Tag: Savage’s Station VA

Wikipedia says: Savage’s Station was the wartime name of a supply depot, ammunition dump, field hospital, and command headquarters of the Army of the Potomac during the Peninsula Campaign of the American Civil War. Savage’s Station was located in Henrico County, Virginia on what was the Richmond and York River Railroad, however the historical department of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, the railroad track’s current owner, has no record that an actual train station or station house ever existed on the property. A farmhouse is known to have been located in a copse of trees on a small knoll next to the railroad track and is visible in several period drawings and photographs made during the war. The house served as the nucleus of a large field hospital during and after the battle of Seven Pines and the Seven Days Battles. The house also functioned as General George B. McClellan’s headquarters during the battle of Savage’s Station on June 29, 1862. Although the house survived the battle in 1862, it was burned by Federal cavalry under General Philip H. Sheridan in 1864.