Tag: side-wheeler State of Maine

Photographed at Alexandria, May-June, 1864.

Gibson and Gibson, Dictionary of Transports and Combatant Vessels Steam and Sail Employed by the Union Army, 1861-1868 says: STATE OF MAINE; sidewheel steamer; 806 tons; 840 tons. First employed in Apr 1861 to move Massachusetts troops to Fortress Monroe, Virginia; later supported the Peninsular campaign. Chartered Mar 4-Sept 24, 1862; was detailed for the use of the Sanitary Commission. Used as hospital ship and medical supply vessel during Grant’s drive on Richmond, May 1864. Used again as a hospital ship during siege of Richmond, but no charter account is found that May-June period of utilization, the employment having possibly been to the fiscal account of the Sanitary Commission. Chartered Aug. 18, 1864-Aug 11, 1865.