Tag: Woodbury (David B.)

Wikipedia says: David B. Woodbury (1839–1879) was arguably the best of the artists who stayed with Brady through the war. In March 1862, Mathew Brady sent Woodbury and Edward Whitney out to photograph the 1st Bull Run battlefield, and in May, views of the Peninsula Campaign. In July 1863, Woodbury and Anthony Berger photographed the Gettysburg battlefield for Brady, returning on November 19 to take “pictures of the crowd and Procession” (Nov. 23, 1863 letter to sister Eliza). In the summer of 1864, Woodbury photographed Grant’s Headquarters Command for Brady, who had replaced Alexander Gardner as official photographer. On April 24, Woodbury assisted J.F. Coonley on the steps the Treasury Building, for the purpose of photographing the Grand Review of the Army, “the plates being exposed with a drop shutter, this being the nearest thing to an instantaneous exposure with a wet plate.” David B. Woodbury died December 30, 1866 in Gibraltar, where he had traveled, seeking a milder climate for his declining health caused by consumption.