Tag: USMRR locomotive Union

Hochadel, Abraham’s Engines says: Baldwin no. 1061. 4-4-0. 16×24 in. cylinders. 54 in. drivers. 29.5 tons. 1862.06 Purchased for $9500 from the builder as USMRR Dept. of Virginia #33/“Union.” 1862.06.26 Received at Alexandria. 1862.03 Listed as on hand at Alexandria (apparently before it was built). 1862-1863 Used on the Orange & Alexandria RR and construction. 1862.04, 1862.06-09 Repaired at Alexandria. 1862.09 rebuilt at Alexandria. 1862.10-64.02, 1864.04-05, 1864.07 Repaired at Alexandria. 1864 Used on the Winchester & Potomac RR. 1865 Transferred to become Dept. of North Carolina #10/“Union.” 1864(?) Used in North Carolina on the Moorehead City and Goldsborough line (apparently before it was transferred there). 1865.10 Sold to the Baltimore & Ohio after war, becoming #284. 1883 Retired by.