Tag: West Chickamauga Creek GA

Wikipedia says: Chickamauga Creek refers to two short tributaries of the Tennessee River, which join the river near Chattanooga, Tennessee. The two streams are North Chickamauga Creek and South Chickamauga Creek, joining the Tennessee from the north and south side, respectively. There is also a West Chickamauga Creek, which is a much longer tributary of the South Chickamauga Creek.

…A major tributary of the South Chickamauga Creek is West Chickamauga Creek, which rises out of the confluence of Mud Creek and Mill Creek, and is joined by Brotherton Creek, just northeast of the Zahnd Wildlife Management Area between Rising Fawn and Lafayette in Walker County, Georgia. (Note: One EPA Watershed Report shows the West Chickamauga as rising out of the south end of Lookout Mountain, near Sandy Hollow. However, the same map labels that part of the creek as “Hog Jowl Creek”, although the pop-up active link shows the Creek as “West Chickamauga Creek” According to the topozone.com topographical map, the length of West Chickamauga Creek is more than 37 miles (60 km) miles long from its start to “mile marker 0”, where it joins the South Chickamauga Creek, which is approximately 35 miles (56 km) long. However, the first map labels that part of the creek as “Hog Jowl Creek”, although the pop-up active link shows the Creek as “West Chickamauga Creek” If that is the case, its length is closer to 50 miles (80 km). The West Chickamauga flows northeast through Walker and Catoosa counties in Northwest Georgia, and forms the southeast border of the Chickamauga National Military Park in Chickamauga, Fort Oglethorpe and Ringgold, Georgia. It winds northeast to join the South Chickamauga Creek near Brown Acres Golf Course in eastern Hamilton County, Tennessee, just north of the Tennessee/Georgia border. West Chickamauga Creek can be navigated by kayak or canoe from near Gordon and Lee Mill (Chickamauga, GA) northeast, to where it joins with the South Chickamauga Creek, and from there northward to the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Its mean annual flow velocity (estimate) is 0.77 feet (0.23 m) per second.