Tag: Gen. Butler’s headquarters (New Orleans LA)

Wikipedia says: In April 1862, following the city’s occupation by the Union Navy after the Battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Northern forces occupied the city. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, a respected Massachusetts lawyer serving in that state’s militia, was appointed military governor. New Orleans residents supportive of the Confederacy nicknamed him “Beast” Butler, because of an order he issued. After his troops had been assaulted and harassed in the streets by women still loyal to the Confederate cause, his order warned that such future occurrences would result in his men treating such women as those “plying their avocation in the streets”, implying that they would treat the women like prostitutes. Accounts of this spread widely. He also came to be called “Spoons” Butler because of the alleged looting that his troops did while occupying the city, during which time he himself supposedly pilfered silver flatware.

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