Tag: Petersburg Gas Works (Petersburg VA)
Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book Of The War. Vol. 2, No. 81. View of the Petersburg Gas Works. May, 1865. Showing in the roof, and in various other places, the damage sustained from General Grant’s lines, which, during the year 1864, were advanced to within a mile and a half of this spot. A noble smoke-stack, upwards of eighty feet high, built of brick, and standing in advance of the structure, was so terribly mutilated by shot and shell, as finally to totter completely to the ground, where it now lies a mass of rubbish. Forming, as it did, a sort of target, at which the Federal batteries were in the habit of taking aim. the consequence was that most of the houses hereabouts, and particularly those in Bollingbrook and Lombard streets, suffered more severely than in any other portion of the city, many of them being entirely demolished.
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