washington DC) B&O Relay House (Relay House MD) B&O Thomas Viaduct (Patapsco River MD) Babcock (Charles B.) Babcock (Grace) Babcock (Herman P.) Babcock (John C.) Babcock (Lucien F.) Babcock (Orville E.) Babcock (William J.) Bache (Francis M.) Bache (Robert) Badeau (Adam) Badlam (William H.) Bailey (Francis S.) Bailey's Crossroads VA Bailey’s Dam (Red River LA) Bain (Peter C.) Baker (1st Lt.) Baker (Henry) Baker (J. M.) Baker (James A.) Balch (Joseph P.) Baldwin (Joseph T.) Ball (Joseph H.) Ball (William) Ballard’s Hotel (Richmond VA) Balloch (George W.) balloon Constitution balloon Intrepid Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) Baltimore Harbor Baltimore MD Baltimore Turnpike Baltimore Wharf (Fort Monroe VA) Band quarters (Governor’s Island NY) Bangs (George H.) banjo Bank of Chambersburg (Chambersburg PA) Bank of North Carolina (New Bern NC) Bank of the Old Dominion (Alexandria VA) Bank of the Republic (New York City NY) Bankhead (Henry C.) Banks (Nathaniel P.) Baptist Church - Colored (Alexandria VA) Baptist Church (Chambersburg PA) Barber (David R.) Barber (Edwin J.) Barbette carriage (center pintle-iron) Barbette carriage (center pintle-wood) Barbette carriage (front pintle-iron) Barbette carriage (front pintle-wood) Barbour (Joseph H.) barge barge Albert Vanslyke barge Alice Louisa barge C. A. Dornfeld barge Corn Exchange barge Ellen Gunson barge Genesee barge H. Coalman barge Jimmy Stepton barge John L. Ristine barge Julia Ann Covell barge Lewis Boyer barge Locust Mountain barge Messenger barge Missouri barge Palmyra Express barge Peter Lindecukle barge S. F. Ladd barge Sunshine barge W. R. Platt barge Winder Hospital Supply Boat Barker (George) Barker (Thomas E.) Barker (W. W.) Barlow (Francis C.) Barlow (J. W.) Barnard (George N.) Barnard (Jeremiah) Barnard (John G.) Barnard album collection Barnes (Dennis E.) Barnes (F. R.) Barnes (Henry R.) Barnes (Lorenzo D.) Barnett barque barquentine Barracks (Sandy Hook NY) Barracks Hospital (Fort at Willets Point NY) barrel barrel anchor barrel chair barrel tap Barrett (Edward) Barrett (James O.) Barrett (W. F.) Barrett (William) Barry (William F.) Barstow (Simon F.) Bart (Charles) Bartels (Henry L.) Bartine (David H.) Bartlett (Albert W.) Bartlett (Edwin B.) Bartlett (Ezra) Bartlett (Joseph J.) Bartlett (Walter O.) Bartlett (William F.) Barton (Fredrick) Barton (Mrs.) Barton (William B.) basket bass guitar Bassett (Edward) Bassett’s house (Murfreesboro TN) Batchelder (George A.) Batchelder (Mayhew C.) Batchelder (Richard N.) Bates (Benjamin F.) Bates (Caleb) Bates (Edward P.) Bates (John C.) Bates (Joshua G.) Bates (Newton L.) Baton Rouge Arsenal and Ordnance Depot (Baton Rouge LA) Baton Rouge LA Battery Abbot VA Battery Bee (Sullivan’s Island SC) Battery Brooke VA Battery Brown (Morris Island SC) Battery Buchanan (Fort Fisher NC) Battery Cheves (James Island SC) Battery Dantzler VA Battery Hays (Morris Island SC) Battery Jeff Davis (Yorktown VA) Battery Kirby (Morris Island SC) Battery Lamb (Fort Fisher NC) Battery Magruder (Yorktown VA) Battery Martin Scott DC Battery Meade (Morris Island SC Battery No. 1 (Yorktown VA) Battery No. 11 - The Citadel (Port Hudson LA) Battery No. 4 (Yorktown VA) Battery Reno (Morris Island SC Battery Reynolds (Morris Island SC) Battery Robinette (Corinth MS) Battery Rodgers (Alexandria VA) Battery Rosecrans (Morris Island SC Battery Semmes VA Battery Sherman MS Battery Stevens (Morris Island SC) Battery Strong (Morris Island SC) battery wagon Battery Weed (Morris Island SC) Battery Williams (Corinth MS) Battery Wood VA Bauer (George) Bay Point Island SC Baylor (Thomas G.) bayonet bayonet scabbard Beacon House (Morris Island SC) Beal (Jessie F.) Bealeton VA Beall (P. Edward) Bean (Capt.) Beardslee (T. E.) Beardstown IL Beattie (David J.) Beattie (George W.) Beaufort Hotel (Beaufort SC) Beaufort SC Beaumont (Col.) Beaumont (Eugene B.) Beaumont (Myron H.) Beauregard (Pierre G. T.) Beauvoir (Biloxi MS) Beckwith (Amos) Beckwith (William W.) bed Bedloes Island NY bedroll Beecher (Henry W.) beef Beidelman (William) Belcher (Allen F.) Belger (Edward A.) bell Bell (Jacob L.) Bell (John) Belle Isle prison camp (Richmond VA) Belle Isle VA Belle Plain VA bellows Bellows (Alonzo J.) Bellows (George H.) bench Benham (Henry W.) Benham’s Pontoon Bridge (Potomac River) Bennett (Edward) Bennett (James G.) Benson (Frederick S.) Benson (Henry) Benton & Brother Storage Bergen (Cornelius P.) Bergstresser’s Photographic Studio Berlin (C. L.) Berlin bridge (Potomac River) Berlin MD Berlin pontoon bridge (Potomac River) Bermuda Bermuda Hundred VA Bernard's house (Fredericksburg VA) Bernhardt (Jacob) Bernheisal (Samuel) Berry (Robert) Berry (Woodbury) Best (William M.) Bethel Church (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Bethesda MD Beverly Ford VA Beverly house (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Biddle (James C.) Big Black River MS Big Black River Station MS Bigelow (George W.) Bill Billings (John S.) Biloxi MS Bingham (Lucian W.) Binghamton NY Binney (Horace B.) Binning (John) binoculars bird Bird (Patrick H.) Bird (Thomas H.) birdhouse Birney (David B.) Birney (Fitzhugh) Bisbie (Capt.) Bisbie (Lt.) Bissell (C. T.) Blackburn’s Ford VA Blackmar (Wilman W.) Blackwood (Mr.) Blacque (Edouard) Bladensburg MD Blagden (George) Blair (Francis P. Jr.) Blair (Francis P. Sr.) Blair (Montgomery) Blair (N. F.) Blake (George A. H.) Blake (W.) Blakely Rifle gun Blakely shell Blakely shot Bland house (Cedar Level Station VA) Blandford Church (Petersburg VA) blanket boat Blenker (Louis) Blenker's Brigade Bliss (D. W.) Bliss (Orlando T.) block and tackle blockade runner Bloody Angle (Spotsylvania Courthouse VA) Blue Springs TN Blunt (Jacob) Bly (Woodbury) Blythwood Plantation (Ladys Island SC) boat Wave boatswain’s call Bogert (P. J.) Boggs (Daniel C.) Bohonon (Daniel W.) Bolivar Heights (Harpers Ferry WV) Bolivar Point (Galveston TX) Bolivar Point lookout tower (Galveston TX) Bollingbrook Hotel (Petersburg VA) Bonaventure Cemetery (Savannah GA) Bond Bonnett (James P.) book boot brush boot scraper Boston Harbor MA Boston MA Bostwick (Charles B.) Botchford (Henry J.) Boteler’s Ford (Potomac River) bottle Botts (John M.) Bourne (William R.) Boutwell (Nathan B.) Bouvier (John V.) bow Bowen (Asst. Surg.) Bowen (Edward R.) Bowen (Francis W.) Bowen (James A.) Bowen (Lewis H.) Bowen (Nicolas) Bowen (William E.) Bowers (Theodore S.) bowl Bowman (Eli E.) Bowman (Henry) boxcar boxing glove Boyle (Robert) brace Brackett (Levi C.) Bradford (J. C.) Bradford (Joseph M.) Bradlee (David H.) Bradley (Amy M.) Brady (George K.) Brady (Mathew B.) Brady's National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington DC) Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery (New York NY) Bragg Hospital (Chattanooga TN) Brainard (G. W.) Brakey (Surgeon) Braman (Walter W.) Bramhall (William L.) Brand’s Art Gallery (Chicago IL) Brandon (John I.) Brandt (Henry C.) Brandy Station VA Bratton (George W.) Brayton (Maj.) Brazee (Andrew W.) brazier bread Breed (Bowman B.) Brent (Joseph L.) Brest (France) Brewster (William R.) Brick Church (Frogmore SC) Bridge No. 6 - Meigs Bridge (Washington Aqueduct) bridge pontoon (canvas) bridge pontoon (wood) bridge pontoon wagon bridge train no. 15 pontoon wagon 337 bridge train no. 15 pontoon wagon 339 Bridgeman (W. R.) Bridgeport AL Bridges (Harlin N.) Bridgman (Sam) Brierfield Plantation (Davis Bend MS) Brierfield Plantation House (Davis Bend MS) brig Brigade headquarters (Fort Lincoln DC) brigantine Briggs (Charles E.) Briggs (H.) Briggs (Henry S.) Brigham (Alfred W.) Brinton (John H.) Brinton (Robert M.) Briscoe (Joseph C.) Bristoe Station VA British Royal Navy Broadway Landing VA Broady (Knut O.) Brock Road Brodhead (Daniel M.) Brodie (P.) Brody (Paul) bronze 12-pounder gun Brooke (Hunter) Brooke Rifle gun Brooke shell Brooke shot Brooklyn NY Brooks (Humphrey M.) Brooks (William R.) broom Broughton (William H.) Brown (1st Lt. William H.) Brown (Beriah S.) Brown (Charles E.) Brown (David A.) Brown (David S.) Brown (George) Brown (Henry L.) Brown (Henry) Brown (Hugh C.) Brown (J. W.) Brown (Jay C.) Brown (O. D.) Brown (Pvt. William H.) Brown (Pvt.) Brown (Robert B.) Brown (Samuel F.) Brown (W. Harvey) Brown (William O. D.) Brown (William O.) Brown (William) Browne (Elbridge K.) Browne (John M.) Browne (William F.) Brownlee (Robert W.) Brownsville TX Bruce-Lancaster House (Richmond VA) Brumm (George W.) Brunell (Jessie) Bryan (Thomas J.) Bryan house (Gettysburg PA) Bryant house (Petersburg VA) bucket (metal) bucket (wood) Buckley (William W.) Bucklin (F. H. A.) Bucklyn (John K.) Budd (Enos G.) Buell (Don C.) Buffalo NY Buford (John) buggy bugle Building 34 (City Point VA) Building 65 (City Point VA) Bull (Nathan C.) Bull (S. O.) Bull Pen (City Point VA) Bull Run battlefield Bull Run monument (Bull Run battlefield) Bull Run VA Bumpus (Everett C.) Bunker Hill Monument (Boston MA) Burdock (Henry D.) Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Washington DC) Bureau of Military Information (Secret Service) Burke (Dennis F.) Burke (Joseph W.) Burke (Lewis A.) Burke (Martin) Burke (Timothy J.) Burkeville VA Burling (Col.) Burling (Mrs.) Burmeister (Francis F.) Burnham (T.) Burns (John L.) Burns (Richard) Burns & Dwyer Billiard Saloon (Atlanta GA) Burnside (Ambrose E.) Burnside’s Bridge (Antietam Creek) Burr (Richard) Burroughs (Jonathan C.) Burroughs (Wilson) Burt (Asahel) Burt (Mason W.) Burton (Henry S.) Bush (William P.) Bussell (Edward) bust Butler (Benjamin C.) Butler (Benjamin F.) Butterfield (Daniel A.) Button (David) Buzzard's Roost Gap (Resaca GA) Buzzell (Andrew J. H.) by Alschuler (Samuel G.) by Anderson (David H.) by Armstead (George) by Bankes (Thomas W.) by Barnard (George N.) by Barnard & Gibson by Barnwell (Edward A.) by Bell (Charles M.) by Bell & Brother by Berger (Anthony) by Bergstresser (Stewart L.) by Bierstadt (Edward) by Bierstadt Bros. by Bixby (George H.) by Black (James W.) by Bliss (Horace L.) by Bonsall (Isaac H.) by Bostwick (C. O.) by Bowdoin Taylor & Co. by Brady (Mathew B.) by Brady studio (DC) by Brady studio (NY) by Brand’s Art Gallery by Brendan Bros. by Brown (George O.) by Brown (Nicholas D.) by Browne (William F.) by Buell (O. B.) by Butler (Preston) by Butler Bonsall & Company by Byers (Abraham M.) by Carbutt (John) by Chase & Hatch by Cole (Roderick M.) by Cook (George S.) by Cooley (Samuel A.) by Coonley (Jacob F.) by Cooper (P. F.) by Corlies (Samuel F.) by Cremer (James) by Cressey (Russell M.) by Davies (John W.) by Dewey & Gibson by Eakins (Thomas C.) by Edwards (Jay D.) by Engle & Furlong by Ennis (George O.) by Fassett (Samuel M.) by Finch (O. D.) by Foster (H. C.) by Foster (Jacob R.) by Fowx (Egbert G.) by French (Herbert E.) by Gardner (Alexander) by Gardner (James) by Gardner & Gibson by German (Christopher S.) by Gibson (James F.) by Gibson’s Photograph Gallery by Gilman (John G.) by Glover (Ridgway) by Gorman (Hugh J.) & Jordan (Thomas B.) by Gurney & Son by Gutekunst (Frederick) by Haas & Peale by Hagaman (Moses S.) by Hall (C. H.) by Harned (Frank P.) by Hart (E. H.) by Hesler (Alexander) by Heywood (John D.) by Hill (Joseph) by Holmes (Silas A.) by Horning (Lewis) by Howe (F. L.) by Hubbard (Erastus) by Hubbard & Mix by Hurn (John W.) by Ingmire (F. W.) by Jackson (Calvin) by James (William E.) by Joslin (Amon T.) by Kent (John H.) by Kilburn Brothers by Knox (David) by La Mere (Thomas) by Lape (G. T.) by Lazelle & McMullin by Levy (C.) by Lilienthal (Theodore) by Linn (James Birney and Royal M.) by Linn (James Birney) by Linn (Royal M.) by Lochman (William J.) by Loeffler (A.) by Lumpkin (E. S. & Company) by Lytle (Andrew D.) by Marsh (William) by McAlister & Bother by McPherson & Oliver by Mead (William) by Merritt (Thomas J.) by Miller (Samuel J.) by Moore (Henry P.) by Moran (John) by Morgan (William H.) by Morse’s Gallery of the Cumberland by Moulton & Larkin by Newell (Robert) by Norton & Luther by O’Sullivan (Timothy H.) by Osborn & Durbec by Pach (Gustavus W.) by Pach Brothers by Peale (Titian R.) by Pearson (T. Painter) by Phillippi (Charles L.) by Phillips (Henry C.) by Philp & Solomons by Plecker (Adam H.) by Pywell (William R.) by Quinby & Co. by Randall Studio by Reading (John T. & Co.) by Reeder (William) by Reekie (John) by Rees (Charles R.) by Richards (Frederick D.) by Riddle (A. J.) by Roche (Thomas C.) by Russell (Andrew J.) by Rutherfurd (Lewis M.) by Ryan (D. J.) by Sawyer (S. W.) by Schleier (Theodore M.) by Schreiber by Schreiber (George F.) by Schwing & Rudd by Seavey (William) by Seibert (S. R.) by Shaw (William A.) by Sheaffer (Samuel G,) by Shepherd (Nicholas H.) by Shunk (B.) by Sinclair (E. W.) by Smith (B. F. & Son) by Smith (William M.) by Squyer (H. Seymour) by Stacy (George) by Stubert (D.) by Sweeney (Thomas) by Thomson (William J.) by Townsend (Alfred C.) by Tyson Bros. by Vannerson (Julian) by Von Schneidau (J. C. F. P.) by Waite (Stephen) by Wakely (G. B.) by Wakely (George D.) by Walker (Lewis E.) by Wallis Brothers by Warren (George K.) by Warren (Henry F.) by Washburn (William W.) by Watson (A.) by Weaver (Peter S.) by Wedneroth & Taylor by Weil (Peter F.) by Weitfle & Wright by Weld (Ezra G.) by Whipple (James A.) by White (Edward) by Whitehurst (Jesse H.) by Williams (Joshua A.) by Williams (Sophia W. R.) by Wilson (Edward L.) by Wilson (Jerome N.) by Wood & Gibson by Woodbury (David B.) by Young (John S.) Byrds Warehouse (Manchester VA)


