
File Details: ATGAm, 240 DPI, JPEG, Original Photograph, .3 Mb

Image ID: ATGA


by Carbutt (John)



Negative Size:



trunk; wall tent

Locations & Lines:

Columbus KY; Kentucky

Military Units:

134th Illinois Infantry; US Army


Pierce (Reuben P.)


Private collection

eBay listing says: The hand written caption to this antique stereoview reads “Tent of Q.M. R.P. Pierce” (I’m assuming Q.M. stands for quarter master). Hand written on the reverse is “R.P. Pierce with the comp’s of J. Carbutt”. Pictured are four Civil War soldiers sitting under a makeshift tent with a bare footed Afro American boy standing off to the right. The Library of Congress has a collection of Carbutt stereoviews and has several that are extremely similar to this view all picturing soldiers in makeshift brush covered tents. The Library of Congress states that the views are from the 134th Illinois Volunteer Infantry’s deployment in Columbus, Kentucky in 1864.

Young African-american boy in attendance.

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