Tag: USMRR locomotive Hoosac
Hochadel, Abraham’s Engines says: Souther built. 4-4-0. 16×20 in. cylinders. 56 in. drivers. 27 tons. 1854 Built as “Hoosac” for the Fitchburg RR. 1862.03.15 Purchased from the Fitchburg for $6550 to become USMRR Dept. of Virginia #9/“Hoosac.” 1862.04, 1862.09-1863.01, 1863.06-1864.02, 1864.04-07 Repaired at Alexandria. 1862-1863 Used on the Orange & Alexandria RR and the Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. 1864-1865 Used on O&A and construction. 1865.07 Sold to the Baltimore & Ohio RR for $4,800, becoming #295. 1873 Retired by.
Abdill, Civil War Railroads says: This old 4-4-0 with circular steam chests was built by John Souther of Boston in 1854 for the Fitchburg Railroad and was named the HOOSAC. The photograph shown here was copied from an old daguerreotype taken between 1854 and 1862, when the HOOSAC was sold to the Federal Government for service on the United Sates Military Railroads.
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