C. Slager (Jacksonville FL) Cabin John Creek Cabin John MD Cable (John H.) Cadwalader (Charles E.) Cadwell (William H.) Cairo (Egypt) Cairo IL caisson Cake (Henry L.) Cake (William J.) Caldwell (A. Harper) Caldwell (George H.) Caldwell (James) Caldwell (John C.) Calef (Benjamin S.) calendar Calhoun (J. T.) Calhoun (John C.) Calico House (Atlanta GA) California Callanan (Stephen A.) Callender (Walter) Cambridge MA Camden NJ camera camera bellows camera tripod Cameron Hill TN Cammock (James) Camp Anderson WV Camp Andrews MA Camp Baker MD Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC Camp Barry barns (Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC) Camp Barry headquarters (Camp Barry Artillery Depot DC) Camp Benton MD Camp Brightwood (Washington DC) Camp Butler VA Camp Cameron (Washington DC) Camp Carver (Washington DC) Camp Douglas (Chicago IL) Camp Douglass Camp Essex (Elkridge MD) Camp Granger Camp Griffin VA Camp Hamilton VA Camp Jameson VA Camp Letterman (Gettysburg PA) Camp Letterman kitchen (Gettysburg PA) Camp Lincoln (Richmond VA) Camp McDowell (Arlington VA) Camp Meigs (Readville MA) Camp Morton IN Camp Northumberland DC Camp Proctor DC Camp Reynolds WV Camp Rogers (New Bern NC) Camp Salubrity LA Camp Slough (Alexandria VA) Camp Sprague DC Camp Stoneman MD Camp Upton Camp William Penn PA Camp Winfield Scott (Yorktown VA) Campbell (Albert B.) Campbell (Benjamin F.) Campbell (John N.) Campbell (Nathaniel J.) Campbell Hospital (Washington DC) Campbell’s Bridge (Petersburg VA) Canada Canal Basin (Richmond VA) candle Candler (William L.) candlestick canister shot cannon canteen cap box Cape Ann MA Capitol Bell Tower (Richmond VA) Capitol building (Springfield IL) Capt. Ashcroft’s Battery (Morris Island SC) Capt. Benedict’s Storehouses (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s headquarters (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (a) (City Point VA) Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (b) (City Point VA) Capt. Clinton’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Capt. Coxe’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Capt. Messenger’s quarters (New Bern NC) Capt. R. G. Shaw’s quarters (Bay Point Island SC) Capt. Strang’s headquarters (City Point VA) Capt. W. E. Merrill’s office (Chattanooga TN) Capt. Worrall's Quarters (Cedar Level Station VA) Captain of the Port’s Office (Fort Monroe VA) Card (Benjamin C.) Carey (Isaac N.) Carleton (Joseph G. S.) Carleton (Ralph) Carlisle Barracks (Carlisle PA) Carlisle Barracks Commandant’s house (Carlisle PA) Carlisle Barracks Officers’ quarters (Carlisle PA) Carlisle PA Carpenter (Emlen N.) Carpenter (John H.) Carpenter (S. M.) Carpenter shop (Fort Hamilton NY) Carpenters’ Shop (Morris Island SC) Carr (Camillo C. C.) Carr (Eugene A.) Carr (Joseph B.) Carroll (Henry) Carruth (Sumner) carrying pole Carter (Miles G.) Carter (Siah) cartridge box cartridge case Cartwright (Edward G. W.) Cartwright (James W.) casement carriage (iron) casement carriage (wood) Casey (Silas) Casimir Pulaski monument (Savannah GA) Caspar Crowninshield’s quarters (Vienna VA) Cass Cass (Thomas) Cassidy (James) Cassville GA Castle Island MA Castle Pinckney SC Castle Thunder Prison (Petersburg VA) Castle Thunder Prison (Richmond VA) Castle Williams (Governors Island NY) cat Catharpin Road Catharpin Run VA Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine (St. Augustine FL) Cathedral of St. John and St. Finbar (Charleston SC) Catholic Church (Beaufort SC) Catlett Station VA cattle Cavalry Corps Cavalry Corps (1st Division) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division 1st Brigade) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division) Cavalry Corps (2nd Division) headquarters Cavalry Corps (3rd Division 3rd Brigade) Cavalry Corps (3rd Division) Cavalry Corps (3rd Division) Ordnance Officer and Quartermaster headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Cazenovia NY CC&C locomotive Nashville (15) CC&C Station (Cleveland OH) Cedar Creek NC Cedar Level Station VA Cedar Mountain VA Cedar Run VA Celestino Cemetery Ridge PA Central Gap (Port Hudson LA) Central House (Chattanooga TN) Central Railroad Bank Agency (Atlanta GA) Central Signal Station (Washington DC) Centre Hill Mansion (Petersburg VA) Centreville VA Chaffin House (Chaffin’s Farm VA) Chaffin’s Bluff VA Chaffin’s Farm VA chain Chain Bridge (Potomac River) Chain Bridge signal station (Potomac River) Chain Bridge signal tower (Potomac River) chair Chamberlain (Dr.) Chambersburg PA Chambersburg-Bedford Turnpike Chancellor (George E.) Chancellor House (Chancellorsville VA) Chancellorsville battlefield Chancellorsville VA Chandler (Charles L.) Chaney (Eben) Chapin (Philip E.) Chapin (Robert H.) Chapman (George H.) Chapman (Wilmot H.) Charles A. Humphrey’s quarters (Vienna VA) Charles C. Bell’s photographic studio (Washington DC) Charles City Court House VA Charles M. Kinne’s quarters (Vienna VA) Charles Waldack’s photographic wagon Charleston harbor Charleston Hotel (Charleston SC) Charleston Orphan House (Charleston SC) Charleston SC Charleston TN Charlestown Navy Yard (Boston MA) Charlestown VA Chase (Albert A.) Chase (C. C.) Chase (Salmon P.) Chatham Manor (Falmouth VA) Chattahoochee River Chattanooga Creek Chattanooga National Cemetery (Chattanooga TN) Chattanooga TN Chauncy (Jeremiah D.) checker piece checkerboard Chelius (Charles W.) Cherbourg France Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Chesapeake Bay VA Chesapeake Hospital (Hampton VA) chess piece Chester (Mr.) Chester PA Chester VA Chesterfield Bridge (North Anna River VA) Chesterfield Ford (North Anna River VA) Chesterfield Ford pontoon bridge (North Anna River VA) cheval de frise Chicago IL Chickahominy River Chickamauga GA Chickasaw Bayou MS chicken Chief Commissary of Subsistance office (Hilton Head SC) Chief Engineer’s quarters (Bay Point Island SC) Chief of Artillery’s office (Hilton Head SC) Childe (Lt.) Childs (James H.) Chimborazo Hospital (Richmond VA) China China Glass & Queensware (Atlanta GA) chisel Choate (Rufus) Chr. Witte Sail Loft Christ Church (Alexandria VA) Church Hill (Richmond VA) Church of the Epiphany (Washington DC) Churchill (Seymour) Cigars & Tobacco Wholesale & Retail (Atlanta GA) Cincinnati OH Circular Congregational Church (Charleston SC) circular saw Citadel (Charleston SC) Citadel Square Baptist Church (Charleston SC) City Gate (St. Augustine FL) City Hall (Atlanta GA) City Hall (Charleston SC) City Hall (New Orleans LA) City Hall (New York NY) City Hall (Richmond VA) City Hotel (Alexandria VA) City Point & Army Line Railroad (CP&AL) City Point House (City Point VA) City Point VA Claghorn & Cunningham (Savannah GA) Clapp (T. W.) clarinet Clark (1st Lt.) Clark (A. M.) Clark (Capt.) Clark (John A.) Clark (Lt. Col. John) Clark (Moses P.) Clark (Pvt. John) Clark (T. W.) Clark’s house (Yorktown VA) Clarke (Haswell C.) Clarke (Henry F.) Clarke (Joseph C.) Clarke (Robert) Clay (Henry) cleaver Cleaver (nurse) Cleveland Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad (CC&C) Cleveland OH Clifford (H. J.) Clifford (Nathan) Clifton VA Clinton (Harry) clock clothes iron Clothing House (Charleston SC) Clothing Store (Key West FL) Clough (Henry) Clum (Henry R.) Clymer (Surg.) Coal Dock (Beaufort SC) Coal Wharf (Alexandria VA) Coal Wharf (City Point VA) Coan (William B.) Cobb (John D.) Cobb (Leonard D.) Cobb (Norman) Cobb’s Brigade Cobb’s Hill Signal Station (Chester VA) Cobb’s Hill Signal Tower (Chester VA) Cochrane (John) Cockspur Island (Savannah GA) Cockspur Island Lighthouse (Fort Pulaski GA) Codman (Charles R.) Codori Barn (Gettysburg PA) Cody (Walter) Coehorn mortar coffee grinder coffee pot coffin Cogswell (Leander W.) Cogswell (William) Col. Ira Spaulding's quarters (Petersburg battlefield VA) Col. Michler’s quarters (Petersburg Battlefield VA) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Charles Town WV) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Martinsburg WV) Col. S. H. Leonard’s headquarters (Williamsport MD) Col. Sanderson’s house (Jacksonville FL) Colburn (Albert V.) Cold Harbor VA Cole (Charles C.) Cole (Daniel) Cole (David) Coleman (Nathaniel B.) Coles & Co. Coles Island SC Colgate (Clinton G.) Collamore (John H.) Colleton Square (Charleston SC) Colley (Samuel G.) Collier (Frederick H.) Collins (G. W.) Collins (Patrick) Collis (Charles H. T.) Colored Folks Church (Beaufort SC) Colt (T. G.) Columbia SC Columbia Turnpike Columbiad gun Columbian College (Washington DC) Columbus KY Columbus OH Colville (William A.) Comings (James H.) Commissary Building (Varina Va) Commissary Department Officers headquarters (New Bern NC) Commissary Department Officers’ quarters (Baton Rouge LA) Commissary Depot (Andersonville GA) Commissary Depot and Bakery (City Point VA) Commissary General of Prisoners office (Washington DC) Commissary Headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Commissary Headquarters (Morris Island SC) Commissary headquarters (Rocky Face Ridge GA) Commissary Store House No. 3 (Hilton Head SC) Commissary’s quarters (New Bern NC) compass Comstock (Cyrus B.) Concert Hall building (Atlanta GA) conch shell Concord MA Concord NH Cone (Andrew J.) Conestoga wagon Confederate Fort D (Atlanta GA) Confederate Fort G (Atlanta GA) Confederate hospital (Cedar Mountain VA) Confederate Powderworks (Augusta GA ) Confederate States Leadworks (Petersburg VA) Congressional Cemetery (Washington DC) Conley (John D.) Connecticut Conner (Freeman) Conner (James) Connor (John) Connor (Selden) Conococheague Creek Conover (W. A.) Constitution of 1812 Monument (St. Augustine FL) Continental Iron Works (Greenpoint NY) Continental Iron Works building ways (Greenpoint NY) Continental Iron Works Monitor Shiphouse (Greenpoint NY) Contraband camps headquarters (Baton Rouge LA) Contraband Hospital (Beaufort SC) Contraband Quarters (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp Barracks (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp Headquarters (Alexandria VA) Convalescent Camp US Sanitary Commission Office (Alexandria Va) Conway (George) Cook (Asa M.) Cook (J.) Cook (John D. S.) Cook (T.) Cook (William H. H.) Cook County Court House (Chicago IL) Cook House (City Point VA) Cooke and Fassett’s Gallery (Chicago IL) cooking fork cooking pan cooking pot cooking spoon cooking stove Cooley (Orin B.) Cooley (Samuel A.) Cooper (Ens.) Cooper (James H.) Cooper (P. H.) Coosaw River Copp (S. M.) Coppinger (John J.) Corcoran (Michael) Corcoran (William W.) Corcoran’s Building (Washington DC) Cordner (Albert D.) Corinth MS Cornelius (William H.) Cornelius Van Schaack Roosevelt home (New York NY) Cornwallis Cave (Yorktown VA) Corps of Engineers Corse (John M.) Corser (Elwood S.) Cotter (Charles S.) cotton bale Cottrell (Abraham) Couch (Darius N.) County Court House (Spotsylvania Court House VA) County Courthouse (Fairfax Court House VA) County Jail (New Bern NC) Court House (Appomattox Court House VA) Court House (Chambersburg PA) Court House (Charles City Court House VA) Court House (Culpeper Court House VA) Court House (Fredericksburg VA) Court House (Mt. Sterling KY) Court House (Murfreesboro TN) Court House (Warrenton VA) Court House (Yorktown VA) Coverly (Edward) Covode (George H.) Cowan (Andrew) Cox (James F.) Cox (Mrs.) Cox Hill & Co. (Atlanta GA) Cox house (Petersburg VA) Cox’s Landing (James River VA) Coxe (John R.) CP&AL Arthur’s Run Trestle CP&AL Trestle #1 CP&AL Trestle #2 CP&AL Trestle #3 CP&AL Trestle #4 Cracker Castle (St. Louis MO) Craig (George E.) Craig (J.) Craig (Mrs.) Crane (Henry E.) crane car Cranford crate Crater (Lewis) Crater (Petersburg battlefield VA) Crawfish Spring (Chickamauga GA) Crawford (Capt.) Crawford (George E.) Crawford (John S.) Crawford (Samuel W.) Creasey (George) Creeley (John V.) Crenshaw Woolen Mills (Richmond VA) Crittenden (Capt.) Crocker (John S.) Crocker (Joseph C.) croquet ball croquet hoop croquet mallet Crosby (A. H.) Crosby (Pvt.) Cross (Edward E.) Crow (John) Crow Nest signal station (New Bern NC) Crow’s Nest Battery VA Crow’s Nest Signal Tower (Bermuda Hundred VA) crowbar Crowley (Daniel) Crowley (Michael) Crowninshield (Caspar) crucifix Crump (William F.) crutch Crutchfield House (Chattanooga TN) CS Army CS Navy CSS David CSS Jamestown CSS Patrick Henry CSS Robert E. Lee CSS Stonewall CSS Teaser CSS Tennessee CSS Texas CSS Virginia II CSS Vixen Cub Run VA Culp’s Hill (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Culpeper County VA Culpeper Court House VA Culpeper VA Cumberland Coal & Iron Company (Alexandria VA) Cumberland Landing VA Cumberland River Cumming’s Point (Morris Island SC) Cummins (Jacob M.) Cunningham (Andrew G.) Cunningham (Capt.) Cunningham (William H.) cup Currier (Henry H.) Currier (Hugh L.) Currier (John W.) Curtin (John I.) Curtis (Charles H.) Curtis (Hall) Curtis (Newton M.) Cushing (Alonzo H.) Cushing (Harry C.) Cushing (William B.) Cushman (William H.) Custer (George A.) Custom House (Richmond VA) Cutter (Charles E.) Cutting (William) Cutts (Capt.) cymbal Cyrus


D’Orléans (François) D’Orléans (Robert P. L. E. F.) Dabney (Chief Eng.) Dadmun (Josiah A.) Dahlgren (John A. B.) Dahlgren (Ulric) Dahlgren gun Daily Richmond Examiner office (Richmond VA) Daland (John) Dallas (Capt.) Dalton (H. R.) Daly (William) Dam No. 5 (Potomac River) Dame (Luther) Dan River Dana (Charles A.) Dandy (Maj.) Dane (Ablert G.) Dane (George W.) Danforth (Charles H.) Danville IL Danville VA Davids Island NY Davidson (George M.) Davies (Henry E.) Davies (J. Mansfield) Davis (C. L.) Davis (Edward F.) Davis (Jefferson C.) Davis (Jefferson F.) Davis (Nelson H.) Davis (Pvt.) Davis (Varina A. B. H.) Davis (Walter S.) Davis (William N.) Davis (William) Davis Bend MS Davis’ catafalque Dayton (Lewis M.) De Peyster (Beckman) De Peyster (Johnston L.) De Russy (Gustavus A.) De Trobriand (Phillipe R. D. D. K.) Deacon (E. P.) Dean (Thomas S.) Dearing (Charles E.) DeCamp General Hospital (Davids Island NY) DeCamp General Hospital Chapel (Davids Island NY) Decatur IL Deckay (Sidney D.) Decker (Joel) Decker (W. S.) Deep Bottom Run VA Deep Bottom VA Deitz (Philip) Delahay & Kemp building (Alexandria VA) Deleur (Mr.) Dellinger Farm (Williamsport MD) Dempsey (Thomas) Dennis (Paul H.) Dennis (Paul) Dennison (William N.) Denny (George P.) Dent (Frederick T.) Department of California Department of North Carolina Department of North Carolina headquarters (New Bern NC) Department of the Cumberland field office wagon Department of the East Department of the Missouri Department of the Pacific Department of the South Department of the South headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Department of the South Provost Marshal General’s headquarters (Morris Island SC) Department of the West (USA) Depot Commissary office (Petersburg VA) Depot Field Hospital (City Point VA) Depot Field Hospital Commissary (City Point VA) Depot Field Hospital Water Tank (City Point VA) Depot Quartermaster Office (Hilton Head SC) Derby (Charles H.) desk Detroit MI Devall (Francis) Devens (Charles) Devereux (Capt. Arthur F.) Devereux (Col. Arthur F.) Devereux (John H.) Devil’s Den (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Dewey (George) Dewson (Francis A.) Dichman (E. J.) Dickenson (Col.) Dickerson (George A.) Dickey (William D.) Dickinson (David H.) Dickinson (F. A.) Dickinson (Joseph) Diefendorf (C. P.) Dillenback (John W.) Diller (Isaac R.) Dimmock Line Confederate Battery 5 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Dimmock Line Union Battery 4 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Dimock (Gordon Z.) Dimon (Charles A. R.) Dingeldy (William W.) Dining and Sleeping Rooms (Washington DC) dispatch boat Dispatcher’s and Forage Master’s Office (City Point VA) Distribution Barracks (City Point VA) District of Cairo District of Columbia District of Columbia City Hall (Washington DC) District of Southeast Missouri District of West Tennessee Doctor Bunnell’s Embalming (Fredericksburg VA) Dodd (Henry W.) Dodd (Levi A.) Dodge (Grenville M.) Dodge (William L.) Dodge (William T.) Dodge’s Photo Rooms (New Bern NC) Doe (Benjamin) dog Dole’s Brigade doll domino Donaldson LA Donnely (Capt.) Donnely (Mrs.) Donohoe (Joseph J.) Donohoe (Michael T.) Doren (Dennis) Doty (Mr.) double bell wedge tent Doubleday (Thomas D.) Doughty (James) Douglas (John A.) Douglas (John H.) Douglas General Hospital (Washington DC) Douglass (Frederick) Douglass (Helen Pitts) Dover TN Dow (F.) Dow (Robert C.) Dow (S.) Downtown Baptist Church (Alexandria VA) Dr. Durant’s quarters (Beaufort SC) Dr. Gadsden's house (Charleston SC) Dr. John A. Johnson’s house (Beaufort SC) Dr. Lawrence’s house (Fredericksburg VA) Dr. Lupton’s house (Winchester VA) Dr. Semple’s residence (Hilton Head SC) Dr. William J. Jenkins’ plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Drake (Alex H.) Drake (Benjamin A.) Drayton (Percival) Drayton plantation (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation gin house (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation house (Hilton Head SC) Drayton plantation slave’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Drew (Charles W.) Drew (Edward) Drewry’s Bluff VA Driscoll (Cornelius F.) Driver (William R.) Drouillard (James P.) Drs. Chamberlain & Lyford’s office (Gettysburg battlefield VA) Drug Store (New Bern NC) drum Drum (Capt.) drum major’s baton drumstick Du Pont (Samuel F.) Ducat duck decoy Duck River TN Duff (William L.) Duffié (Alfred N. A.) Dugan (William H. C.) Duke Dunbar (Charles F.) Duncan (Alender P.) Dunker Church (Antietam MD) Dunkle (Aaron K.) Dunlap & Bowdre Supply Store (Chattanooga TN) Dunlop house (Petersburg VA) Dunn (John) Dunn (William M.) Dunn’s house (Petersburg battlefield VA) Duryée (Abram) Dutch Gap Canal VA Dutch Gap VA Duvall (Rose G.) Dwight (William) Dynes (Jacob)


