
File Details: ABCGm, 600 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 25.1 Mb

Image ID: ABCG


by Russell (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

11 in. x 14 in.


bayonet; long gun

Locations & Lines:

Arlington VA; Virginia

Military Units:

Army of the Potomac; US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Arlington House (Arlington VA)


J. Paul Getty Museum; Library of Congress

Russell, United States Military Railroad Photographic Album. No. 111. – Arlington House, June 29, 1864. Former Residence of Rebel Gen. Robert E. Lee.

The Getty print contains considerably more of the left and bottom of the image than the Library of Congress print, perhaps indicating the lower left corner of the negative was damaged in the time between the two prints.