Image ID: AMCP


by Russell (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

11 in. x 14 in.

Locations & Lines:

Alexandria VA; Orange & Alexandria Railroad (O&A); Virginia

Military Units:

US Military Railroads (USMRR); US Army

Structures & Establishments:

F. V. Streeter’s headquarters (Alexandria VA); O&A Baggage Room (Alexandria VA); O&A Round House (Alexandria VA); O&A Sand House (Alexandria VA); O&A Water Tank (Alexandria VA)


flatcar; passenger car; USMRR boxcar 1152; USMRR boxcar 1269


Colgate University; Cowan Auctions; DeGolyer Library SMU; Huntington Library

Huntington Library says: Eastern view of round house and depot, Orange & Alexandria Railroad. Photograph shows a line of U.S.M.R.R. railroad cars sitting on the track in front of the roundhouse at the Orange & Alexandria railroad yard in Alexandria, Virginia. Railroad signal lights on pole and wood debris in foreground. The car in far left bottom corner of frame has No. 1152 printed on its side. 1863.

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