
File Details: AIEFm, 800 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 41.4 Mb

Image ID: AIEF


by Gardner (Alexander)



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.


horse; telegraph pole; telegraph wire

Locations & Lines:

Antietam MD; Antietam Creek MD; Maryland; Sharpsburg & Boonsboro Pike

Military Units:

CS Army; US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Burnside’s Bridge (Antietam Creek)


ambulance wagon; freight wagon


Chrysler Museum of Art; Library of Congress; National Archives; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book Of The War. Vol. 1, No. 19. Antietam Bridge, Maryland. September, 1862. This structure crosses Antietam Creek on the turnpike leading from Boonesboro’ to Sharpsburg, and is one of the the memorable spots in the history of the war, although but little suggestive in its present sunny repose, of the strife which took place near it, on the day of the battle of Antietam. Traces of the engagement are evident in the overturned stone wall, the shattered fences, and down-trodden appearance of the adjacent ground. On the night of the 16th of September, the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac captured this bridge after a sharp fight, holding it until the infantry came up. The fire of our artillery, planted on the ridges near the bridge, was terrible, at one time no doubt contributed principally to the success of our partially disordered lines in checking the headlong assaults of the enemy.
After Lee’s second invasion of Maryland, which ended with the battle of Gettysburg, and the escape of his army into Virginia at Williamsport and Falling Waters, Gen. Meade had his headquarters for a number of days on a wooded ridge called the “Devil’s Backbone,” situated near this stream, along which the Army of the Potomac was encamped. Very little now remains to mark the adjacent fields as a battle ground. Houses and fences have been repaired, harvests have ripened over the breasts of the fallen, and the ploughshare only now and then turns up a shot, as a relic of that great struggle.

Chrysler: Antietam Bridge on Sharpsburg and Boonesboro Turnpike. [September 22, 1862.]

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