East Battery (Charleston SC) East side barracks (Fort Richmond NY) East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad (ET&G) East Tennessee University (Knoxville TN) Easterbrooks (George F.) Eating House (City Point VA) Eaton (L. Oscar) Eaton (Samuel C.) Eaton (William M.) Eberly (R. Frank) Eckel (John S.) Eckert (Thomas T.) Eddy (Henry M.) Edie (John R.) Edisto Island SC Edisto River Edmonson (Emily) Edmonson (Mary) Edward Haase (Jacksonville FL) Edward White Gallery (New York NY) Edwards (Robert S.) Egan (Michael J.) Egan (W.) Egypt Ela (Richard) Elder (Samuel S.) Eldredge (Daniel) Eldridge (John L.) Eldridge (Norman F.) Elfwing (Nere A.) Eliot (Thomas H.) Elizabeth NJ Elizabeth River VA Elk Mountain MD Elk River Elkridge MD Elliot plantation (Hilton Head SC) Elliot plantation house (Hilton Head SC) Elliot plantation slaves’ quarters (Hilton Head SC) Ellis (Augustus v. H.) Ellis (George A. C.) Ellis (Rudolph) Ellison (Jack) Elliston’s Mill (Mechanicsville VA) Ellsworth (Elmer E.) Elmendorf (Anthony) Elmira NY Elmira Prison Camp (Elmira NY) Elmore (George B.) Elston (William) Elwell (Andrew) embalming pump Emerick (J. H. ) Emerson (George W.) Emerson (John H.) Emery (Cyrus C.) Emmitsburg MD Emmons (George W.) Emmons (John F.) Emmons (W. H. H.) Emory (C. D.) Emory (Edward F.) Empire House (Atlanta GA) Engineer Brigade (Army of the Cumberland) Engineer Department photographic wagon Engineer Depot (Hilton Head SC) Engineer Depot office (Hilton Head SC) Engineer wharf (Washington DC) English (Capt.) Engs (John S.) Ennis (John F.) Entrance to National Cemetery (Gettysburg PA) Ephraim Ponder House (Atlanta GA) Episcopal Church (Beaufort SC) Episcopal Church (New Bern NC) Episcopal Church (Sharpsburg MD) Episcopal Sunday School (Beaufort SC) Estes (L. G.) Estill Springs TN ET&G bridge (Holston River TN) ET&G bridge (Loudon TN) ET&G bridge (Platt Creek TN) Etowah Restaurant & Saloon (Chattanooga TN) Etowah River Euker’s Saloon (Richmond VA) Evans (John M.) Evans Mills Blockhouse (New Bern NC) Evergreen Cemetery Gatehouse (Adams County PA) Ewell (Richard S.) Ewing (Charles) Excelsior Brigade Excelsior Brigade (2nd Battery) Excelsior Brigade (3rd Battery) Exchange Bank (Richmond VA)


F. Geutebruck Tobacco (Atlanta GA) F. Gutekunst Photography (Philadelphia PA) F. V. Streeter’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) F. W. Beers - Books & Stationery Factory Hospital (Fredericksburg VA) Fair Oaks VA Fairfax County VA Fairfax Court House VA Fairfax Station VA Fairfax VA Falconer (Kinlock) Falkland - Montgomery Blair residence (Silver Spring MD) Falls Church (Falls Church VA) Falls Church VA Falmouth VA Fargo (Mr.) Farmers & Drovers Inn (Emmitsburg MD) Farmville VA Farnhold’s House (Yorktown VA) Farnum (John E.) Farnum (Mrs.) Farragut (David G.) Farrar (Henry W.) Farrell (James) Fassitt (John B.) Fay (Mary A.) Federal Fort No. 10 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 11 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 12 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 13 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 19 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 7 (Atlanta GA) Federal Fort No. 9 (Atlanta GA) Fee (John A.) Fellows (Enoch Q.) Female Seminary (Petersburg VA) Ferguson (Asa H.) Fernald (C. G.) Fernandina FL Ferrero (Edward) Ferrero’s Division Ferrol (Spain) Ferrol Harbor (Spain) ferry boat ferry boat Cedar Hill Fessenden (James D.) Field (Benjamin F.) field carriage field desk field office wagon fife Fife (George) Fifield (Stephen S.) Fifth Street footbridge (James River & Kanawah Canal) figurine Fillebrown (Henry C.) Fillebrown (James S.) Finlay General Hospital (Washington DC) fire engine fire hose fire hydrant First African Baptist Church (Richmond VA) First Baptist Church (Petersburg VA) First Parallel (Morris Island SC) Fisher (Benjamin F.) Fisher (Charles W.) Fisher (Harvey) fishing reel fishing rod Fisk (Clinton B.) Fiske (Edward A.) Fiske (Marcus M.) Fitch (Atwood) Fitch (Edson) Fitch (Horace B.) Fitton (Robert G. M.) Fitzgerald (Louis) Fitzhugh (C. L.) Five Forks VA Fix (Augustus W.) flag Flagler (D. W.) Flashman (Harry P.) flask flatcar Fleetwood (Christian A.) Fleming (James J.) Fleming (James) Fletcher (Lansing B.) Fletcher (Lt. Col.) Fletcher (Warren G.) Flint (Edward A.) Flint Hill (Knoxville TN) Floating Machine Shop floating torpedo Flogg (C.) Florida Floyd (George C.) flute Flye (William) Fobes (Edward A.) Fogg (Andrew J.) folding chair folding stool folding table Foley (John) Follansbee (George S.) Foller’s farm (Cumberland Landing VA) Folly Island SC Folsom (Norton) Foote (Andrew H.) Forage House (Beaufort SC) Forage Masters Office and Forage House (Hilton Head SC) Forbes (William H.) Ford (1st Lt. George W.) Ford (Edward L.) Ford (John W.) Ford (Maj. George W.) Ford’s Theater (Washington DC) fork Forrest Hall Military Prison (Georgetown DC) Forsyth (George A.) Forsyth (James W.) Forsyth Park (Savannah GA) Forsyth Park Fountain (Savannah GA) Fort at Willets Point NY Fort Beauregard SC Fort Beauregard VA Fort Brady VA Fort Burnham VA Fort Butler LA Fort C. F. Smith headquarters (Arlington VA) Fort C. F. Smith VA Fort Carroll barracks (Fort Carroll MD) Fort Carroll MD Fort Cass VA Fort Chatfield (Morris Island SC) Fort Columbus (Governors Island NY) Fort Comstock (Knoxville TN) Fort Corcoran VA Fort Craig VA Fort Curtis (Helena AR) Fort Darling Chapel (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling Chaplain's quarters (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling officers' quarters (Fort Darling VA) Fort Darling VA Fort Davis (Manassas Junction VA) Fort Davis (Petersburg VA) Fort Defiance (Cairo IL) Fort Donelson (Dover TN) Fort Duncan WV Fort Ellsworth VA Fort Ethan Allen VA Fort Fisher NC Fort Gaines DC Fort Gregg (Morris Island SC) Fort Hamilton (Brooklyn NY) Fort Harker (Nashville TN) Fort Harker AL Fort Harrison VA Fort Hill (Johnson’s Island OH) Fort Hill (Knoxville TN) Fort Independence MA Fort Jefferson (Garden Key FL) Fort Johnson SC Fort Lafayette NY Fort Lincoln DC Fort Lyon VA Fort Lyon VA Redoubt C Fort Macomb LA Fort Mahone VA Fort Marion FL Fort Marshall SC Fort McAllister GA Fort McAllister Signal Tower (Savannah GA) Fort McGilvery VA Fort McHenry MD Fort Meikle VA Fort Monroe Post Band Fort Monroe VA Fort Morgan AL Fort Morton VA Fort Moultrie SC Fort Negley (Nashville TN) Fort No. 2 (Fort Whipple VA) Fort Pickering (Salem MA) Fort Pickering barracks (Salem MA) Fort Pickering guard house (Salem MA) Fort Pickering headquarters (Salem MA) Fort Powhatan VA Fort Pulaski GA Fort Putnam (Morris Island SC) Fort Reynolds VA Fort Rice VA Fort Richardson VA Fort Richmond (Staten Island NY) Fort Runyon VA Fort Sanders (Knoxville TN) Fort Schuyler NY Fort Sedgwick VA Fort Sherman TN Fort Slemmer (Washington DC) Fort Slocum DC Fort Snelling MN Fort Stanley (Knoxville TN) Fort Stedman VA Fort Stevens DC Fort Sumner barracks (Fort Sumner MD) Fort Sumner MD Fort Sumter Beacon (a) (Fort Sumter SC) Fort Sumter Beacon (b) (Fort Sumter SC) Fort Sumter SC Fort Taylor (Key West FL) Fort Totten (Washington DC) Fort Totten NC Fort Wagner (Morris Island SC) Fort Walker SC Fort Ward VA Fort Welles (Hilton Head SC) Fort Whipple VA Fort Woodbury VA Fort Zabriskie VA Forwood (W. H.) Fosdick (Stephen) Foss (George A.) Foss (J. M.) Foster (Davis) Foster (John G.) Foster (Robert S.) Four Mile Run VA Fourteenth Street bridge (James River and Kanawah Canal) Fowler (William) Fowx (Egbert G.) Fowx films collection Fowx’s Photographic Studio (City Point VA) Fox (Charles B.) Fox (Charles E.) Fox (Jacob) Fox (Phil) France France (Demetrius J.) Francis (A. N.) Francis (James) Frankford Arsenal (Philadelphia PA) Franklin (Lindley M.) Franklin (W. S.) Franklin (William B.) Franklin House (Chambersburg PA) Franklin Paper Mill (Richmond VA) Franklin Printing House & Bookbindery (Atlanta GA) Franklin Square (Washington DC) Franklin’s Crossing pontoon bridge (Rappahannock River VA) Frederick (George W.) Frederick MD Fredericksburg Baptist Church (Fredericksburg VA) Fredericksburg VA Frederickson (George) Free South office (Beaufort SC) Freeby (Christian) Freedman’s School (Edisto Island SC) Freedmen’s School (Charleston SC) Freeman House (Vienna VA) freight wagon French (Charles F.) French (Daniel F.) French (Frank) French (William A.) French (William H.) French Cemetery (New Orleans LA) Frey (Joseph A.) frigate frigate Osliaba Fritchman (George H.) Frogmore SC Front Royal VA Fruit and Oyster House (Petersburg battlefield VA) Fry (Lt.) Fry (Thomas W.) full-rigged ship Fuller (Charles A.) Fuller (George) Fuller (Thomas P.) Fuller’s house (Beaufort SC) funnel Funston (W. R.) Furey (M. J.) Furness (Frank H.) Furness (William E.)


G. G. Walker’s Photographic Gallery (Suffolk VA) G. J. White’s house (Gettyburg PA) G. R. Mortimore & E. W. Riper Smith & Wright Shop (Bailey’s Crossroads VA) gabion gaff Gafney (Charles B.) Gager (E. V.) Gaines Mill (Gaines Mill battlefield VA) Gaines Mill battlefield VA Gale (Rufus E.) Gallagher (Joseph F.) Gallego Flour Mills (Richmond VA) Galloway (Samuel) gallows Galucia (Warren B.) Galveston TX Gamble (Charles) Gamble (William) Gambles Hill (Richmond VA) Gansevoort (Henry S.) Garden Key FL Garden Key Light (Garden Key FL) Gardner (Alexander) Gardner (Charles R.) Gardner (Franklin K.) Gardner (George W.) Gardner (James) Gardner (John A.) Gardner (John D.) Gardner's Sketch Book collection Garfield (James A.) Garland (Capt.) Garrett (John W.) Garrett's Museum of Fine Arts Garrison quarters (Bedloes Island NY) Garvey (Mrs.) Garvey (Patrick) Garvin (Paul C.) Gary (Martin W.) Gas Works (Chambersburg PA) Gates (Howard E.) Gaw (William B.) Gay (George H.) Gaylord (Williston A.) Geary (John W.) Geissinger (D. H.) Gen. Banks’ headquarters (Port Hudson LA) Gen. Bartlett’s headquarters (Washington DC) Gen. Blenker’s headquarters Gen. Burnside’s headquarters (New Bern NC) Gen. Butler’s headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) Gen. Butler’s headquarters (New Orleans LA) Gen. C. S. Winder’s death house (Cedar Mountain VA) Gen. Carr’s Headquarters (Culpeper VA) Gen. Corse’s headquartrers (Chattanooga TN) Gen. D. S. Stanley’s headquarters 4th Corps (Huntsville AL) Gen. Finnegan’s house - Fernandina (Atlanta GA) Gen. Foster’s headquarters (Fort Brady VA) Gen. Geary’s headquarters (Murfreesboro TN) Gen. Gillmore’s headquarters (Folly Island SC) Gen. Gillmore’s headquarters (Tybee Island GA) Gen. Grant’s cabin (City Point VA) Gen. Grant’s headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Grant’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Hardin’s headquarters (Fort Slocum DC) Gen. Hardin’s Headquarters (Washington DC) Gen. Heintzelman’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. Hooker’s Headquarters (Antietam MD) Gen. Hooker’s Headquarters (Lookout Mountain TN) Gen. Hooker’s hospital (a) (Fair Oaks VA) Gen. Hooker’s hospital (b) (Fair Oaks VA) Gen. Hunter’s Headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Gen. Ingall’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Ingall’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. J. H. H. Ward’s headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. John B. Hood’s headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. John P. Hatch’s headquarters (Charleston SC) Gen. John. H. King’s headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. Kearny’s house (Newark NJ) Gen. Lee’s headquarters (Gettysburg PA) Gen. Magruder’s headquarters (Yorktown VA) Gen. McClellan’s headquarters (Fairfax Court House VA) Gen. Meade’s headquarters (Gettysburg PA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (Bealeton VA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (Brandy Station VA) Gen. Patrick’s headquarters (City Point VA) Gen. Pleasonton’s quarters (Washington DC) Gen. Rawlin’s cabin (City Point VA) Gen. S. E. Opdycke’s headquarters (Huntsville AL) Gen. Saxton’s headquarters - Milton Maxey House (Beaufort SC) Gen. Sherman’s headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. Sherman’s headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Slough’s Headquarters (Alexandria VA) Gen. T. G. Stevenson’s headquarters (New Bern NC) Gen. T. W Sherman’s headquarters (Beaufort SC) Gen. T. W. Sherman’s headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Gen. Terry's headquarters (Morris Island SC) Gen. Thomas’ headquarters (Atlanta GA) Gen. Thomas’ Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. W. D. Whipple’s quarters (Chattanooga TN) Gen. Webb’s Headquarters (a) (Culpeper VA) Gen. Webb’s Headquarters (b) (Culpeper VA) Gen. Weitzel’s headquarters (Chaffin’s Farm VA) General Field Hospital (Chattanooga TN) General Hospital (Chester VA) General Hospital Cemetery (City Point VA) General Passenger Depot (Atlanta GA) General Post Office (Washington DC) Gensel (George) Gentry (William T.) George George Blagden’s quarters (Vienna VA) George E. Chancellor’s house (Chancellorsville VA) George H. Smoot house (Alexandria VA) George K. Warren’s photographic studio (Boston MA) George S. Cook house (Charleston SC) George Shanks’s Family Groceries (Petersburg VA) George Washington Statue (Washington DC) Georgetown College (Georgetown DC) Georgetown College Astronomical Observatory (Georgetown DC) Georgetown DC Georgia Georgia Railroad & Banking Company (GR&B) Georgia Railroad Bank Agency (Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Depot (Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Roundhouse Atlanta GA) Georgia Railroads Workshops (Atlanta GA) German Lutheran Church (Charleston SC) German Reformed Church (Gettysburg PA) Germanna Ford (Rapidan River) Germanna Ford pontoon bridge (Rapidan River) Germantown MD Germantown Plank Road Germany Germond (Henry S.) Getty (George W.) Gettysburg battlefield PA Gettysburg National Cemetery (Gettysburg PA) Gettysburg PA Ghiselin (James T.) Gibbon (John) Gibbons (Abby H.) Gibbs (J. S.) Gibson (Horatio G.) Gibson (James F.) Giddings (Grotius R.) Giesboro Cavalry Depot barns (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot Barracks (Giesboro Cavalry Depot) Giesboro Cavalry Depot Corral (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot grain mill (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot grain wharf (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot hay barns (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD Giesboro Cavalry Depot stables (Giesboro Cavalry Depot MD) Gifford (Haviland) Gilbert (Daniel W.) Gilbert (Rufus H.) Gilbert (Theodosia) Gill (Benjamin F.) Gillespie (Capt.) Gillette (James) Gillmore (Quincy A.) Gilman (Albert) Gilmore (Homer G.) Given (Alexander W.) Gleason (Charles W.) Glendale VA Glenville (Henry) Glenwood Cemetery (Washington DC) Globe Tavern (Warren Station VA) Gloucester MA Gloucester Point VA Gloucester VA Goddard Goddard (P. Lacey) Goddard (R. H. I.) Goff (Nathan) Goldie (William) Gomperts (G. S.) gondola car Goodrich (Edwin R.) Goodrich (W. L.) Goodwin (Richard C.) Goose Creek SC Gordon (Capt.) Gordon (Pvt.) Gore (Pvt.) Gottleib (Col.) Gould (George A.) Gould (John H.) Gouraud (Capt.) Gove (Charles H.) Government Ambulance Shop (Washington DC) Government Bakery (City Point VA) Government Bakery (Washington DC) Government Blacksmith Shop (Washington DC) Government Carpenter Shop (Washington DC) Government Corral (Alexandria VA) Government Hay Barns (Alexandria VA) Government Horse Shoeing Shop (Washington DC) Government Mess House (a) (Washington DC) Government Mess House (b) (Washington DC) Government Paint Shop (Washington DC) Government Plumbers’ Shop (Washington DC) Government Repair Shops (Washington DC) Government Saw Mill (a) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government Saw Mill (b) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government Saw Mill (c) (Lookout Mountain TN) Government stable (Hilton Head SC) Government Stables mess house (Washington DC) Government Transportation Office (Washington DC) Government Trimming Shop (Washington DC) Government Wheelwright Shop (Washington DC) Governor’s Mansion (Richmond VA) Governors Island NY GR&B flatcar 1675 GR&B locomotive Hercules Grace (James W.) Grace Episcopal Church (Alexandria VA) Grace Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) Gracey (William) Gracie’s Salient (Petersburg battlefield VA) Graffum (Stephen) Graham (Charles K.) Graham (Franklin A.) Graham (Henry V.) Graham (Mrs.) Granger (Gordon) Granger (Henry H.) Granite Hill (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Grannis (Charles D.) Grannis (Frederick W.) Grant (Ellen W.) Grant (Frederick D.) Grant (Gabriel) Grant (Ida H.) Grant (Jack) Grant (James R.) Grant (Jesse R. II) Grant (Julia B.) Grant (Ulysses S. Jr.) Grant (Ulysses S.) Grant’s catafalque grapeshot Grave (Emmons E.) Graves (Anthony G.) Graves (George W.) Graves (T. T.) Graves of Mr. and Mrs. George Washington Parke Custis (Arlington VA) Gray (Robert L.) grease bucket Great Dismal Swamp Great Falls (Potomac River) Great Sanitary Fair (Philadelphia PA) Great Western Clothing House and City Bookstore (Alexandria VA) Green (Albert) Green (Capt.) Green (Edwin) Green (George S.) Green (James M.) Green (Warren) Green (William H.) Green-Meldrim house (Savannah GA) Greene (Samuel D.) Greeneville TN Greenhow (Rose O.) Greenleaf’s Point DC Greenpoint NY Greenwood (Richard B.) Gregg (David M.) Gregg (Thomas) Gregg (William M.) Greggs Hill observation tower (Morris Island SC) Gregory (Asa) Griar (M. C.) Grierson (Benjamin H.) Griffin (Charles M.) Griffin (Charles) Griffin (Simon G.) Griffith (John) Grigsby House (Centreville VA) Grimes (Francis J.) Grimsby’s Battery grinding wheel Grove Camp (New Bern NC) Grover (Cuvier) Groveton monument (Bull Run battlefield) Guinea Station VA guitar gunboat gunboat 47 gunner’s haversack Gwinn (Miss)


