
File Details: ATUAm, 800 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 4.7 Mb

Image ID: ATUA


by Osborn & Durbec



Negative Size:


Locations & Lines:

Charleston harbor; Charleston SC; Fort Sumter SC; South Carolina

Military Units:

CS Army; US Army


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Printed label associated with original prints: Exterior view of the gorge of Fort Sumter on the 14th April 1861 after its evacuation by Maj. Robert Anderson 1st Arty. U.S.A. Commdg showing that portion towards Cummings’ Point, Morris’ [i.e. Morris] Island.

South Carolina Views. No. 44. Fort Sumter – after the first bombardment in 1861. [G. N. Barnard stereo card]

Forms panorama with Related Images AQJN, AQKT and ATUA.