Image ID: ALFQ


by Russell (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

4.5 in. x 10 in. stereo


cheval de frise

Locations & Lines:

Fort Mahone VA; Petersburg battlefield VA; Rives’ Salient (Petersburg battlefield VA); Rives’ Salient – Battery 27 (Petersburg battlefield VA); Virginia

Military Units:

2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery; CS Army; US Army


Krepps (John B.); Russell (Andrew J.)


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Photographic History. The War For The Union. War Views. No. 3217. Breastworks and “Cheavaux de Frise” in the Rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers “Fort Damnation. “Lieut. J.B. Krepps, 2d Penn. Veteran Artillery and comrades viewing the works. This view was taken April 3d, 1865, after the storming of Petersburgh [sic], Va. [Anthony Co. stereo card]

Photographer Russell seated in background.

Anthony No. 3217.

Etched onto negative: 3217. copyright.

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