Image ID: ABDK


by Russell (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

4.5 in. x 10 in. stereo


wall tent

Locations & Lines:

City Point VA; City Point & Army Line Railroad (CP&AL); James River; Virginia

Military Units:

US Military Railroads (USMRR); US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA); Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (a) (City Point VA); Capt. Camp’s Wharf Storehouse (b) (City Point VA); Dispatcher’s and Forage Master’s Office (City Point VA); Quartermaster Forage Wharf Storehouse (City Point VA); Quartermaster’s Office – Capt. Camp’s Wharf (City Point VA); USMRR Carpenters’ Tool House (City Point VA); USMRR Offices (City Point VA)


boxcar; brigantine; flatcar; schooner


Metropolitan Museum of Art; National Archives; University of Maryland (Baltimore County); USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

G. Frank Williss, Historical Base Maps. Appomattox Manor – City Point, p116: Storehouse and Office on Wharf 5.

Forms panorama with Related Image.

Etched onto negative: View of City Point.