H. S. Taft property (St. Helena Island SC) H. Wurzburg & Co. (Jacksonville FL) H.G. Judd’s house (Beaufort SC) Habilston & Brother (Richmond VA) Hackley (C. E.) Haddenfield (George) Hafford (pilot) Hagan (John C.) Hagan & Co. (Atlanta GA) Hagar (Charles W.) Hagar (G. G.) Hager (Jonathan B.) Hagerstown Pike Hainline (Allen) Hainline (John F.) Hainline (Sylvester B.) Hains (Peter C.) Hale (Christopher) Hale (George DeY.) Hale (Henry A.) Hall (Hiram S.) Hall (James A.) Hall (James F.) Hall (Jordan M.) Hall (Lt.) Hall (Mr.) Hall (R. H.) Hall (Theron E.) Halliday (Frank S.) Halliman (John W.) Halpin (T. M.) Halstead (Richard F.) Halsted (George B.) Halstrick (Joseph) Ham (J. W.) Hamblin (Joseph E.) Hamilton (Bermuda) Hamilton (F. B.) Hamilton (Henry S.) Hamilton (Louis M.) Hamlin (Charles) Hamlin (Cyrus) hammer Hammett (William E.) hammock Hammond (Lt. Col. John F.) Hammond (Mr. John F.) Hampton (Wade) Hampton Creek VA Hampton Place (Elizabethtown NJ) Hampton Roads VA Hampton VA Han River (Korea) Hancock (Winfield S.) Hand (H. W.) hand fan hand pump hand truck hand-drawn cart handbarrow handcar handcuffs handgun Hands (Robinson W.) handspike (iron) handspike (wood) handspike wrench Hang Rock Point Lookout (Lookout Mountain TN) Hanlan (Joseph) Hanna (Augustus S.) Hanna (Howard M.) Hanna (Robert) Hanover Branch Railroad (HB) Hanover Courthouse VA Hanover Junction PA Hanover Town VA Harbor Master’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Harbormaster’s Office (Alexandria VA) Hardenbergh (Jacob B.) Hardenburg (John J.) Hardin (Martin D.) Harding bolt Harding shell Harding shot Hardy (A. H.) Hardy (Joseph C.) Hardy (William H.) Harewood General Hospital (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 1 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 2 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 3 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 4 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 5 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 6 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 7 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital Ward 8 (Washington DC) Harewood General Hospital water tank (Washington DC) Harper (John C.) Harper (John H.) Harper (William) Harpers Ferry WV Harriet Island (Mississippi River) Harris (William H.) Harrisburg PA Harrison (Carter B.) Harrison (James E.) Harrison’s house (Wilderness battlefield VA) Harrison’s Landing VA Hart (Col.) Hart (Orson H.) Hartenstein (Jacob) Hartford CT Hartley (James) Hartranft (John F.) Hartsuff (George L.) Harwood (Charles E.) Haskell Rhett’s house (Beaufort SC) Hastings (Charles E.) Hastings (Mathew) Hatch (John P.) Hatch (Ozias) Hatcher’s Farm VA hatchet Haupt (Herman) Haupt manual collection Haupt’s torpedo Havana Cigars (Key West FL) Hawk (James A.) Hawley (William) Hawton (T.) Haxall & Crenshaw's Flour Mills (Richmond VA) Haxall house (Glendale VA) hay bale hay hook Hayden (H. J.) Hayden (Pvt.) Hayes (Jefferson D.) Hayes (Lucy W.) Hayes (Margaret A.) Hayes (Rutherford B.) Hayes (Varina H. D.) Haynes (J. M.) Hays (Alexander) Hays (Henry B.) Hays (William) haywain Hazard (John G.) Hazel River VA Hazen (William B.) HB Station (Hanover Junction PA) Headquarters (Fort Richmond NY) Headquarters (Fort Whipple VA) Headquarters for Photographers Bonsall & Gibson Headquarters of defenses south of the Potomac (Arlington VA) headstone Heard (John T.) Heath (Andrew C.) Heath (Christopher S.) heating stove Heaton (E.) Heichold (C. P.) Heintzelman (Samuel P.) Heistand (P.) Helena AR Helt (Louis) Henchman (Charles L.) Henderson (H. C.) Henningsen (Charles F.) Henry (James R.) Henry (John) Henry (Moses B.) Henry (William E.) Henry Clay Memorial (Richmond VA) Henry house (Bull Run battlefield) Henshaw (J. C.) Henton (James) Hermitage (Key West FL) Herold (David E.) Hersom (Nahum A.) Hesseltine (Francis S.) Hesseltine (Mrs.) Hewitt (Charles N.) Hibbard (Joseph) Hibernian Hall (Charleston SC) Hickey (Capt. Thomas) Hicks (George A.) Hide and Fat Building (Cedar Level Station VA) Higbee (1st Lt.) Hildreth (Charles S.) Hill (Alfred J.) Hill (Edwin R.) Hill (Henry G.) Hill (Henry) Hill (John R.) Hill (Sgt.) Hillen (John) Hilliard (Van Rensalaras) Hilton Head SC Hincks (Edward W.) Hines (J. R.) Hines (James G.) Hinks (Edward W.) Hinton (Richard J.) Hiwassee Bridge Blockhouse (Charleston TN) Hiwassee River HMS Dee Hobbs (George E.) Hobbs (Lt.) Hobbs (Wellington) Hodges (John) hoe Hoff (John J.) Hoffman (Henry C.) Hoffman (S.) Hoffman (William) Hogg (George) Holiday (Mr.) Hollis (Abijah) Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond VA) Holmes (John W.) Holstein (Anna) Holstein (Mr.) holster Holston River bridge (Knoxville, TN) Holston River TN Holway (Daniel) Holzchaw (Adolphus) Hood (John B.) Hooker (Joseph) hoop and stick Hooper (Charles H.) Hooper (William D.) Hoover (J.) Hopkins (Henry F.) Hopkinson plantation (Edisto Island SC) Hopkinson plantation house (Edisto Island SC) Hopkinson plantation slaves’ quarters (Edisto Island SC) horn horse horse whip horse-drawn carriage horse-drawn cart horseshoe Hosmer (Francis) Hosmer (J. R.) Hospital (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Hospital (Fort Hamilton NY) Hospital (Fort Pulaski GA) Hospital Depot (City Point VA) Hospital No. 1 (Nashville TN) Hospital No. 10 - Beaufort Library (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 10 - Elizabeth Barnwell Gough House (Beaufort, SC) Hospital No. 11 - William Elliot House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 14 - Lewis Reeve Sams House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 15 - George Parsons Elliot House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 16 (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 2 - Edward Mean’s house (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 23 - Berners Barnwell Sams House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 4 - William Wigg Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 5 (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 6 - Joseph Johnson House (Beaufort SC) Hospital No. 7 - Edgar Fripp house Tidalholm (Beaufort SC) Hospital wharf (City Point VA) hot-shot furnace Hotel (Appomattox Court House VA) Hough (Alfred L.) Hough (C. L.) Hovey (Solomon) Howard (Charles H.) Howard (George F.) Howard (J. B.) Howard (Nathaniel T.) Howard (Oliver O.) Howell (C. T.) Howell (Charles T.) Howitzer gun Howland (A. F.) Howland (Joseph) Howlett house (Drewry's Bluff VA) Hoxie (B. W.) Hoyt (James M.) Hubbard (E.) Hubbard (George H.) Hubbell (Silas S.) Hubon (Peter E.) Hudgen (John) Hudson (Edward M.) Hudson (John E.) Hudson (John W.) Hudson (Peter T.) Hudson house (Culpeper VA) Hudson River NY Huggins (Josiah G.) Hulbert (William L.) Hull (Lt.) Hull (nurse) Humphreys (Andrew A.) Humphreys (Charles A.) Humphreys (H. H.) Humphreys (Patrick H.) Hunkins (Seth C.) Hunt (Henry J.) Hunt (J. F.) Hunt (Josiah F.) Hunt (L.) Hunter (David) Hunting Creek Bridge (Alexandria VA) Hunting Creek Bridge blockhouse (Alexandria VA) Hunting Creek VA Hunting Water Creek TN Huntress (Wilbur H.) Huntsville AL Hurd (Anson) Hurlbert (Capt.) Hurst (Frederick) Husted (Albert N.) Hutchings (William V.) Hutchins (B. T.) Hutchins (Robert A.) Hutton (Maj.) Huyck (Maynard A.) Huyler (Pvt.) Hyde (Thomas W.) Hygeia Dining Saloon (Fort Monroe VA) Hylands (Thomas)


J. C. Hendrix & Co. Furniture (Atlanta GA) J. D. Pope’s house (Beaufort SC) J. E. Adger & Co. (Charleston SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation church (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation gin house (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation house (Beaufort SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation slaves chapel (Port Royal Island SC) J. J. Smith’s plantation slaves quarters (Beaufort SC) J. L. Cowling’s Gallery (New Bern NC) J. P. Emerson house (Alexandria VA) J. P. J. Debeck (Chattanooga TN) J. R. Moence Stoves & Tin Ware (Atlanta GA) J. W. Collins & Co. (Beaufort SC) Jackman (Lemuel A.) jackscrew Jackson (Eben) Jackson (John H.) Jackson (Mr.) Jackson (Richard H.) Jackson (T. M.) Jackson (Thomas J.) Jackson (Thomas) Jackson Barracks (Baton Rouge LA) Jacksonville FL Jacksonville Market (Jacksonville FL) Jail (Charles City Court House VA) James bolt James Earle McClees gallery (Washington DC) James Island SC James K. Polk’s Tomb (Nashville TN) James Monroe’s Tomb (Richmond VA) James Rifle gun James River James River and Kanawha Canal VA Jane (Capt.) Janes (Henry W.) Janvrin (Joseph E.) Jarves (Horatio D.) Jastram (Pardon S.) Jay (William) Jeffers (William Nicholson) Jefferson Davis house (Richmond VA) Jefferson Rock WV Jeffery (John A.) Jeffrey (John H.) Jencks (Elias M.) Jericho Mills (Jericho Mills VA) Jericho Mills pontoon bridge (North Anna River VA) Jericho Mills VA Jewell (T. F.) Jewett (Alonzo W.) Jewett (Charles C.) Jewett (Frank M.) John John Baker house (Beaufort SC) John Brown’s Fort (Harpers Ferry WV) John Burns house (Gettysburg PA) John C. Calhoun’s tomb (Charleston SC) John C. Howard’s Stables & Restaurant (Washington DC) John G. Barnwell’s house (Beaufort SC) John H. Kent’s photographic studio (Rochester NY) John Ross House (Ringgold GA) John S. Fyler's Store (Beaufort SC) John Smith house (Beaufort SC) John W. Hurn’s photographic studio (Philadelphia PA) Johnson (Andrew) Johnson (Edward S.) Johnson (Eldridge M.) Johnson (G. E.) Johnson (G. M. L.) Johnson (George H.) Johnson (J. J.) Johnson (Pvt. William) Johnson (Seth F.) Johnson (Seth W.) Johnson (Surg. William) Johnson (W. G.) Johnson (Walter) Johnson (William H.) Johnson’s Island OH Johnson’s Mill (Petersburg VA) Johnsonville Supply Depot (Johnsonville TN) Johnsonville TN Johnston (Joseph E.) Johnston (T. P.) Johnston (William V.) Johnstone (Robert L.) Jones (D. B.) Jones (Edwin R.) Jones (H. Dwight) Jones (Lt.) Jones (Mr.) Jones (William G.) Jones (William) Jones Landing pontoon bridge (James River) Jones Landing VA Jones Point VA Jones' Neck VA Jordan (Charles E.) Jordan’s Point VA Joslin’s Gallery (Danville IL) Judge Burdett’s home (Jacksonville FL) Judkins (Edward H.) jug Juit (Buck) Julius Schonfield’s Dry Good Store (Alexandria VA) Jumeara Variety Store (Washington DC) Junction Hotel (Hanover Junction PA)


L’Amy (S.) L&L boxcar 243 L&N boxcar 511 L&N Bridge (Cumberland River) L&N Depot (Nashville TN) Ladd (G. P.) Ladd (Josiah A.) Ladd (Lewis) ladder ladle Ladys Island SC Lafayette Artillery Lake (David G.) Lambert (Louis Johnes) Lambert (William H.) Lamon (Ward H.) Lancaster (Joseph) lance Land Transportation office -(Hilton Head SC) Landegon (John W.) Landers (Edward A.) Lane (Col.) Lane (John P.) Lang (Pvt.) Langdon (Loomis L.) Langley (Frank) Langley (John F.) lantern lanyard Larsson (Mr.) last Lathrop (Joseph H.) Laura M. Towne’s house (St. Helena Island SC) Lawrence (Albert G.) Lawrence (Thomas) Lawrence (Walter A.) Lawrence (William H.) Lawton (Alexander R.) Le Havre (France) Leale (Capt.) Lean Bear Learned (Maj.) Leavitt (Aubrey) LeClerc (Capt.) Ledlie (James H.) LeDuc (William G.) Lee (Benjamin) Lee (George W. C.) Lee (George W.) Lee (Robert E.) Lee (W. J.) Lee (William H. F.) Lee & Gordon’s Mills (Chickamauga GA) Leet (George K.) Leggett (Richard S.) Leighton (Charles H.) Leland Station VA Lemoyne (George S.) lens Lent (Louis H.) Leonard (Samuel H.) Lerned Leslie (John R.) Letterman (Jonathan) Leviton (Maj.) Lewinsville VA Libby (Abram H.) Libby Prison (Richmond VA) Liberia (Manassas VA) lightning rod lightship Frying Pan Shoals Lilley (Robert D.) limber Lincoln (Abraham) Lincoln (Thomas) Lincoln (William W.) Lincoln collection Lincoln funeral hearse (Buffalo NY) Lincoln funeral hearse (Chicago IL) Lincoln funeral hearse (Cleveland OH) Lincoln funeral hearse (New York NY) Lincoln funeral hearse (Philadelphia PA) Lincoln funeral hearse (Washington DC) Lincoln’s tomb (Springfield, IL) Linde (Albert) Linehan (John C.) Linn (James B.) Little River NC Little Round Top (Gettysburg battlefield PA) Littlefield (Augustus K.) Littlefield (Daniel W.) Littlefield (Ephraim M.) Littlefield (James A.) Lloyd (Charles S.) Lloyd (William H.) Locke (Frederick T.) Locke (Warren) Lockwood (Henry C.) Lockwood (William L.) locomotive locomotive Confederate States Lodor (Daniel) log cant hook Logan (John A.) Logue (Daniel C.) Lombard (Hosea C.) Lone Tree Hill VA Long (W. H.) Long Branch NJ long gun Lookout Creek TN Lookout Mountain TN Lookout Valley TN Loosely (Daniel) Lord (Capt.) Loring (Charles G.) Lorton VA Lothrop (Cherbury F.) Loudon (John L.) Loudon (Robert) Loudon TN Loudoun Heights VA Loughran (Robert) Louis de Saussure house (Charleston SC) Louisiana Louisiana School for the Deaf (Baton Rouge LA) Louisiana State Penitentiary (Baton Rouge LA) Louisiana Tigers Louisville & Lexington Railroad (L&L) Louisville & Nashville Railroad (L&N) Lovejoy (George L.) Lovell General Hospital (Portsmouth RI) Lovell General Hospital main building (Portsmouth RI) Lovering (Joseph F.) Low (Frederick F.) Lowe (Thaddeus S. C.) Lowell (Charles R.) Lowell (Josephine S.) Lowell's Cavalry Brigade headquarters (Vienna VA) Lower wharf (Belle Plain VA) Lowrey (H. B.) Lowrie (J. A.) Lowry (H. B.) Loyal Planter’s House (Lookout Mountain TN) Lt. Birchmeyer’s Battery (Morris Island SC) Lt. Gen. George Washington statue (Washington DC) Lt. Pennington’s quarters (Brandy Station VA) Luce (Joseph) Ludlow (Benjamin C.) Lula Falls (Lookout Mountain TN) Lula Lake (Lookout Mountain TN) Lull (E. P.) Luscomb (George A.) Lusk (William T.) Luther (Charles F.) Lutheran Church (Sharpsburg MD) Lutheran Theological Seminary (Gettysburg PA) Lyceum Hospital (Alexandria VA) Lydecker (Garrett J.) Lydig (P. M.) Lyford (Dr.) Lyman (J. W.) Lyman (Wyllys) Lyons (Benjamin R.) Lyons (James)


