Image ID: AYXR


unknown photographer



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.


Barbette carriage (center pintle-iron); bayonet; cannon; cap box; handspike (wood); handspike wrench; lanyard; long gun; Parrott Rifle gun; Parrott shell; rammer staff; scabbard; siege carriage; sponge staff; sword; tube pouch

Locations & Lines:

District of Columbia; Fort Lincoln DC; Washington DC

Military Units:

3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery; 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (Company H); US Army


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Library of Congress says: District of Columbia. Gun crews of Company H, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, at Fort Lincoln.

The MOLLUS Collection says: Co. H, 3rd Mass. Heavy Artillery. Fort Lincoln.

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