Tag: USMRR locomotive Commodore

Hochadel, Abraham’s Engines says: New Jersey no. 322. 4-4-0. 16×22 in. cylinders. 60 in. drivers. 28 tons. 1863.05.16 Purchased for $13,000 as USMRR Dept. of Virginia #87/“Commodore.” 1863.06-1864.02, 1864.04-07 Repaired at Alexandria. 1864.04 Derailed by Confederates on Orange & Alexandria railroad near Brandy Station. 1864 Sent to USMRR Dept. of North Carolina, becoming #15/“Commodore.” Used on Moorehead City and Goldsborough line. 1865-1866 Sold to the Wilmington & Weldon RR after the war for $15,000, then transferred to the Orange & Alexandria RR, becoming “Virginia.”

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