M. C. Graham Boots Shoes Hats & Caps (Chattanooga TN) M. G. Hamburger & Bro. (Washington DC) M. H. N. Kendig - Attorney (Washington DC) M&C Depot (Corinth MS) M&C water tanks (Corinth MS) M&W Depot (Atlanta GA) M1841 6-pounder field gun Mabry’s Hill (Knoxville TN) Machine Shops (Bay Point Island SC) Machine-Shop Creek (Hilton Head SC) Mack (Albert G.) MacKay (David) Mackil (Surg.) Mackintosh (William) MacManus (Mr.) Macomb IL Macomber (Henry S.) Macon & Western Railroad (M&W) Macon GA Macy (George N.) Macy (Mrs.) Madill (William A.) Magazine and Ordnance Wharf (City Point VA) Magee (Sanford) Magruder (John B.) mail bag mail wagon Maillefert (Benjamin S. H.) Maine Maj. C. S. Cotter’s quarters (Chattanooga TN) Maj. Henry H. Pierce’s quarters (Chaffin’s Bluff VA) Maj. Strong’s quarters (Dutch Gap VA) Málaga (Spain) Malborn (Capt.) Mallen (Charles G.) mallet Maltby House (City Point VA) Malvern Hill VA Manassas Gap Railroad (MG) Manassas Junction VA Manassas VA Manchester (Capt.) Manchester Canal (Manchester VA) Manchester Mills (Manchester VA) Manchester VA Manchlin (H. A.) Mann (Frank K.) Mann (Jonathon) Manning (Mrs.) Manning (Stephen H.) Mansion House Hospital (Alexandria VA) Manuel (Peter) map Maples - Duncanson House (Washington DC) Marbury (Francis F.) Marbury (Gilbert J.) Marcy (Randolph B.) Mare Island Naval Shipyard (Vallejo CA) Marietta GA Marine barracks (Charlestown Navy Yard) Marion (Edward T.) Marion Artillery Marion Chaplin’s Plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Market House (Vicksburg MS) Market Place (Savannah GA) Market Street Methodist Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) Markham’s (Washington DC) Markle (Cassius C.) Maroney (W.) Marsh (Nathan E.) Marshall (Capt.) Marshall (John E.) Marshall (Nathaniel) Marshall House (Alexandria VA) Marston (Hiram P.) Martello Tower (Tybee Island GA) Martin (A. N.) Martin (Augustus P.) Martin (B. Elias) Martin (Capt.) Martin (Ferdinand) Martin (Joseph W.) Martin (Lt.) Martindale (John H.) Martinsburg WV Martland (William H.) Martland (William J.) Marvin (Capt. (a)) Mary Surratt Boarding House (Washington DC) Marye’s Heights VA Marye’s House (Fredericksburg VA) Maryland Maryland Avenue Depot (Washington DC) Maryland Heights MD Mason (Addison G.) Mason (Adoniram J.) Mason (Capt.) Mason (Julius W.) Mason’s Island Mason’s Island pontoon bridge (Potomac River) Masonic Hall (Atlanta GA) Masonic Hall (Folly Island SC) Masonic Hall (New Bern NC) Massachusetts Massachusetts Bay Massaponax Baptist Church (Spottsylvania County VA) Massey (W. D.) Masters (Guy C.) Mather (Thomas S.) Mathes (Robert H.) Matthews (E. O.) Matthews (Lt.) Matthews House (Bull Run battlefield) Maxwell (William H.) May (H. C.) May (Mrs.) Mayloan (John W.) Maynadier (William M.) Mayo’s Bridge (Richmond VA) Mays (William B.) McArdle (James) McArthur (Arthur) McCabe (Lt.) McCaffry (Edward M.) McCall (George A.) McCall (William H. H.) McCallum (Daniel C.) McCallum (James) McCandless (L. D.) McCarthy (William H.) McCartney (Abner) McCartney (Capt.) McCartney (William H.) McCauley (John R.) McCaulvey (D. G.) McClay (Samuel) McCleary (R. W.) McClellan (Arthur) McClellan (Carswell) McClellan (George B.) McClellan (Samuel A.) McClellan Hospital (Philadelphia PA) McClellan Hospital Ward 12 (Philadelphia PA) McClernand (John A.) McClintock (John) McCloud’s Mill (Virginia) McClure (Joseph) McClurg (Alexander C.) McConihe (Samuel) McConnel (James) McConnell (Henry) McCook (Alexander M.) McCorbrie (James) McCormack (Dr.) McCormic (Robert H.) McCoull’s house (Wilderness battlefield VA) McCoy (James C.) McCreery (Mr.) McCrillis (John) McCullum (A.) McDevitt (Joseph A.) McDougall General Hospital (Fort Schuyler NY) McDougall General Hospital officers’ quarters (Fort Schuyler NY) McDowell (Irvin) McDowell (R. M.) McDuffee (Leroy) McElhone (James F.) McElroy (Col.) McEntee (John) McGinley (J.) McGlinn (John) McGrath (Michael H.) McGrath (William J. A.) McGraw (S.) McGregor Hotel (Mount McGregor NY) McGurn (Thomas) McHenry (Pvt.) McIntire (S. B.) McIntyre (Patrick) McIvor (James P.) McKay (David) McKay (James) McKibbin (Gilbert H.) McLaughlen (Napoleon B.) McLean (Virginia) McLean (Wilmer) McLean House (Appomattox Court House VA) McLellan (Curwen B.) McLoughlin (John) McMahon (James P.) McMahon (Martin T.) McMichael (Clayton) McMillan (James) McMillen (Charles) McMurtrie (D.) McNaught (John) McNeil (Quincy) McNulty (James) McParlin (Thomas A.) McPherson (James B.) McPherson's Woods (Gettysburg PA) McQuade (John F.) McQueston (Jerome B.) McQuipan (Surg.) Meade (George G.) Meade (George Jr.) Meagher (Thomas F.) Mechanicsville Road Mechanicsville Road bridge (Chickahominy River) Mechanicsville VA Medical Department (Washington DC) Medical Department headquarters (Davids Island NY) Medical Director’s quarters (Beaufort SC) Medical Store House (Beaufort SC) Meigs (Montgomery C.) Meinell (Henry) Mellus (Edward H.) Melrose Castle (Auburn VA) Memphis & Charleston Railroad (M&C) Memphis TN Merchant Manufacturing Company Cotton Mill (Petersburg VA) Merkle (Augustus) Merrill (Henry R.) Merrill (W. E.) Merritt (Abram) Merritt (Wesley) Merwin (Capt.) Mess house (Bedloes Island NY) Messenger (Capt.) Messenger (Miss) Messenger (Mrs.) Methodist Church (Jacksonville FL) Metropolitan Fair Building (New York NY) Metzgar (Emanuel C.) MG gondola car 12 Michie (Peter S.) Michigan Middle Military Division Middleton (Elisha W.) Miles (Dixon S.) Miles (Nelson A.) Milhau (Surg.) Military Asylum (Washington DC) Military Division of the Mississippi Military Division of the Missouri Military Prison (Jacksonville FL) Mill’s Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Mill’s Plantation slaves quarters (Port Royal Island SC) Miller (Albert F.) Miller (Fred L.) Miller (J. Clyde) Miller (Madison) Miller (Martin V.) Miller (Thompson) Miller (William D.) Miller (William J.) Miller house (Antietam MD) Miller house (Culpeper County VA) Mills (Charles J.) Mills (Daniel A.) Mills House (Charleston SC) Milton Milton (C. A.) Miner (John) Minnesota Minor’s Hill Signal Tower (Minor’s Hill VA) Minor’s Hill VA Minorca mirror Missionary Ridge TN Mississippi Mississippi River Missouri Mitchell (John) Mitchell (W.) Moalf (Edward) Moar (Charles J.) Mobile AL Mobile Bay AL Mobile Point AL Mobile Point Lighthouse (Mobile Bay AL) Moccasin Bend (Tennessee River) Moccasin Point (Chattanooga TN) Mohain (Capt.) monitor Monmouth IL Monte Rosa (Warrenton VA) Montgomery (James) Montgomery (Louis M.) Montgomery (Thomas) Montieth (George) Monument Garden (Chattanooga TN) Monumental Church (Richmond VA) Moody (Converse) Mooney (Thomas H.) Moore (Alexander) Moore (Gustavus) Moore (H. P.) Moore (Horatio C.) Moore (James J.) Moore (John C. W.) Moore (R. William) Moore (Thomas T.) Moore Hospital (Richmond VA) Moore House (Yorktown VA) Mordecai (Alfred) Morehead (Turner G.) Morehead City NC Morell (George W.) Morey (George V.) Morgan (Charles W.) Morgan (John H.) Morgan (Michael R.) Morganza Bend (Mississippi River) Morganza LA Moriss (Mr.) Morong (Edwin P.) Morris (Lt. Col.) Morris (Lt.) Morris (William H.) Morris Island Light (Charleston SC) Morris Island Ordnance Depot (Charleston SC) Morris Island SC Morrison (Charles P.) Morrison (Joseph B.) Morrison (Thomas G.) Morrison (Thomas) Morse (C. F.) Morse (Irving) Morse’s Photographs (Chattanooga TN) mortar mortar (13 inch) mortar Dictator mortar schooner Morton (George) Moser (Samuel H.) Mosier (Wilber D.) mosquito net Motley (John B.) Mott (Gershom) Moulton (Alfred A.) Moulton (Mrs.) Moultrieville SC Mound City Hospital (Mound City IL) Mound City IL Mount (John F.) Mount McGregor NY Mount Pleasant SC Mount St. Mary's University (Emmitsburg MD) Mountain Run VA Mountjoy (Robert L.) Mower (Joseph A.) Mowry (James R.) Moynihan (Daniel C.) Mrs. Allen’s house (Fair Oaks VA) Mrs. Alsop’s house (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Mrs. Hudson's house (Cedar Mountain VA) Mrs. Lee's house (Pleasant Valley MD) Mrs. Nelson’s Crossing (Pamunkey River) Mrs. Nelson’s Crossing pontoon bridge (Pamunkey River) Mrs. Spinner’s House (Centreville VA) Mrs. Thompson’s house (Gettysburg PA) Mt. Pleasant Hospital (Washington DC) Mt. Pleasant Hospital Water Tank (Washington DC) Mt. Sterling KY Mud Creek (Hilton Head SC) Muddy Branch MD mule mule stocks Mulford (John E.) Mulford (Joseph L.) Mulford (Mrs.) Mulks (George B.) Mullins (James) Mumma’s house (Antietam MD) Mundy (Frederick R.) Munger (Orett L.) Munn (William) Munns (Henry C.) Munroe (Charles H.) Munson (Samuel) Munther (Frederick R.) Murdoch (J.) Murfreesboro TN Murphy (John McL.) Murphy (John) Murphy (Michael C.) Muzzey (Loring W.) Myer (Albert J.) Myers (Joseph S.) Mygatt (Rivington H.) Mygatt Thompson & Hackett (Washington DC) Myrtlebush Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Myrtlebush Plantation house (Port Royal Island SC)


N. Derby Military Goods (Chattanooga TN) N&C Bridge (a) (Chattanooga Creek) N&C Bridge (b) (Chattanooga Creek) N&C Bridge (Bridgeport AL) N&C Bridge (Elk River TN) N&C Bridge (Lookout Creek TN) N&C bridge (Wauhatchie TN) N&C Bridge (Whiteside TN) N&C Depot (Nashville TN) N&C Roundhouse (Nashville TN) N&C water tank (Chattanooga Creek) N&NW Bridge (Tennessee River) N&NW bridge No. 2 (Sullivan's Branch TN) N&NW Section 49 trestle Naglee (Henry M.) Naples (Italy) Narragansett Bay Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad (N&C) Nashville & Northwestern Railroad (N&NW) Nashville TN Natchez MS Nathan & Co. (New York NY) naval carriage (iron) naval carriage (wood) Naval Observatory (Washington DC) Naval Station (Mound City IL) Navy Department (Washington DC) Navy Hospital (New Bern NC) Navy Yard (Memphis TN) Navy Yard Bridge (Potomac River) NE depot (Charleston SC) Neff (Henry K.) Negley (James S.) Neill (E. M.) Neill (James B.) Neill (Thomas H.) Nelson (Samuel) Nelson Church (Yorktown VA) Neuse River NC Neville (Lt. Col.) Neville (William) Nevins (Capt.) New A&W Long Bridge (Potomac River) New Barracks - east wing (Fort Hamilton NY) New Barracks - west wing (Fort Hamilton NY) New Bern NC New Hampshire New Haven CT New headquarters (Port Hudson LA) New Hope Church GA New Hospital (Governor’s Island NY) New Jersey New Market Road VA New Orleans LA New Orleans Opelousas & Great Western Railroad (NOO&GW) New South Printing Office (Hilton Head SC) New York New York Harbor (New York NY) New York Herald Headquarters wagon New York Navy Yard (Brooklyn NY) New York NY Newark NJ Newcomer’s Mill (Antietam MD) Newell (Julius T.) Newfoundland (Canada) Newhall (Frederick C.) Newhall (George T.) Newhart (C.) Newlin (Alfred S.) Newman (L. Howard) Newport Barracks NC Newport NC Newport RI Newton (David H.) Newton (Isaac) Newton (John) Niagara Falls NY Nichols (Edward T.) Nichols (Elias B.) Nichols (George W.) Nichols (James H.) Nichols (James M.) Nickajack Cave AL Nicolay (John G.) Nielson’s Island footbridge (Richmond VA) Nielson’s Island VA Niles (Amasee) Noble (Charles) NOO&GW Algiers Station (New Orleans LA) Norfolk Navy Yard (Norfolk VA) Norfolk VA Norris (Israel P.) Norris (James B.) North Anna River VA North Carolina Northeastern Railroad (NE) Northern Central Railroad (NC) Norton (Charles B.) Norton (Lemuel B.) Norvell (J. M.) Norwood (James E.) Nottage (Thomas) Noyes (Edward H.) Noyes (Edward L.) Nugent (Robert) Nute (Martin L.) Nutting (Lee)


O'Connor house (Charleston SC) O’Beirne (John) O’Beirne (P. H.) O’Connell (John D.) O’Connell (Patrick A.) O’Donovan (Cornelius) O’Keefe (J. O.) O’Laughlen (Michael) O’Ponen (R.) O’Reilly (B.) O’Reilly (James O.) O’Rorke (M.) O’Rourke (James) O’Shaughnessy (Thomas) O’Sullivan (J. A.) O’Sullivan (Laura V. P.) O’Sullivan (Timothy H.) O&A Baggage Room (Alexandria VA) O&A Bridge (a) (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge (b) (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge (c) (Bull Run VA) O&A bridge (Cedar Run VA) O&A Bridge (Mountain Run VA) O&A Bridge (Pope's Head VA) O&A Bridge (Rappahannock River VA) O&A Bridge Blockhouse (Bull Run VA) O&A Bridge Blockhouse (Pope's Head VA) O&A Depot (Warrenton Va) O&A Devereux Station (Clifton VA) O&A McCallum Bridge (Virginia) O&A Round House (Alexandria VA) O&A Sand House (Alexandria VA) O&A Turntable (Lone Tree Hill VA) O&A Turntable (Manassas Junction VA) O&A Water Tank (Alexandria VA) O&A Water Tank (Manassas Junction VA) O&A Water Tank (Rappahannock River VA) O&A Water Tanks (Pope’'s Head VA) O&A Water Tanks (Union Mills VA) Oak Ridge Cemetery (Springfield IL) Oakley (H. C.) Oakley (Henry A.) Oakwood Cemetery (Richmond VA) oar Octagon house (Arlington VA) Oerter (Henry J.) Office and Yard building (Morris Island Ordnance Depot) Office of Government Repair Shops (Washington DC) Officers’ Hospital - Robert Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) Officers’ quarters (Davids Island NY) Officers’ quarters (Fort Schuyler NY) Officers’ quarters (Hilton Head SC) Ogden (Capt.) Ogeechee River GA Oglethorpe Barracks (Savannah GA) Ohio Ohio Penitentiary (Columbus OH) OId Church Hotel (Cold Harbor VA) oil can Old A&W Long Bridge (Potomac River) Old Arsenal Prison (Washington DC) Old Bacchus Old Capitol Prison (Washington DC) Old Colored Church (New Bern NC) Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works (Richmond VA) Old Douglas House (Washington DC) Old Fort Plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Old headquarters (Port Hudson LA) Old Hospital (Governor’s Island NY) Old Market House (Charleston SC) Old Mill (Washington DC) Old Patent Office Building (Washington DC) Old Point Comfort Light (Fort Monroe Va) Old State Department Building (Washington DC) Old Stone House (Richmond VA) Old Town Creek VA Old Wilderness Tavern (Wilderness battlefield) Olin (Abram B.) Olone (Hugh F.) Oneida Independent Company New York Cavalry Opdycke (Samuel E.) Ora Moneta Orange & Alexandria Railroad (O&A) Orange Turnpike Orchard Knob TN Ord (Edward O.C.) Ord (Mary M. T.) Ord (Placidus) Ordnance Store House (Hilton Head SC) Ordnance Store House and Armorer’s Shop (Hilton Head SC) Ordnance Yard (New Bern NC) Ordway (Albert) Orne (James D.) Osborn (Thomas O.) Osborn (Thomas W.) Osceola’s Grave (Fort Moultrie SC) Osgood (James H.) Otis (James) Otter Island SC Owen (Samuel W.) Owens (Edward L.) Owens (James A.) Owens (Wesley W.) oxen Oyster Bay (Alexandria VA)


