
File Details: AFNZm, 300 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 6.1 Mb

Image ID: AFNZ


by Gardner (Alexander)



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.


scabbard; sword

Locations & Lines:

Arlington VA; Fort Richardson VA; Virginia

Military Units:

1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery; US Army


Chrysler Museum of Art; Library of Congress; National Archives

Chrysler Museum says: Checking Orders at Fort Richardson, Virginia. [ca. 1862]

National Archives says: Officers of 1st Heavy Artillery, Fort Richardson, Va.

National Archives also says: Officer of the 2nd. Conn. volunteers.

Chrysler Museum credits Gardner.

Surviving negatives are reduction copies, reducing the image to album card (or faux stereo card) size.

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