Tag: Gen. Rawlin’s cabin (City Point VA)

Contructed in the late 1864 near Appomattox Manor.

Williss, Historical Base Maps. Appomattox Manor – City Point says: In November, when Grant was away, cabins were constructed for the coming winter. The cabins formed an open rectangle running east from the manor entrance road nearly to the bluff overlooking the James River. Thirteen cabins that faced north made up the southern side of the rectangle, three were on the east, six were on the wesst, and the north side was open. The six cabins on the west were in two rows, one with four cabins, the second with two.

The cabins were constructed of split juniper, or lined with it. The logs in Grant’s cabin and two others were vertical, the others horizontal. All cabins had one or two windows, fireplaces, and enough room for two bunks.