paddle Paden (James) Page (Henry) Paine (J. C.) paintbrush painting Paisney (Col.) Palmer (Dennis) Palmer (George C.) Palmer (Innis N.) Palmer (James M.) Palmer (Samuel L.) Palmetto Guard Pamunkey River Pamunkey River pontoon bridge (Hanover Town VA) Pancoast (George L.) Panorama collection parasol Park (Edward) Park (Frank H.) Parke (John G.) Parker (Edgar) Parker (Edward D.) Parker (Ely S.) Parker (Isaac B.) Parker (Jabez P.) Parker (Pvt.) Parker (Sewell S.) Parkhurst (John G.) Parrish (William I.) Parrott Rifle gun Parrott shell Parson Slaughter's house (Cedar Mountain VA) Parsons (Enos B.) Parsons (J. G.) Partridge (Sylvester B.) passenger car Patch (Samuel) Patrick (Marsena R.) Patterson (H. C.) Paul (Capt.) Paymaster's quarters (New Bern NC) Payne (E. W.) Peabody (George) Peabody (Mrs.) Peabody (Oliver W.) Peachtree Creek battlefield GA Pearce (Edward C.) Pearce (I. A.) Pearson (A. J.) Pearson (C. F.) Pease (Capt.) Pease (Charles E.) Pease (Surg.) Peck (George) Peck (John J.) Peck (Theodore S.) Pee Dee River Peeble’s Farm (Petersburg battlefield VA) Peeble’s Farm Signal Tower (Petersburg battlefield VA) Pelican House (Fort Pulaski GA) Pell (Duncan A.) pen pencil Pendergast (Nancy) Pendleton (Edmund) Peninsula battleground VA Penn School (St. Helena Island SC) Pennington (Alex C. M. Jr.) Pennington (Alex C. M. Sr.) Pennington (Mrs.) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania College (Gettysburg PA) Pennsylvania Light Artillery Independent Battery E Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) Penrose (William H.) Pensacola Bay FL Pensacola FL Pensacola Navy Yard (Pensacola FL) People's Ambrotype Gallery (Decatur IL) Peoria IL Perce (LeGrand W.) periodical Perkins (Capt.) Perkins (George T.) Perkins (H. W.) Perrin (William I.) Perry (John C.) Perry (Joseph H.) Perry (Thomas) Perry Clear Point (Port Royal Island SC) Petersburg Artillery building (Petersburg VA) Petersburg battlefield VA Petersburg Courthouse (Petersburg VA) Petersburg Gas Works (Petersburg VA) Petersburg Railroad (PgRR) Petersburg VA PgRR Station (Petersburg VA) PgRR Station Round House (Petersburg VA) PgRR Station Water Tanks (Petersburg VA) Philadelphia Navy Yard (Philadelphia PA) Philadelphia Navy Yard Commandant’s House (Philadephia PA) Philadelphia PA Phillips (Capt.) Phillips (Charles O.) Phillips (Duncan C.) Phillips (Henry M.) Phillips (Nyrum) Phillips House (Falmouth VA) Philp & Solomons (Washington DC) Phinney (Capt.) Phinney (Mrs.) Phoenix Building (Atlanta GA) photographic chemical tray Photographic Department (City Point VA) photographic wagon pickaxe Pickett (George E.) Pierce (Byron R.) Pierce (Capt.) Pierce (Edward C.) Pierce (Edwin C.) Pierce (George W.) Pierce (Henry H.) Pierce (Isaac) Pierce (Lt.) Pierce (Reuben P.) Pierce (William P.) Pierpont (Francis H.) Pigeon Mountain GA pike pile driver pillow Pimmitt Run bridge Pimmitt Run VA Pinckney Mansion (Charleston SC) pine cone Pine Cottage (Minor’s Hill VA) Pine Mountain GA Piney Branch Road Pinkerton (Allan J.) Pinkerton (Robert) Pinkerton (William) Pinkham (Harriet) Pinkham (Theodore) Pioneer Camp TN Pioneer Mills (Alexandria VA) pipe Piper (George E.) Piper (William C.) Piscatagua River pitcher Pitkin Station VA Pitts (Eva) Pittsburg Landing TN Pittsfield IL plane Planing mill (Petersburg VA) Plank Road plate Platt (Edward R.) Platt (Erastus E.) Platt Creek TN playing card Pleasant Valley MD Pleasonton (Alfred) Plew (Daniel) Plimpton (Josiah I.) plow Plumb (Isaac) pocket watch Poe (Orlando M.) Pohick Church (Lorton VA) Point Battery (Charleston SC) Point Lookout MD Point of Rocks (Chester VA) Poison Spring (Chickasaw Bayou MS) Polk (Leonidas) Pollard (Philip) pontoon boat Pontoon bridge (Aiken’s Landing VA) Pontoon bridge (Broadway Landing VA) Pontoon bridge (Deep Bottom Run) Pontoon bridge (James River) Pontoon bridge (Richmond VA) Pontoon bridge (Welford’s Ford VA) Poolesville MD Poore (Benjamin P.) Pope (Albert A.) Pope (Capt.) Pope (John) Pope’s Head VA Pope’s plantation (Hilton Head SC) Poplar Grove Church (Poplar Grove VA) Poplar Grove VA Poplar Grover Farm house (Poplar Grove VA) Port Hudson LA Port Mahon (Minorca) Port Royal House (Hilton Head SC) Port Royal Island SC Port Royal Restaurant (Hilton Head SC) Port Royal Sound SC Port Royal VA portable darkroom portable hydrogen gas generator portable steam engine Porter (Andrew B.) Porter (Andrew P.) Porter (Andrew) Porter (Benjamin F.) Porter (C. B.) Porter (David D.) Porter (Fitz John) Porter (Horace) Porter (Josiah) Porter (William L.) Porter House (City Point VA) Portici (Bull Run battlefield VA) Portland ME Portsmouth Navy Yard (Kittery ME) Portsmouth NH Portsmouth RI Portsmouth Signal Station (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth Signal Station office (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth Signal Tower (Portsmouth VA) Portsmouth VA Post (P. S.) Post Adjutant’s Office (Hilton Head SC) Post Office (a) (Beaufort SC) Post Office (Alexandria VA) Post Office (b) (Beaufort SC) Post Office (Charleston SC) Post Office (City Point VA) Post Office (Hilton Head SC) Post Office (New Bern NC) Post Office (Petersburg VA) Post Quartermaster’s Office (Chattanooga TN) Potomac Creek VA Potomac River Potomac River pontoon bridge (Harpers Ferry WV) Potter (A. J.) Potter (Alexander R.) Potter (E. E.) Potter (James N.) Potter (Robert B.) powder ladle Powderly (Michael E.) Powell (Lewis T.) Powelson (William A.) Powelson’s Ambrotypes (Fort Pulaski GA) Powers (Lt.) Powers (Mr.) Powhatan Point pontoon bridge (James River VA) Powhatan Point VA Pratt (George H.) Pratt (Gustavus C.) Pratt (Richard H.) Pratt’s Castle (Richmond VA) Preble (E. E.) Preble (George H.) Pres. Lincoln's Cottage (Washington DC) Presbyterian Church (New Bern NC) Presbyterian Church (Richmond VA) Presbyterian Church (Rockville SC) Prescott (James P.) Prescott (John H.) Presidential Reviewing Stand - Grand Review (Washington DC) Presque Isle (Brandy Station VA) Preston shell Price (William B.) Price Birch & Co. (Alexandria VA) Primmer house Belle Air (Leland Station VA) Prince (Henry) Prince (James P.) printing press Prison No. 3 - J. W. & C. G. Holland Tobacco Factory No. 1 (Danville VA) Prison No. 6 (Danville VA) Prisoners’ quarters (New Bern NC) Private quarters (Governor’s Island NY) Proctor House (City Point VA) Profile Bluff TN Prospect Hill Signal Station (Prospect Hill VA) Prospect Hill VA Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Aspinwall Hall (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Chapel (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Hospital Barracks (Fairfax VA) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary Practice Chapel (Fairfax VA) Provost Guard Headquarters (Newport Barracks NC) Provost Marshal building (a) (City Point VA) Provost Marshal building (b) (City Point VA) Provost Marshal Department Provost Marshal’s Guard House (Vicksburg MS) Provost Marshal’s Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Provost Marshal’s headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Provost Marshal’s Office (Alexandria VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Beaufort SC) Provost Marshal’s office (Bermuda Hundred VA) Provost Marshal’s office (Brandy Station VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (City Point VA) Provost Marshal’s Office (Washington DC) PRR Depot (Harrisburg PA) PRR locomotive 328 PRR locomotive 331 PRR passenger car 18 PRR passenger car 31 Pullman’s Gallery (Washington DC) Pulpit Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) pup tent Purdy (Erastus S.) Pywell (Jane E.) Pywell (William R.)


Quaker gun Quarles house (Fair Oaks, VA) Quarles Mill (North Anna River VA) Quarles Mill bridge (North Anna River VA) Quartermaster and Commissary Offices (Fort Fisher NC) Quartermaster and USMRR Superintendent offices (Nashville TN) Quartermaster Department (New Bern NC) Quartermaster Department (US) Quartermaster Department Repair Shops (City Point VA) Quartermaster Forage Wharf (City Point VA) Quartermaster Forage Wharf Storehouse (City Point VA) Quartermaster Franklin Turnpike Repair Shops (Nashville TN) Quartermaster shipyards (Chattanooga TN) Quartermaster Shops & Storehouses (Brandy Station VA) Quartermaster Store House A (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster Store House C (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster's Corral (Chattanooga TN) Quartermaster’s 7th Street Wharf Office (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Commissary Building and Boat Shop (Beaufort SC) Quartermaster’s Department (Yorktown VA) Quartermaster’s Hospital (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Office - Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA) Quartermaster’s Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Quartermaster’s office (Charleston SC) Quartermaster’s Office (Fort Monroe VA) Quartermaster’s office (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster’s office (New York NY) Quartermaster’s quarters (Hilton Head SC) Quartermaster’s warehouse (Nashville TN) Quartermaster’s Warehouse No. 1 & Stationery Department (Washington DC) Quartermaster’s Warehouses (Washington DC) Queen’s farm (District of Columbia) Quigley (Sgt.) quill Quincy (Samuel M.)


R&D Bridge (Belle Isle VA) R&D Bridge (James River) R&D Bridge (Manchester Canal) R&D Depot (Manchester VA) R&D Depot (Richmond VA) R&D Roundhouse (Manchester VA) R&G Bridge (Cedar Creek NC) R&P Bridge (Appomattox River) R&P Bridge (James River) R&P Depot (Richmond VA) R&YR Bridge (White House Landing VA) R&YR Bridge (White Oak Swamp VA) R&YR Station (Fair Oaks VA) Race Course Club House (Charleston SC) Radmore (Charles C.) rail rail cant hook railroad switch Raleigh & Gaston Railroad (R&G) rammer staff ramrod Ramsay (George D.) Ramsay (Miss) Ramsay (Mrs.) Rand (Arnold A.) Rand (George E.) Rand (George W.) Rand (John M.) Rand (Pvt.) Randall (A. C.) Randol (Alanson M.) Randolph (George E.) Ransom (Asst. Surg.) Rapidan River Rappahannock River Bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River double pontoon bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River pontoon bridge (Fredericksburg VA) Rappahannock River VA Rappahannock Station VA Rath (Christian) Raulston (John B.) Rawlins (John A.) Rawlins (Mary E. H.) Rawsom (R. A.) Rawson (E. B.) Ray (Richard C.) Raymond (Edward T.) Read shell Reading Room (Jacksonville FL) Readville MA Ready house (Murfreesboro TN) Real’s barn (Antietam MD) Rebel barracks (Port Hudson LA) Recruitment headquarters (Hilton Head SC) Red River Redding (James) Redding (William T.) Reddy (James M.) Redman (David F.) Reed (H. B.) Reed (R. H.) Reed (Samuel M.) Reeder (Howard J.) Reekie (John) Reeves (Robert W.) Relay House MD Remey (G. C.) Remington (John E.) Remington (Lt.) Reno (Capt.) Resaca GA Reservoir tank (Savannah GA) Restaurant (Culpeper VA) Revere (William H.) Reynolds (Edward) Reynolds (J. A.) Reynolds (John F.) Reynolds (S. Walter) Reynolds (Surg.) Reynolds (William) RF&P Bridge (North Anna River VA) RF&P Bridge (Rappahannock River VA) Rhett (Robert Barnwell) Rhett house (Port Royal Island SC) Rhind (Alexander C.) Rhoades (L.) Rhoades (Lawrence) Rhode Island Rhodes (Elisha H.) Rice (Charles E.) Rich (Thomas L.) Richard Habersham plantation (Port Royal Island SC) Richard Habersham plantation house (Port Royal Island SC) Richards (Lt.) Richards (Sumner S.) Richards (William V.) Richardson (Almyne H. G.) Richardson (Capt.) Richardson (George P.) Richardson (Henry H.) Richardson (Israel B.) Richardson (James M.) Richardson (John H.) Richardson (Pvt.) Richardson (Rufus) Richmond (Lewis) Richmond & Danville Railroad (R&D) Richmond & Petersburg Railroad (R&P) Richmond & York River Railroad (R&YR) Richmond Armory (Richmond VA) Richmond Armory Rolling Mills (Richmond VA) Richmond City Hospital (Richmond VA) Richmond Female Institute (Richmond VA) Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad (RF&P) Richmond VA Richter (Hartman) Ricker (Ephraim W.) Ricker (John P.) Rickett (Lt.) Riddle (William) Ridgeley (T. H.) riding crop Riley (T.) Riley’s Plantation (Port Hudson LA) Riley’s Plantation house (Port Hudson LA) Rimdell (Rufus L.) Ringgold GA Ringgold House (Washington DC) Ripley (Edward H.) Rivenburg (Lovett S.) Rivers (H. W.) Rives (Wright) Rives’ Salient - Battery 25 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rives’ Salient - Battery 27 (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rives’ Salient (Petersburg battlefield VA) Rixey (Samuel) Rixey House (Culpeper VA) Robbins (Asst. Surg.) Robbins (Capt.) Robbins (Charles T.) Robbins (Horace W.) Robert Barnwell Rhett’s plantation (Beaufort SC) Robert Barnwell Rhett’s plantation house (Beaufort SC) Robert E. Lee residence (Richmond VA) Robert Smalls' house (Beaufort SC) Roberts (James S.) Roberts (James) Roberts (Joseph) Roberts (William C.) Robertson (James M.) Robertson (Robert S.) Robertson (Robert) Robeson (Thomas R.) Robinett (Henry C.) Robins (Charles M.) Robinson (Augustus A.) Robinson (D. McK.) Robinson (Henry W.) Robinson (Oliver G.) Robinson (O’Neill W.) Robinson's house (Bull Run battlefield) Roche (Thomas C.) Roche’s house (Arlington VA) Rochester NY Rock Creek (Gettysburg battlefield) Rock Creek DC Rockett’s Landing (Richmond VA) rocking chair Rockville plantation (Rockville SC) Rockville plantation house (Rockville SC) Rockville Plantation Negro Church (Rockville SC) Rockville plantation summer residence (Rockville SC) Rockville SC Rockwell (Lt.) Rocky Face Ridge GA Rodgers (Christopher R. P.) Rodgers (John) Rodman (Isaac P.) Rodman gun Rogers (Capt.) Rogers (Cecil) Rogers (Col.) Rogers (Elisha S.) Rogers (James C.) Rogers (S. N.) Rohr (Philip) Rolling Mills (Chattanooga TN) Rome Railroad (RRR) Romney Road Ronc (William) rope Roper Hospital (Charleston SC) Rosecrans (William S.) Rosencrantz (Frederick) Ross (Edward A.) Ross (Jonathan S.) Ross (Levi) rotating tetraplex lens Roth (Christian) Round Top (Gettysburg battlefield PA) rowboat Rowe (James F.) Rowland (M. C.) Royce (Harrison A.) Rubadeau (Samuel) Ruggles (George D.) Rullet’s house (Antietam MD) Rulon (Henry E.) Rusling (William J.) Russell (Andrew J.) Russell (Capt.) Russell (David A.) Russell (Edmund K.) Russell (Edward J.) Russell (Edwin A.) Russell (George S.) Russell (Harry) Russell (J. K.) Russell (John) Russell albums collection Ruth (David N.) Ryan (G. P.)


