
File Details: APDLm, 750 DPI, TIFF, Copy Negative, 22.1 Mb

Image ID: APDL


by Gardner (Alexander)



Negative Size:

4.5 in. x 10 in. stereo

Locations & Lines:

Richmond VA; Virginia

Structures & Establishments:

Gallego Flour Mills (Richmond VA)


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Memories of the War. No. 908. Ruins of Galligo [sic] Flour Mills, Richmond, from Canal Street, said to be the largest mills in the country, capable of turning out 2,100 barrels of flour per day – view from Canal Street. 10th April, 1865. [Gardner Co. album card]

Gardner No. 908.

Etched onto negative: 908.

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