
Image ID: AHZA


unknown photographer



Negative Size:



bayonet; book; cap box; folding stool; horse; long gun

Military Units:

15th Pennsylvania Cavalry; Army of the Cumberland; US Army


Allen (George Q.); Tweedale (John); Whipple (William D.)


Department of the Cumberland field office wagon; field office wagon


Library of Congress; National Archives; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Library of Congress says: Brigadier General William Dennison Whipple of General Staff U.S. Volunteers Infantry Regiment, Private John Tweedale of Co. B, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, and Private George Q. Allen of Co. B and Co. L, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment in uniform working at field office wagon. [Notation on verso: “Adjt. Genls. Office Dept. of the Cumberland in the Field. No. 1 Brig. Gen. W.D. Whipple, Chief of Staff handing order to No. 2 John Tweedale, Anderson Cavalry, Chief Clerk, No. 3 George Q. Allen…”]

Unidentified location.

National Archives says: Gen. Thomas, Wagon Headquarters (Field Pharmacy).

Etched onto negative: Field Pharmacy.

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