S. C. Tyler’s store (Beaufort SC) S. W. Owen - Merchant Tailor (Washington DC) sabot sack Sackett (Delos B.) Sackett (Fred M.) saddle sailboat Sailor (John) Salem MA Salm-Salm (Felix C. A. J. N.) Salubria (Stevensburg VA) Samuel A. Cooley’s cart Samuel A. Cooley’s photograph store (Beaufort SC) Samuel A. Cooley’s photographic gallery (Folly Island SC) Samuel A. Cooley’s photographic wagon Samuel Barnwell house (Beaufort SC) San Francisco CA Sanborn (Jacob R.) Sanborn (Jeremiah L.) Sancho Sancho (Jr.) Sand Island Lighthouse (b) (Mobile Bay AL) sandbag Sanders (Hiram) Sanders (William) Sandusky Bay Sandy Hook NY Sanford’s Hotel (Spotsylvania Court House VA) Sanno (J. M. J.) Sappington (N. J.) Sargent (Charles O.) Sargent (Daniel B.) Sargent (Hosea Q.) Saunders (James W.) Savage’s Station VA Savannah GA Savannah River saw sawhorse Sawin (Robert L.) Sawtelle (Charles G.) Sawyer (Fred A.) Sawyer (Henry W.) Saxton (Rufus) Sayer’s Oyster House (City Point VA) Sayles (Capt.) Sayles (J.) scabbard scale Scarborough (Capt.) Scarlet (William F.) Schlitter (Emil) schooner schooner Etta schooner Henrietta schooner Pilot Boat 8 Schoonmaker (Cornelius N.) Schoonmaker (John M.) Schreiber & Son photographic studio (Philadelphia PA) Schwartz (Capt.) Schweisfort (Jonathan) Schwenk (Samuel K.) scissors Scofield (James K.) scoop Scott (George W.) Scott (Henry B.) Scott (Maria M.) Scott (Pvt.) Scott (Winfield) Scott House (Alexandria VA) Scott Keen & Co. (Chattanooga TN) Scottsborough GA screw press Scribner (Mr.) Scruton (Clark) Sculley (Thomas) Scully (J. C.) sculpture Seabrook plantation (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation cellar (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation house (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation library (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook plantation wharf (Edisto Island SC) Seabrook Point (Edisto Island SC) Sears (George) Secession Hall (Charleston SC) Second Parallel (Morris Island SC) Second Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) Second Presbyterian Church (Richmond VA) Secret Service headquarters (City Point VA) Sedgwick (1st Lt. William D.) Sedgwick (John) Segar house (Hampton VA) Seibert (Louis) Seibert (Samuel) Seidel (Charles W.) self-propelled rail car Selfridge (Thomas O.) Sellers (Capt.) Seminary Building (Lookout Mountain TN) Seminary Hospital (Georgetown DC) serving tray Seven Pines VA Severn River MD Sewall (John S.) sewing needle Seybolt (H. B.) Seymour (Truman) Shackford (John T.) Shackford (Nathaniel) Shaler (Alexander) Shaler (Mrs.) Shapleigh (Thomas W.) Sharpe (George H.) Sharpsburg & Boonsboro Pike Sharpsburg MD Shaw (Capt.) Shaw (John P.) Shaw (Richard G.) Sheafe (Albert A.) sheet music Sheffield (G.) shell tongs Shenandoah River Shenandoah River bridge (Harpers Ferry WV) Shenkel (Jacob) Shepherd (George) Shepherd's Daguerreotype Miniature Gallery (Springfield IL) Shepherdstown WV Shepley (George F.) Sheridan (M. V.) Sheridan (Philip H.) Sherman (Sgt.) Sherman (Thomas W.) Sherman (William T.) Shermer (Benjamin C.) Sherrick’s house (Antietam MD) Sherwin (Thomas T.) Shetter (Henry) Shiloh battlefield Shiloh Monument (Shiloh battlefield) ship of the line Shirley House (Vicksburg MS) Shot tower - Old Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) shovel Shrady (George F.) Shreve (William P.) Shurtleff (Hiram S.) Sibley tent Sickel Hospital (Alexandria VA) Sickels (Hiram E.) Sickles (Daniel E.) side-wheeler side-wheeler Arago side-wheeler Argo side-wheeler Ben De Ford side-wheeler Cahawba side-wheeler Canonicus side-wheeler Carrie Martin side-wheeler Chickamauga side-wheeler City of Hudson side-wheeler Colt side-wheeler Columbus side-wheeler Connecticut side-wheeler Constitution side-wheeler Diamond side-wheeler Dictator side-wheeler Eagle side-wheeler Empire Parish side-wheeler Exchange side-wheeler Fairy side-wheeler Fulton side-wheeler General Hooker side-wheeler George Weems side-wheeler Herman Livingston side-wheeler Hudson side-wheeler J. Johnson side-wheeler James Guy side-wheeler John Brooks side-wheeler John Tucker side-wheeler Mary Benton side-wheeler Metamora side-wheeler Monohansett side-wheeler Natchez side-wheeler Nelly Baker side-wheeler New York side-wheeler Ocean Wave side-wheeler Planter side-wheeler Port Royal side-wheeler Powhatan side-wheeler River Queen side-wheeler Robert Morris side-wheeler Ruby side-wheeler Sacramento side-wheeler Sallie Robinson side-wheeler Savannah side-wheeler Seth Low side-wheeler Silver Star side-wheeler South America side-wheeler State of Maine side-wheeler Sultana side-wheeler Sylvan Shore side-wheeler Thomas A. Morgan side-wheeler Thomas Collyer side-wheeler Thomas Powell side-wheeler Tigress side-wheeler Tycoon side-wheeler Universe side-wheeler Utica side-wheeler Washington Irving side-wheeler Wauhatchie side-wheeler Wenonah side-wheeler Western Metropolis side-wheeler Westmoreland side-wheeler White Cloud side-wheeler William Tittamer side-wheeler Wilson Small side-wheeler Winnisimmet side-wheeler Young America siege carriage Signal Corps Signal Corps Camp - Red Hill (Georgetown DC) Signal Corps Camp Officers’ Quarters (Georgetown DC) Signal Corps headquarters (New Bern NC) Signal Corps Headquarters (Vicksburg MS) Signal Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) Signal Station (Hilton Head SC) Signal tower (Elk Mountain MD) Signal tower (Jacksonville FL) Signal Tower (Otter Island SC) Signal Tower (St. Helena Island SC) Silkworth (Pvt.) Silver Spring - Francis Preston Blair residence (Silver Spring MD) Silver Spring MD Simmers (William) Simmons Simmons (William) Sisson (Henry T.) Sitzler (Leonard F.) skillet sledgehammer Sleeper (J. Henry) Sleepy Hollow Torpedo Station (James River VA) Sleepy Hollow VA sleigh Slipper (Lt. J.) Slocum (Henry W.) sloop-of-war Slough Hospital (Alexandria VA) Small (Abner R.) Small (David) Small (Michael P.) Small (Robert W.) Smedberg (William R.) Smeed (Eben C.) Smith (A. J.) Smith (Arthur St. C.) Smith (Asa) Smith (Capt.) Smith (Charles F.) Smith (Charles R.) Smith (Daniel C.) Smith (David P.) Smith (Edward W.) Smith (Frank L.) Smith (George H.) Smith (George K.) Smith (George L.) Smith (George W.) Smith (Gerrit) Smith (Henry P.) Smith (Hiram D.) Smith (J. Adams) Smith (James J.) Smith (John S.) Smith (Joseph) Smith (L.) Smith (Mrs.) Smith (Robert K.) Smith (S. M.) Smith (S.) Smith (Sidney L.) Smith (William F.) Smith (William M.) Smith Pleasonton (Miss) Smith’s farm (Keedysville MD) Smith’s farm barn (Keedysville MD) Smith’s farm house (Keedysville MD) Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC) Smyth (Nesman) Snelling (Surg.) Snyder (John H.) Snyder (Lt.) Snyder (Martin) Soldiers’ Cemetery (Alexandria VA) Soldiers’ Cemetery (Fort Stevens DC) Soldiers’ Cemetery Church (Alexandria VA) Soldiers’ Rest (Alexandria VA) solid shot Sommerville (James) Soule (Horatio S.) Soule (William T.) South Battery (Charleston SC) South Carolina South Carolina State Arsenal (Charleston SC) South Mountain South side barracks (Fort Richmond NY) South Store (Beaufort SC) Southern Express Office (Richmond VA) Southside Railroad (SS) Spain Spangler (Edmund) Sparrow (Greenville F.) Spaulding (Ira) speaking-trumpet spear Spearing (Daniel A.) Speer (G. F.) Spence (T. Rush) Spencer (D. Carleton) Spencer (Joseph H.) Spencer (Pvt.) sponge and rammer staff sponge bucket sponge staff spoon Spotsylvania County VA Spotsylvania Courthouse VA Spottiswood Hotel (Richmond VA) Sprague (Katherine J.) Spring House (White House Landing VA) Springfield IL spurs square SS bridge (Appomattox River) SS bridge (Old Town Creek VA) SS Depot (Petersburg VA) SS Depot Water Tank (Petersburg VA) SS High Bridge (Appomattox River) SS Machine Shops (Petersburg VA) St. Aloysius Church (Washington DC) St. Augustine FL St. George’s Episcopal Church (Fredericksburg VA) St. Helena Island SC St. James Church (Goose Creek SC) St. John’s (Newfoundland Canada) St. John’s Church (Richmond VA) St. John’s Church (Savannah GA) St. John’s Episcopal Church (Hampton VA) St. John’s Rectory (City Point VA) St. Johns River FL St. Joseph’s Academy (Emmitsburg MD) St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Petersburg VA) St. Louis Cathedral (New Orleans LA) St. Louis MO St. Mary’s Convent (St. Augustine FL) St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (Charleston SC) St. Paul MN St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Petersburg VA) St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Richmond VA) St. Peter’s Church (Harpers Ferry WV) St. Peter’s Church (Richmond VA) St. Peter’s Church (White House Landing VA) St. Philip’s Church (Charleston SC) Stackpool (Joseph L.) Stackpool (Mrs.) Staff Stable and Saddlers Shop (Hilton Head SC) Stam (John T.) Standing In The Water Staniels (Rufus P.) Stanley (Charles H.) Stanley (David S.) Stanley (Timothy R.) Stanley General Hospital (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital Division V (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital office (New Bern NC) Stanley General Hospital officers’ ward (New Bern NC) Stanley house (New Bern NC) Stanton (Charles E.) Stanton (Edwin M.) Stanton Hospital (Washington DC) Stark (William G.) Starr (James) Starr Arms Co. factory (Binghamton NY) State Capitol (Baton Rouge LA) State Capitol (Hartford CT) State Capitol (Nashville TN) State Capitol (Richmond VA) State House (Annapolis MD) State House (Columbia SC) Staten Island NY Station Creek Carpenters Shop (Bay Point Island SC) Station Creek Machine Shop (Bay Point Island SC) Station Creek SC steam brigantine steam engine steam frigate steam frigate Liberty steam schooner steam sloop steamboat steamboat America steamboat Atlanta Steamboat Dock (Morris Island SC) steamboat Dudley Buck steamboat El Cid steamboat Elizabeth steamboat Fairbanks steamboat Leader steamboat Mississippi steamboat Neptune steamboat New Jersey steamboat New York steamboat Oregon steamboat Prometheus steamboat Relief Steamboat Repair Wharf (Alexandria VA) steamboat Tacony steamboat Thomas A. Scott steamboat Thorn steamboat Victor Stearns (George) Stearns (Isaac H.) Stearns (Ozora P.) Stebbins (E. N.) Stephen Waite’s photographic studio (Hartford CT) Stephens (Alexander H.) Sterling (Charles R.) stern-wheeler stern-wheeler Bridgeport stern-wheeler Chattanooga stern-wheeler Clinch stern-wheeler General Howard stern-wheeler James Watson stern-wheeler Kingston stern-wheeler Lookout stern-wheeler Missionary stern-wheeler Nashville sternwheeler 32 Stevens (Albert H.) Stevens (Atherton H.) Stevens (Francis H.) Stevens (H.) Stevens (Hazard) Stevens (Isaac I.) Stevens (Mrs.) Stevens (Pvt.) Stevens (Romanzo) Stevens (Thaddeus) Stevens House (Beaufort SC) Stevensburg VA Stevenson (John F.) Stevenson (Thomas G.) Stevenson AL Stewart (J. Scott) Stimpson (Louis A.) stock car Stockade (Morris Island SC) Stoddard (Ebenezer M.) Stoddard (William F.) Stodder (Louis N.) Stokes (John F.) Stone (Andrew S.) Stone (H.) Stone (Henry) Stone (L. R.) Stone Bridge (a) (Bull Run VA) Stone Bridge (b) (Bull Run VA) Stone Church (Centreville VA) Stone House (Petersburg VA) Stoneman (George) Stoneman’s Station VA Stonewall Brigade Stoney Creek VA stool Stratford Hall (Westmoreland Co. VA) Strawberry Plains TN streetcar stretcher Strickland (Dudley W.) Strong (Edward) Strong (George T.) Strong (J.) Stryker (Lt.) Stryker (William S.) Stuart (H. L.) Stuart (James E. B.) Stubbs (Anna B.) Stull (Marcus B.) Sturges (Fredirick) Sturgis (Russell) Sturgis (Samuel D.) Sturgis (William H.) Subsistence Stores - Transportation Office (Aquia Creek Landing VA) Suckley (George) Sudley Church (Bull Run battlefield) Sudley Ford VA Sudley Sulfur Spring house (Bull Run battlefield) Suffolk VA suit of armor suitcase Sullivan (George W.) Sullivan (John) Sullivan’s Branch TN Sullivan’s Island (Charleston SC) Sullivan’s Island bridge (Charleston harbor) Sullivan’s Island Family Grocery (Charleston SC) Summertown Hotel (Lookout Mountain TN) Sumner (Clarence) Sumner (Edwin V. Jr.) Sumner (Edwin V.) Sumner (Samuel S) Sumter Guard sundial Sunstrom (Mark T.) Surgeon L. R. Stone’s quarters (Harpers Ferry WV) Surratt (Mary E. J.) Suter (Charles R.) Suydam (C. C.) Swain (Julius M.) Swain (R. J.) Swamp Angel (Morris Island SC) Swaney (John) Swards (Henry L.) Swartwout (Samuel M.) Sweet (John E.) Sweitzer (Nelson B.) swivel chair Swope (George K.) sword Sycamore Church (Richmond VA) Sykes (George) Symes (Ruel) Syracuse NY


T. Hartridge (Jacksonville FL) T&A bridge (Duck River TN) Tabb house (Yorktown VA) Tabb Street Presbyterian Church (Petersburg VA) table Taft (George H.) Talbot (Tristum) Talley (William C.) Tanner (Alfred) Tantum (John M.) Tapley (Warren) Taunton Locomotive Manufacturing Company (Taunton MA) Taunton MA Taylor Taylor (Alfred B.) Taylor (Benjamin R.) Taylor (Capt.) Taylor (Constantine) Taylor (Joseph H.) Taylor (Joseph) Taylor (Walter H.) Taylor (William K.) Taylor (William) Taylor (Woodbury M.) Taylor’s Hotel (Winchester VA) Taylor’s Tavern (Falls Church VA) Teague (George H.) Teall (W. W.) Teetotal Restaurant (Charleston SC) telegraph battery wagon telegraph key Telegraph office (New Bern NC) telegraph pole Telegraph Road VA telegraph wire telescope Telford (William H.) Temperance Hill (Knoxville TN) Ten Broeck (John V.) Tenleytown DC Tennessee Tennessee & Alabama Railroad (T&A) Tennessee River Tennessee River bridge Tennessee River bridge (Chattanooga TN) Tennessee River pontoon bridge (Nashville TN) Ternane (George) Terry (Adrian) Terry (Alfred H.) Terwilliger (William H.) Texas Thayer (Joseph H.) Theinhardt (Hugo) theodolite Theoft (Graham) Thiel (G. H.) Thomas (Charles) Thomas (D. G.) Thomas (Evan) Thomas (George H.) Thomas (George S.) Thomas (George) Thomas (Harry) Thomas C. Chandler plantation (Guinea Station VA) Thomas C. Chandler plantation outbuilding (Guinea Station VA) Thomas James Fripp plantation (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas James Fripp plantation house (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas James Fripp plantation slaves’ quarters (St. Helena Island SC) Thomas Nelson house (Yorktown VA) Thomas Rhett’s house (Beaufort SC) Thompson Thompson (G. F.) Thompson (George P.) Thompson (Irving M.) Thompson (Isaac H.) Thompson (John C.) Thompson (Mr.) Thompson (Mrs.) Thoms Thomson (Clifford) Thorndike (Albert) Thornton (James S.) Thorpe (David F.) Thruston (Gates P.) Thurber (Stephen) Tidalholm - Edgar Fripp house (Beaufort SC) Tidball (John C.) Tier (David M.) Tilden (Charles W.) Tilden (Joseph) Tilton (William S.) Tingey House (Washington DC) Tishomingo Hotel (Corinth MS) Titus (Silas) Tobacco Public Warehouse (Richmond VA) Todd (Charles R.) Todd (Luzerne) Todd (William) Todd’s Tavern (Wilderness battlefield VA) Tomb of William Wirt (Washington DC) tompion Tompkins (Charles H.) Tompkins (John Q.) tongs toolbox Tooley (Ashael J.) Topographical Engineers headquarters (Chattanooga TN) Torbert (Alfred T. A.) torpedo torpedo boat Torrey (Joseph C.) Tourjee (Jeremiah H.) Towle (Capt.) Towne (Laura M.) Townsend (David S.) Townsend (Morris W.) Tracy (C. W.) Trask (Ira W.) traveling forge Treadway & Johnson (Petersburg VA) Treadwell (Joshua B.) Treasury Building (Washington DC) Tredegar Iron Works (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works 1861 Gun Foundry (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works Offices (Richmond VA) Tredegar Iron Works Old Foundry (Richmond VA) Treichel (Charles) Trent’s Reach VA triangle Tricke (Mr.) Tricker (John A.) Trimmer (William E.) Trinity Episcopal Church (Washington DC) tripod Tripoli Monument (Annapolis MD) Trobridge (Fred) Trostle's barn (Gettysburg PA) Trostle's house (Gettysburg PA) Trout House (Atlanta GA) Truefitt (Henry P.) trunk Truth (Sojourner) tube pouch Tubman (Harriet) Tuft (Reuben H.) tugboat tugboat 3 tugboat 4 Linda tugboat 5 tugboat 6 tugboat Clyde tugboat Dolphin tugboat Ella tugboat T. H. Champlin tumbler Tunnel Hill GA Turner (Asst. Surg.) Turner (John W.) Turner (Thomas P.) Tuscan Villa Hospital (Alexandria VA) Tuskegee AL Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee AL) Tuskegee Institute Pavilion (Tuskegee AL) Tweedale (John) Twin Sister Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) Twitchell (Adelbert B.) two-man saw Tybee Island GA Tyler (Charles M.) Tyler (Herbert) Tyler (Robert O.) Tyler’s Battery Tynan (Mrs.) Tyson (William W.)


