
File Details: AAOVm, 300 DPI, TIFF, Copy Negative, 5 Mb

Image ID: AAOV


by Russelll (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

6.5 in. x 8.5 in.


bedroll; cartridge box; cup; long gun

Locations & Lines:

Fredericksburg VA; Virginia

Military Units:

6th Corps; 6th Corps (1st Division); US Army


House Of Mirth Photos; Library of Congress; National Archives; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection; Western Reserve Historical Society

Library of Congress says: [Union soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, Virginia] [attributed to Russell]

The MOLLUS Collection says: [handwritten] Line of Brooks’ division, Fredericksburg, VA April 29 or 30, 1863.

Western Reserve Historical Society says: [Brook’s Division of the Sixth Corps gathered in abandoned Confederate works on the west bank of the Rappahanock River]

Etched onto negative: 300, 768 [both crossed out]. 291.

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