Tag: USMRR locomotive May Queen
Hochadel, Abraham’s Engines says: Norris no. 1054. 4-4-0. 16×24 in. cylinders. 56 in. drivers. 29 tons. 1863.01.28 Purchased for $10,990.10. Virginia #75/“May Queen.” 1863.04.06 Shot. 1863.02-05, 1863.07-1864.02, 1864.04-07 Repaired at Alexandria. 1863 Used on the Orange & Alexandria RR and Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. 1864-1865 Used on the City Point & Army Line. 1865.10 Sold to the Baltimore & Ohio RR for $12,500 becoming #509(?) on the Central Ohio. 1884 Dropped from roster by.
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