Tag: side-wheeler Western Metropolis

Gibson and Gibson, Dictionary of Transports and Combatant Vessels Steam and Sail Employed by the Union Army, 1861-1868 says: WESTERN METROPOLIS; steamer; 2269 tons. Chartered Dec 23, 1863-Jan 24, 1865. Was used as a hospital ship during 1864 for evacuation of wounded during the Richmond campaign, being rated for 450 beds. Chartered May 22-July 21, 1865. Ran down and captured British merchant ship ROSITA (a blockade runner) on Jan 28, 1864. ROSITA was taken into Key West with a prize crew for adjudication. Capture was made with assistance of troop passengers. Except for small arms, WESTERN METROPOLIS was not armed at the time of making the capture.

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