Tag: side-wheeler Diamond

Photographed at Charleston, SC in April of 1865.

Gibson and Gibson, Dictionary of Transports and Combatant Vessels Steam and Sail Employed by the Union Army, 1861-1868 says: DIAMOND; sidewheel steamer; 456 tons. Chartered June 29, 1861, for unknown period; Apr 28, 1864, for unknown period. During May of 1864 this vessel was fitted out as the Army of the Potomac’s telegraphic dispatch boat at Pope’s Creek on the south side of the Potomac, located just north of Nomini Bay. Margin notes state vessel was purchased Nov 1, 1864, at New York City; cost of vessel $45,000. One of 99 vessels engaged in the supply of Sherman’s army after it reached the sea at Savannah, Georgia, in Dec of 1864, and later during the Carolina campaign of early 1865.