Tag: USMRR locomotive Humming Bird
Hochadel, Abraham’s Engines says: Baldwin no. 633. 4-4-0. 16×22 in. cylinders. 58 in. drivers. 27.5 tons. 1855.01 Built as “Humming Bird” for the Philadelphia & Reading RR. 1863.01.25 Purchased from the P&R for $6000 to become USMRR Dept. of Virginia #74/“Humming Bird.” 1863.01-1864.02, 1864.04-07 Repaired at Alexandria. 1863-1864 Used on the Orange & Alexandria RR and construction. 1865 Used on the City Point & Army Line RR. 1865 Sold to W. L. Scott for $4,600.
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