Ulysses S. Grant home (Mount McGregor NY) Ulysses S. Grant’s cottage (Long Branch NJ) umbrella Umbrella Rock (Lookout Mountain TN) umbrella tent Unattached Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Unattached Massachusetts Volunteer Militia (3rd Company) Underwood (Nicholas) Union Arch Bridge (Washington Aqueduct) Union Army Balloon Corps Union House & Dining Saloon (Baltimore MD) Union Mills VA Union Square (New York NY) Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon (Philadelphia PA) Uniontown Bridge (Potomac River) Uniontown MD Unitarian Church (Charleston SC) University of Nashville (Nashville TN) University of Nashville Literary Department (Nashville TN) unknown photographer Upham (Edwin P.) Upland General Army Hospital (Chester PA) Upper Pontoon Bridge (Jones Neck) Upper wharves (Belle Plain VA) Upton (Emory) Urbana IL Urquhart (S. A.) US Armory and Arsenal (Harpers Ferry WV) US Armory Superintendent’s residence (Harpers Ferry WV) US Army US Army headquarters (Nashville TN) US Army Headquarters (Vicksburg MS) US Army Water Works (Chattanooga TN) US Arsenal Cartridge Manufactury (Washington DC) US Bakery (Alexandria VA) US Bakery (Hilton Head SC) US Barracks (Key West FL) US Barracks (Savannah GA) US Botanic Garden (Washington DC) US Capitol (Washington DC) US Christian Commission US Christian Commission headquarters (Germantown MD) US Christian Commission Headquarters (Richmond VA) US Christian Commission Headquarters (Washington DC) US Christian Commission storehouse (Washington DC) US Clothing Department (Washington DC) US Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage (Washington DC) US Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage office (Washington DC) US Engineer Battalion US Engineer Battalion (Company A) US Engineer Battalion (Company B) US Engineer Battalion (Company C) US Engineer Battalion (Company D) US Engineer Battalion (Essayons Dramatic Club) US Engineer Battalion headquarters (Petersburg battlefield VA) US Fire Department (Alexandria, VA) US General Hospital (Hilton Head SC) US Horse Artillery US Horse Artillery (1st Brigade) US Horse Artillery (1st Brigade) headquarters (Brandy Station VA) US Mail dock (Alexandria VA) US Marine Corp headquarters (Bay Point Island SC) US Marine Corps US Military Academy (West Point NY) US Military Academy Barracks (West Point NY) US Military Academy Chapel (West Point NY) US Military Academy Library (West Point NY) US Military Academy Mess Hall (West Point NY) US Military Academy Old Academic Building (West Point NY) US Military Railroads (USMRR) US Military Telegraph Corps US Naval Academy US Naval Academy Hospital (Annapolis MD) US Naval Academy Hospital band US Naval Academy Hospital farm (Annapolis MD) US Naval Academy New Quarters (Annapolis MD) US Navy US Revenue Cutter Service US Sanitary Commission US Sanitary Commission (Beaufort SC) US Sanitary Commission Central Office (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission depot (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Brandy Station VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Gettysburg PA) US Sanitary Commission headquarters (New Bern NC) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (New York NY) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Richmond VA) US Sanitary Commission Headquarters (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission Lodge (Alexandria VA) US Sanitary Commission Lodge No. 4 (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission Lodge No. 5 (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission office (Gettysburg battlefield) US Sanitary Commission storehouse (Washington DC) US Sanitary Commission storerooms (Fredericksburg VA) US Sanitary Commission wagon No. 15 US Signal Corps Headquarters (Washington DC) US Steam Fire Brigade Engine House 3 (Washington DC) US Treasury Battalion USMRR Blockhouse (Chattanooga TN) USMRR boxcar 1 USMRR boxcar 10 USMRR boxcar 1010 USMRR boxcar 1011 USMRR boxcar 1037 USMRR boxcar 1043 USMRR boxcar 1049 USMRR boxcar 1067 USMRR boxcar 1076 USMRR boxcar 1078 USMRR boxcar 1096 USMRR boxcar 1117 USMRR boxcar 1128 USMRR boxcar 1129 USMRR boxcar 1152 USMRR boxcar 1156 USMRR boxcar 1162 USMRR boxcar 1166 USMRR boxcar 1168 USMRR boxcar 1189 USMRR boxcar 119 USMRR boxcar 1192 USMRR boxcar 12 USMRR boxcar 1219 USMRR boxcar 1226 USMRR boxcar 1235 USMRR boxcar 1236 USMRR boxcar 1237 USMRR boxcar 1258 USMRR boxcar 1269 USMRR boxcar 1270 USMRR boxcar 1272 USMRR boxcar 1274 USMRR boxcar 1276 USMRR boxcar 1277 USMRR boxcar 1279 USMRR boxcar 1281 USMRR boxcar 1285 USMRR boxcar 1288 USMRR boxcar 129 USMRR boxcar 1300 USMRR boxcar 1304 USMRR boxcar 1307 USMRR boxcar 1413 USMRR boxcar 1454 USMRR boxcar 150 USMRR boxcar 154 USMRR boxcar 1554 USMRR boxcar 159 USMRR boxcar 196 USMRR boxcar 20 USMRR boxcar 2036 USMRR boxcar 2066 USMRR boxcar 2216 USMRR boxcar 2264 USMRR boxcar 232 USMRR boxcar 26 USMRR boxcar 2628 USMRR boxcar 2660 USMRR boxcar 2674 USMRR boxcar 2727 USMRR boxcar 274 USMRR boxcar 2746 USMRR boxcar 275 USMRR boxcar 276 USMRR boxcar 277 USMRR boxcar 355 USMRR boxcar 38 USMRR boxcar 46 USMRR boxcar 49 USMRR boxcar 510 USMRR boxcar 62 USMRR boxcar 71 USMRR boxcar 719 USMRR boxcar 767 USMRR boxcar 858 USMRR boxcar 9 USMRR boxcar 94 USMRR Car Repair Carpenter Shop (a) (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Carpenter Shop (b) (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Paint Shop (Alexandria VA) USMRR Car Repair Shop (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenter and Bridge Shop (Alexandria VA) USMRR Carpenter Shop (a) (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenter Shop (b) (City Point VA) USMRR Carpenters’ Tool House (City Point VA) USMRR Commissary Dept. (Alexandria VA) USMRR Commissary Warehouse (City Point VA) USMRR Construction Corps USMRR Construction Corps (Gang A) USMRR Construction Corps Gang Houses (City Point VA) USMRR Construction Corps Headquarters (Chattanooga TN) USMRR Construction Storehouse (Alexandria VA) USMRR Engine House (Alexandria VA) USMRR Engine House (City Point VA) USMRR flatcar 149 USMRR flatcar 162 USMRR flatcar 165 USMRR flatcar 166 USMRR flatcar 190 USMRR flatcar 248 USMRR flatcar 25 USMRR flatcar 290 USMRR flatcar 296 USMRR flatcar 305 USMRR flatcar 350 USMRR flatcar 55 USMRR flatcar 56 USMRR flatcar 58 USMRR flatcar 65 USMRR flatcar 83 USMRR flatcar 89 USMRR floating pile driver (a) USMRR floating pile driver (b) USMRR gondola car 2276 USMRR Hospital (Alexandria VA) USMRR Hospital (City Point VA) USMRR hospital car 1082 USMRR Inspection engine USMRR locomotive 116 USMRR locomotive 131 USMRR locomotive 132 USMRR locomotive 133 USMRR locomotive 137 USMRR locomotive 141 USMRR locomotive 150 USMRR locomotive 156 USMRR locomotive 162 USMRR locomotive 39 USMRR locomotive 55/111/Washington (b) USMRR locomotive 56/Cumberland USMRR locomotive 7/Union USMRR locomotive 83 USMRR locomotive 88 USMRR locomotive C. Vibbard USMRR locomotive Chas. Minot USMRR locomotive Christopher Adams Jr. USMRR locomotive Clarke USMRR locomotive Col. Holabird USMRR locomotive Commodore USMRR locomotive D. C. McCallum USMRR locomotive Dover USMRR locomotive E. Corning USMRR locomotive E. L. Wentz USMRR locomotive Eagle USMRR locomotive Eclipse/Scout USMRR locomotive Elk/James M. Motley/W. W. Wright USMRR locomotive Epping USMRR locomotive Fairfax USMRR locomotive Fire Fly USMRR locomotive Fred Leach USMRR locomotive Gen. Dix USMRR locomotive Gen. Haupt/Gen. J. C. Robinson USMRR locomotive Gen. McClellan USMRR locomotive Gen. Scott/Rapidan USMRR locomotive Geo. A. Parker USMRR locomotive Governor Nye USMRR locomotive Hercules/E. M. Stanton USMRR locomotive Homer USMRR locomotive Hoosac USMRR locomotive Humming Bird USMRR locomotive J. H. Devereux USMRR locomotive La Fourche USMRR locomotive Lexington USMRR locomotive Lion USMRR locomotive Maryland USMRR locomotive May Queen USMRR locomotive Monitor USMRR locomotive P. H. Watson/Col. A. Beckwith USMRR locomotive Pickwick USMRR locomotive President USMRR Locomotive Stuart Gwynn/Gen. Meade USMRR locomotive Thornton/Senator USMRR locomotive Union USMRR locomotive Vulcan USMRR locomotive W. H. Whiton USMRR locomotive Warrior/Lt. Gen. Grant USMRR Machine Shop (City Point VA) USMRR Machine Shops (Alexandria VA) USMRR Offices (Alexandria VA) USMRR Offices (City Point VA) USMRR passenger car 13 USMRR passenger car 6 USMRR photographic car USMRR Photographic Department (Alexandria VA) USMRR President Lincoln’s car USMRR Rail Yard (Alexandria VA) USMRR stock car 1061 USMRR stock car 325 USMRR Stockade (Alexandria VA) USMRR Superintendent’s House (City Point VA) USMRR Superintendent’s Quarters (Alexandria VA) USMRR Supply Store (City Point VA) USMRR Turntable (Alexandria VA) USMRR Turntable (City Point VA) USMRR Water Tanks (a) (City Point VA) USMRR Water Tanks (b) (City Point VA) USMRR Wharf (Alexandria VA) USMRR Wharf (City Point VA) USMRR Wharf (Manchester VA) USMRR Wharf Water Tank (City Point VA) USMRR wrecking car 1 USS Advance USS Agamenticus USS Agawam USS Ammonoosuc USS Aroostook USS Atlanta USS Augusta USS Baron DeKalb USS Benton USS Bignonia USS Black Hawk USS Cairo USS Camanche USS Canonicus USS Casco USS Catskill USS Chickasaw USS Chimo USS Choctaw USS Cincinnati USS Colorado USS Commodore McDonough USS Commodore Perry USS Constitution USS Cricket USS Dacotah USS Dahlia USS Dai Ching USS Daisy USS Dictator USS Eastport USS Essex USS Fort Donelson USS Fort Hindman - 13 USS Fort Jackson USS Galena USS General Grant USS General Price USS Genesee USS Hartford USS Horace Beals USS Hunchback USS Indianola USS John Adams USS Kansas USS Kearsarge USS Kenwood USS Kickapoo USS Kineo USS Lackawanna USS Lafayette USS Lehigh USS Louisville USS Macedonian USS Mackinaw USS Magnolia USS Mahopac USS Malvern USS Manayunk USS Manhattan USS Maratanza USS Marblehead USS Massasoit USS Mendota USS Miami USS Miantonomoh USS Milwaukee USS Mingoe USS Mississippi USS Monadnock USS Monitor USS Montauk USS Morse USS Mound City USS Nahant USS Nantucket USS Neosho USS New Hampshire USS New Ironsides USS Niagara USS Nipsic USS O. M. Pettit USS Ohio USS Onondaga USS Osage USS Ozark USS Passaic USS Patapsco USS Pawnee USS Pensacola USS Peosta USS Pequot USS Periwinkle USS Philadelphia USS Pittsburgh USS Plymouth USS Pocahontas USS Portsmouth USS Puritan USS Queen City USS Red Rover USS Rhode Island USS Richmond USS Roanoke USS Sabine USS Saco USS Sangamon USS Santee USS Santiago De Cuba USS Saratoga USS Saugus USS Savannah USS Shawnee USS Shawsheen USS Signal USS Silver Cloud - 28 USS St. Louis USS Stepping Stones USS Susquehanna USS Tonawanda USS Tristram Shandy USS Tyler USS Unadilla USS Vermont USS Vindicator USS Wabash USS Wassuc USS Weehawken USS William H. Brown USS Winona USS Yankee


W. H. Whiton house (Georgetown DC) W. P. Burnett’s house (Cold Harbor VA) W&G Streetcar 15 W&W Bridge (Neuse River NC) Wade (James F.) Wadsworth (David) Wadsworth (James S.) Wadsworth (Melvyn C.) wagon Wagon Hotel (Gettysburg PA) Wainwright (Charles S.) Walcott (Alfred F.) Walcutt (Charles C.) Walden (Percy) Waldron (Franklin H.) Wales (Thomas B.) Walker (Francis A.) Walker (J. G.) Walker (John H.) Walker (Leicester) Walker (Mrs.) Walker (William F.) Walker (William Jr.) Walker plantation (Beaufort SC) walking stick wall tent Wallace (Campbell W.) Wallace (Edwin A.) Wallace (George C.) Wallace (Jonathan) Wallace (Robert C.) Wallach house (Culpeper VA) Wallis Brothers Premium Photograph Gallery (Chicago IL) Walrey (C.) Walters (Surg.) Walton (J. C.) War Bonnet War Department (Washington DC) Ward (John H. H.) Ward (John L.) Ward (John Langdon) Ward (Mr.) Ward (William G.) Ward (William M.) Warner (C. N.) Warner (E. R.) Warner (Frederick R.) Warner (Willard) Warren (Gouverneur K.) Warren (Lt.) Warren County Courthouse (Vicksburg MS) Warren Station VA Warrenton Pike VA Warrenton VA Warrington FL wash basin wash tub washboard Washburn (Albert) Washburn (Francis) Washington (James B.) Washington (Sam) Washington and Georgetown Railway (W&G) Washington Aqueduct Washington Arsenal (Washington DC) Washington Circle (Washington DC) Washington City Canal (Washington DC) Washington DC Washington Monument (Washington DC) Washington Navy Yard (Washington DC) Washington Navy Yard barracks (Washington DC) Washington Street Hospital (a) (Alexandria VA) Washington Street Hospital (a) (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Hospital (b) (Alexandria VA) Washington Street Hospital (b) (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Methodist Church (Petersburg VA) Washington Street Military Prison (Alexandria VA) Washington Water Works (District of Columbia) Washington’s mother’s house (Fredericksburg VA) Washington’s mother’s tomb (Fredericksburg VA) washstand water barrel water cart water trough Waterhouse (John R.) watering can Waterman (Richard) Watmough (Joseph H.) Watson (Charles H.) Watson House (Nashville TN) Watters (C.) Watts (Capt.) Watts (Richard A.) Watts (William B.) Waud (Alfred R.) Wauhatchie TN Way (George) Webb (Alexander S.) Weber (Julius) Webster (Amos) Webster (George W.) Webster (Mr.) Wedemeyer (William G.) wedge tent Weeden (William B.) Weihl (Lt.) Weinbrenner (D. C.) Weir (Henry C.) Weitzel (Godfrey) Weitzel (Lewis) Welcome (Philip) Weld (Frank M.) Weld (S. M.) Welford House (Brandy Station VA) Welford’s Ford VA Welford’s Mill (Welford’s Ford VA) well lift Welles (Gideon) Wells (Capt.) Wells (Daniel T.) Wells (George D.) Wertz (John M.) West (Benjamin G.) West (C. P. F.) West (George W.) West Chickamauga Creek GA West Point NY West Roxbury MA West Virginia Western & Atlantic Railroad (W&A) Westmoreland County VA Weston Manor (City Point VA) Westover House (Harrison’s Landing VA) Westover Landing VA Weymouth (Harrison G. O.) Whaler (Lt.) Wharf boat (Cairo IL) Wheaton (Charles) wheelbarrow wheelchair Wheeler (C. E.) Wheeler (Daniel D.) Wheeler (George N.) Wheeler (James R.) Whelan (Arvin F.) Whidden (George A.) Whipple (Amiel W.) Whipple (William D.) Whitaker (Edward W.) White (Austin J.) White (Charles H.) White (Charles T.) White (Daniel) White (Julius) White (Whitman V.) White House (Washington DC) White House (White House Landing VA) White House Landing VA White Oak Church (Falmouth VA) White Oak Swamp Va White Sulphur Springs bridge (Rappahannock River) White Sulphur Springs Hotel (White Sulphur Springs VA) White Sulphur Springs VA Whitehall Ferry Landing (Beaufort SC) Whitehead (Irvine G.) Whitehouse (E. N) Whiteley (L. A.) Whiteside TN Whiting (Charles J.) Whiting (Lt.) Whitman (Jones) Whitman (Walter) Whitney (Allston W.) Whitney (Benjamin F.) Whitney (Edward T.) Whitney (George A.) Whitney (Joel P.) Whitney (William H.) Whittier (Charles A.) Whittier (Edward N.) Whittlesey (Charles H.) Whitworth shell Whitworth shot Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants (Atlanta GA) Wholesale Shoe House (Petersburg VA) Whyte (Surg.) Wiard field carriage Wiard rifle gun Wiggin (Frank) Wiggin (Pierce L.) Wight (Edward) Wilbur (E. R.) Wilcox Landing VA Wilcox Lodge (Wilcox Landing VA) Wilderness battlefield VA Wilderness Church (Wilderness battlefield VA) Wiles Wiley (Daniel D.) Wiley (John A.) Wiley (Sullivan) Wilkes House (Washington DC) Wilkes Street Tunnel (Alexandria VA) Wilkins (Ira G.) Wilkins (Williams W.) Will (William F.) Willcox (Orlando B.) William Aiken’s house (Charleston SC) William Allen house (Richmond VA) William Atkins William B. Richards house (Alexandria VA) William F. Browne’s photographic wagon William H. Forbes’ quarters (Vienna VA) William Higby - Watchmaker & Jeweler William N. Thornton house (Bull Run battlefield) William Pitt the Elder statue (Charleston SC) Williams (Augustus H. D.) Williams (Henry C.) Williams (Lt.) Williams (Pvt.) Williams (R. Westley) Williams (Seth) Williamsport MD Williard (Nathaniel L.) Willis (Nathaniel P.) Williston (Lt.) Willoughby Run PA Wilmington & Weldon Railroad (W&W) Wilson (Hiram S.) Wilson (James H.) Wilson (James M.) Wilson (John H.) Wilson (John) Wilson (P. B.) Wilson (Samuel H.) Wilson (Thomas) Wilson (wagon master) Wilson (William) Winchester & Potomac Railroad (W&P) Winchester VA Winder (Charles S.) Winder Building (Washington DC) wine glass wine or beer bottle Wing (C. T.) Wing (Harrison B.) Wing (W. W.) Winslow (Gordon) Winslow (John A.) Winsor (Gershorn C.) Wirz (Heinrich H.) Wise (George D.) Wise (George W.) Wise (Henry A.) Wise house (South Mountain MD) Withers (Jones M.) Wm. Tillman’s Saddle & Harness Manufactory (Vicksburg MS) Wolf Hill (Gettysburg battlefield) Wolfe Street Hospital (Alexandria VA) Wolsey (Charles W.) Wood (Bradford R.) Wood (Col.) Wood (Joseph) Wood (Lt. Col.) Wood (scout) Woodbury (Asst. Surg.) Woodbury (Augustus) Woodbury (David B.) Woodbury’s bridge (Chickahominy River) Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland OH) Woodruff (Carle A.) Woods (Patrick) Woodworth (Madison J. C.) Woolen mill (Petersburg VA) Woosung (China) worm Worrall (Capt.) Worth (William S.) Worthen (George E.) Worthington (Leslie G.) Worthley (Alfred W.) Worthley (James C.) Wren (George W.) Wright (Alexander M.) Wright (Charles J.) Wright (Ely F.) Wright (Horatio G.) Wright (Joseph W. B.) Wright (Samuel) Wright (Thomas S.) Wright (William W.) Wyckoff (Albert V.) Wyett (Charles E.)