
File Details: AOQDm, 750 DPI, TIFF, Original Negative, 16.1 Mb

Image ID: AOQD


by Gardner (Alexander)



Negative Size:

4 in. x 10 in. stereo

Locations & Lines:

Antietam battlefield; Keedysville MD; Maryland; Smith’s farm (Keedysville MD)

Military Units:

14th Indiana Infantry; CS Army; US Army


Hurd (Anson)

Structures & Establishments:

Smith’s farm barn (Keedysville MD)


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Library of Congress says: Brady’s Album Gallery, no. 588. Dr. A. Hurd, 14th Indiana Volunteers, attending to Confederate wounded after the Battle of Antietam. [Brady Co. album card]

Confederate wounded at Smith’s Barn, with Dr. Anson Hurd, 14th Indiana Volunteers, in attendance, near Keedysville, MD.

Brady No. 588.

Gardner No. 588.

Etched onto negative: 411 [crossed out]. 588.

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